The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 272: Raid (please subscribe)

  Chapter 272 Attack (for subscription)

  Wind Thorn soon saw the effect of the pollen centaur splitting into two, changing from two to three.

   At the same time, I also saw the speed at which the pollen centaur devoured the flesh.

  Wind Thorn quickly understood, if he brought 1,200 pollen centaurs into the assembly point, what kind of effect would the instant burst of pollen centaurs bring.

   "This centaur is so strong, can we change?"

"Of course, Zhuifeng has already agreed, as long as you follow him back to the centaur city, you will have a chance to transform into this kind of pollen centaur, but I don't think this is the strongest centaur under Zhuifeng. .

  Brother, let me tell you secretly that there is a kind of nightmare centaur on the human side, and that is really strong. One person can be used as a legion. "

  Feng Jian said in a low voice.

  Feng Thorn was a little disdainful when he heard it: "It's fake, how can one person be used as a legion."

   "It's true. I've seen it with my own eyes. That chasing wind is taking this route. He can keep creating clones. Each clone has his combat power. There are fifty clones in total."

   Upon hearing this, Feng Thorn was upset.

  It is also a centaur, and Zhuifeng can act as fifty people by himself, but he can only lead a hundred soldiers.

  This kind of elf family, what else can they do if they are gone.

   "I did, what are you going to do with it."

   "Brother, you find an excuse to bring out your centaur, I will replenish the pollen centaur for you, and we will take the ordinary centaur away, and then other centaur heroes will do the same.

   It is up to you to handle the matters in the camp at the gathering point. When you hear our attack, you first take down other vassal races. Remember, we will bring nothing but centaurs this time.

  Give the centaur a chance because Master Zhuifeng is a centaur, and he is willing to give us a chance.

  Other races are all flesh and blood cannon fodder.

In addition, Mr. Zhuifeng said that as much as the pollen centaurs snatched in this battle, he can control as many as he gets. Of the 1,200 pollen centaurs, 900 of the pollen centaurs were produced by Mr. Zhuifeng. A few gathered 300 people and sent them over.

   At that time, the 300 centaurs will be returned to us, and the 900 from Mr. Zhuifeng's side will be regarded as sincerity for everyone. "

   Speaking of this, Fengjian said again: "In addition, the hundred ordinary centaurs you brought with you will be yours after the battle. Lord Zhuifeng doesn't bother to bring ordinary centaurs."

   Hearing this, Feng Thorn said with certainty: "Okay, I know about this matter, and I will handle the next matter, just wait outside."

  Feng Spur can be regarded as a character who keeps his word, he turned his head and returned to the gathering point.

  He immediately found a few of his friends, and when he told about the situation, a few of his friends were also a little moved.

  So the centaur at the gathering point went out for a walk from time to time, saying that they had stayed here for too long, and their bones were a little loose, so they wanted to go out for a run.

   For the centaur, other races have long been familiar with it.

  Which race has no faults of its own? Who can say clearly that dwarves still like to dig holes after staying in one place for a long time.

   It's just that most people didn't notice that what they brought out was a red centaur, and what they brought back was a pink centaur, which looked like a bitch.

   But for other vassal races, they can't see the difference between centaurs at all.

   It's as if the centaur couldn't tell the difference between a dwarf's beard being spread out and braided.

   After all the pollen centaurs entered the gathering point, Zhuifeng also led eight centaur heroes to surround the gathering point.

  He looked at the time, "The news about the destruction of those two gathering points is about to spread. Whether or not our subsequent battle will go smoothly depends on this battle."

  After speaking, he waved his hand, and the nightmare centaur behind him began to disintegrate automatically, and the mirror image centaur and phantom centaur quickly appeared.

  Then the demonized centaur took the initiative to walk into the team of the nightmare centaur, raised the weapon in his hand and prepared to rush out.

   At this time, Zhuifeng heard a strange bell from the sky.

   "Found it, charge!"

  Zhuifeng understands that the two gathering points he took down before have been discovered, and now is a good time to attack.

   Sure enough, when the bell rang, all the gathering points outside the Elven Giant Tree City responded.

  They thought it was the bell of the attack, and they all wanted to go out of the gathering point to see what happened.

   At this time, Zhuifeng led his centaur and rushed out towards the gathering point not far away.

  No one at the chaotic gathering point noticed the arrival of Chasing Wind.

  By the time they saw the centaur, the centaur had rushed to a place less than 30 meters away from the gathering point.

  The distance at this point is only a few steps for a centaur.

  They raised their weapons, and the nightmare centaur led the way. All the pollen centaurs turned into pink clouds and followed behind the centaur, and rushed towards the gathering point not far away.

   At the gathering point, everyone saw the scene in front of them.

   They shouted one after another, and all kinds of orders flew around.

   But it was too late.

  Nightmare centaurs over a thousand rushed into the gathering point like a torrent.

  Weak enemies are killed immediately.

   Those who are strong will not stay here as cannon fodder. They rushed to the three elf heroes in less than a minute.

  These three elf heroes are stronger than the elf heroes at the previous two gathering points.

   They at least gave the order to attack.

  The elf troops also shot the first wave of arrows at the nightmare centaur.

   Then there is nothing more.

  Nightmare centaurs rushed into the elves' team, just like in the previous battle, they were responsible for flat pushing.

  Nightmare Centaur's charge, spears, and numbers, just turned their heads, and all the elves died in the hands of Nightmare Centaur.

   After killing the elf here, the pollen centaur following behind began to devour the elf's body.

   This is Zhuifeng's record, and Zhuifeng will naturally have to replenish his pollen centaur.

  The pollen centaur that was brought to the camp at the gathering point by the wind thorn before also took the initiative to attack the nearby troops.

   Until this time, the other troops in the gathering point did not react.

  They want to fight against the centaurs, but these centaurs have been prepared for a long time, especially the wind thorns, they have set their targets from the beginning, and they have planned whoever attacks where.

   When Chasing the Wind and the others rushed in, the Wind Spike had already locked onto the enemy.

  The difference between being prepared and not being prepared is not so big.

   It took less than fifteen minutes, and there were no other creatures standing in the gathering point except for the centaur.

  (end of this chapter)

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