The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 312: The special existence in the shrine (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 312 The Special Existence in the Shrine (for subscription)

   After the fluctuation caused by death from the sky subsided, Chen Wei looked into the deep pit.

  The big pit in front of you is a full 60 meters deep, and the miner zombies fighting underground are all finished.

  At the same time, the scope of influence of death falling from the sky this time is quite large.

  The battlefield where Chen Wei and the others fought before, as well as the woods near the battlefield, were all affected by this death from the sky.

  Because there was no city wall or anything this time, everything within the affected area was smashed into powder.

   Domineering killed the stone pickaxe and many underground creatures of the miner zombies, and they were smashed to death without even showing a shadow.

   It’s just a pity that the stone pickaxes and those unpacked battlefields are full of resources such as corpses.

  His combat power is actually quite good.

   "Let's go."

  Chen Wei took a look at such a big hole. It seems that the battlefield needs to change direction in the future. Even if such a big place is to be filled, it will take a long time.

   Maybe this place will become a small lake in the future. As for now, neither Chen Wei nor Elf Giant Tree City have time to deal with this place.

   When Chen Wei was retreating, the Elf Giant Tree City also noticed the situation on the front line.

  They sent troops to support the underground creatures. Except for the short-legged dwarves who did not enter the attack range of Death from the Sky, as long as the others entered the attack range, they were all gone.

  This is a big loss.

  At first, they believed that underground creatures could steal into Chen Wei's house, so they sent out these idle defense troops.

   As a result, the family didn't steal it, and even paid for these troops.

  This made the Elf Giant Tree City even worse.

  The lord of Elf Giant Tree City and Evergreen Tree were a little unsure of what to do.

  After a long time, the evergreen tree grew up and said: "Did we read the wrong news? This is fake news."

   "It should...can't be fake."

  The city lord was also a little helpless, his voice was trembling, "What should we do next?"

   "I..." Evergreen didn't know what to do.

   The scene became a little awkward for a while.

   At this time, the elves outside came to report again.

   "City Master, the dragon trainer has brought the golden dragon over."

  Hearing this, the lord of the Elf Giant Tree City stood up, "Let's ignore the matter over there, let's go see the dragon trainer. No matter what happens in the end, one more person always gives more power."

   Evergreen Tree also nodded.

  When they dispatched troops, they notified the dragon trainer to come over with the remaining golden dragon.

  I originally wanted to approach Chen Wei's battle line from above and below ground, plus three directions in the air.

   First take down the important places on the front line.

   As a result, the underground creatures they had given high hopes for were killed without even showing their faces.

   You need to know that this is not an ordinary creature, not even an ordinary legend.

  He comes from the first shrine of the elves and the support of the shrine of the earth.

  This Earth Shrine was originally the weakest of the Thirteen Shrines, which can be seen from the name of the Shrine.

  The names of most of the shrines of the elves are color plus characteristics, such as emerald, gold, silver moon, crimson and the like.

  People can see at a glance the characteristics of this shrine.

  Earth Shrine was originally the thirteenth shrine, and it was planned to develop slowly before changing its name.

   As a result, the Earth God Palace got a chance during the last rookie player attack.

  The location of the Earth God Palace has become the Forest of Ancient Gods. The characteristics of the Earth God Palace, coupled with the repression of rookie players, have greatly increased the combat power of the Earth God Palace.

   In the end, he surpassed the original number one shrine, the Golden Shrine, and became the strongest among the thirteen shrines.

  The most famous of these is that the Earth Shrine produces a special kind of underground creature.

   This creature is stronger than the golden dragon in the Golden Shrine, and can absorb more ancient **** power without incident.

  In the Earth God Palace, three underground creatures with the power of the ancient gods were even raised with the power of the ancient gods. They called them the gods of the earth.

   This time what they sent over was a quasi-earth god.

   Belongs to the top five in individual combat power of the Earth God Palace, and can also be ranked in the top 30 powerful existences on the elves side.

   As a result, this quasi-earth **** disappeared before he was in his early years, which makes people feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

   When the lord of the elf giant tree city walked out of the council hall, a golden dragon also landed on a nearby tree.

   Then an elf hero riding a Pegasus also descended from the sky.

   This is the dragon trainer from the Golden Shrine.

  As dragon trainers, they also have their own rules.

  For example, they cannot wear golden clothes, because golden dragons like black dragons, and they also like gold. Dragon trainers don't want to become gold dragons' collections.

   Another example is that the dragon trainer must keep up with the speed of the dragon, but cannot ride the dragon.

  Because they are not dragon knights, most dragon trainers will ride fast-flying mounts such as Pegasus or Silver Pegasus.

  After falling to the ground, the dragon trainer walked up to the lord of the elf giant tree city and asked.

   "I heard that those guys soaked in mud sent their treasures. Did they send Nine Heads, Mud King, or Poison Breath?"

  The Nine Heads, Clay King, and Poison Breath mentioned by the dragon trainer are the three earth gods who have mastered the power of the ancient gods in the Earth God Palace.

   It is also the guarantee for the Earth Shrine to suppress the Golden Shrine and become the number one Shrine.

  The people of the Golden Shrine are naturally upset with the Earth Shrine, which can be seen from their manner of speaking.

  However, the dragon trainer is still in awe of the three earth gods.

   After all, the strength of the three earth gods exists, but this dragon trainer can only carry an ordinary golden dragon. There is a big gap in this.

  Hearing what the dragon trainer said, Changqingshu said helplessly: "It's not these three who came, but a quasi-earth **** called Luan Duan."

   "Is it random? I remember that it is based on hydra and silt monster, and it is a ground creature that is fused with ancient **** corpse oil. It ranks fifth there, and it can devour enemies to restore its own creatures.

   It can also protrude five heads from the ground to attack.

  Each head has a 100-meter-long neck. If there is no way to cut off five heads at the same time, if only one of them is knocked out, a new head will grow out immediately.

  The most important thing is that he actually has six heads, one of which is always buried in the ground so that you cannot hit it.

   In addition, this guy has almost unlimited life under the earth, so it is not easy to deal with. "

  The dragon trainers have long regarded the earth gods and quasi-earth gods of the Earth God Palace as enemies, and they have checked every enemy's information clearly.

   "I told you in advance that when I make a move, I don't care whether Luanduan is below or not. The breath of my golden dragon is directly swept away, so I don't have time to think about the little bug's thoughts."

  Hearing what the dragon trainer said, Evergreen Tree and the others said in embarrassment.

   "Well, Luanduan died in battle, just now."

  (end of this chapter)

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