The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 313: Special synthetic formula (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 313 Special Synthetic Formula (for subscription)

"what is that."

   Near the battlefield, Chen Wei, who was about to retreat, found the black liquid flowing out of the deep pit, with doubts on his face.

  When the liquid flowed out, it gave Chen Wei a feeling of ancient **** corpse oil.

   But the color is clearly not the ancient **** corpse oil.

   This felt to Chen Wei a bit like the life fluid of an ancient tree.

  Looking at the black liquid oozing from the ground, Chen Wei took a look around, and finally ordered.

   "Stay where you are, contact the queen bee, and send worker bees over to help."

  Under Chen Wei's order, the team that was about to retreat stopped.

   At the same time, his order was also passed on, and the worker bees would come over in a short time.

   To collect this liquid, it still depends on the source power bee to handle it.

  After the collection is clear, Chen Wei will think about the use of these liquids.

   But just as Chen Wei stopped, Stanford ran over.

   "My lord, the magma dryads under me also need the liquid below."

  Chen Wei couldn't help but glanced at Stanford.

   "Oh, what did they say."

   "They feel that there is the power of the earth in that liquid, and if they attract this liquid, they will change, and finally they may break through the limit."

  After hearing this, Chen Wei hesitated.

  Because these magma dryads are already considered the upper limit level of this novice world.

   Legendary level breaks through the limit again, what level will it be.

Hearing this news, Chen Wei stopped waiting for the worker bees to come over. He glanced at the 60-meter-deep pit, and said to Stanford: "Contact the mechanical ghost body, let the anti-gravity body come over, and send us down." .”

  Stanford knew that what Chen Wei said here was referring to him and the magma dryad.

   Then there will be nothing else for him, Stanford asked.

   "Should I take the troops to the front?"

   "No need for now, your speed is not enough, Shirley and Elena are here, let them press on the front line."

  Chen Wei is well aware of Stanford's moving speed.

  I also know that Stanford has lost a lot in this battle. Of the three heroes he just transformed, only Fireman is left, and the others are all wiped out.

   Letting Stanford rush to the front line again would be to send him to his death. Chen Wei still planned to put Stanford in the back to replenish his troops.

   After the troops are replenished, put Stanford on the front line.

  The anti-gravity body is also one of the important people who were arranged on the front line. After receiving Chen Wei's order, it rushed over immediately.

  After hearing about Chen Wei's request, he didn't say much, and directly used his ability on Chen Wei and those magma dryads, sending them to the pit.

   fell into the big pit, Chen Wei immediately felt that the pit was full of dead energy.

   Thinking about it, Chen Wei can actually understand it.

   After all, a death fell from the sky and directly destroyed this area.

   Even directly smashing such a big hole out, it is normal to gather some dead energy.

  Chen Wei ignored the dead air, he quickly walked to the black liquid, and dipped his hand.

  Currently Chen Wei is still in the novice stage, he is not afraid of the ancient **** corpse oil, and these black liquids do not affect him too much.

   After he touched it, his bone skin felt part of the ancient god's power in the black liquid, but it didn't look like the ancient god's corpse oil, but like another material of the ancient god.

  At this moment, the magma dryad also came down, and Chen Wei waved at one of the magma dryads.

  He also didn't try to see if the magma dryad matched this black liquid.

  Because all of these are requested by the magma dryad, which means that the magma dryad knows that this thing is useful to them.

  So Chen Wei went directly to the synthesis.

  【Magma Dryad】+【Earth Vein Essence】=【? ? ? (Success rate 13.3%)] (consumes 80 mana)

  Looking at this touching success rate, Chen Wei couldn't help but wonder if he added too little of the earth vein essence into it.

  Wait, this thing is called Earth Vein Essence?

  Is this the death that just fell from the sky and smashed out the earth veins?

  Chen Wei didn't quite believe this possibility, because the black liquid clearly contained the power of the ancient gods.

  And most of the ancient gods are concentrated in a few places.

  The largest concentration of ancient gods in this area is in Yongye Town.

  So this earth vein essence is not a product of this underground, then this thing should come from the underground creature that killed the stone pickaxe.

  Chen Wei wasn't sure what the underground creature was or how big it was, but now it can be seen that the underground creature must have been very strong.

  These magma dryads came for the essence of this underground creature.

  If you don't synthesize it, let them devour it?

  Chen Wei thought about it, and finally shook his head.

   Synthesis is Chen Wei's biggest trick.

   If it is not synthesized, it is considered a natural disaster.

  Chen Wei simply let the magma dryad stand in the black liquid. If the success rate drops because of insufficient earth vein essence, then just add a little more earth vein essence.

   But this time, Chen Wei found that even if he stood in the black liquid, the success rate did not increase much, and it only increased to about 15% at most.

   This is obviously wrong.

   Could it be that a magma dryad can't hold up to this earth vein essence?

  Chen Wei thought of a possibility, so he let other magma dryads enter the black liquid.

  Chen Wei discovered that every time a magma tree spirit enters, the success rate of synthesis will increase by 15%.

  This discovery made Chen Wei's eyes brighten. He has ten magma dryads on his side. According to this calculation, the success rate of the synthesis must not exceed 150%.

   Of course, Chen Wei couldn't increase the synthesis success rate so high.

  When the success rate reaches 90%, no matter how much you put in the magma dryad, it will be useless.

  So Chen Wei chose the optimal route, six magma dryads, plus all the black liquid here.


  While speaking, Chen Wei began to pour a large amount of magic-replenishing potion into his mouth.

  After those potions were poured in, they were quickly transformed into pink mana and injected into the magma dryad.

   This time is a natural disaster of plants?

   Before Chen Wei could react, all the magma dryads standing on the black liquid exploded.

  The magma they produced when they exploded turned into a large number of magic lines and began to spread around.

  Chen Wei's heart moved, and he pointed to the remaining few magma tree spirits and said.

   "You stay here."

  After speaking, Chen Wei gestured to the anti-gravity body, asking him to drag himself out of the pit.

   As for the magma dryad, Chen Wei was not worried.

   This is transformed from the ancient tree life fluid and the Roshan madman.

  Chen Wei now has a lot of Ancient Tree Life Liquid and Roshan Crazy Demon in his hands. If they are all consumed here, they can be synthesized into another batch.

   Instead, it was the situation in front of him that made Chen Wei see a possibility.

   This time, perhaps, as the magma tree spirit said, it will break through the limit.

  (end of this chapter)

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