The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 315: Changes in tactics (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 315 Changes in tactics (seeking subscription)

  After asking some information from the ancient volcano tree, Chen Wei couldn't help sighing.

   It's not easy for a rookie player.

  Originally, I only thought about the large number of soldiers on the side of the elves, and wanted to rely on the number of people to fight.

   As a result, who would have thought that such a release would be waiting.

  And there is more than one such extreme force, and there are more than 30 elves here.

   If you don’t know anything about this, you may be killed by hitting someone.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, and quite straightforwardly explained the situation of the Extreme Force in the forum.

  The next moment, the entire forum exploded.

   Several players jumped out to look for Chen Wei.

   "Brother Chen, is what you said true?"

   "Extreme Force, how extreme can it be, tell me, I have killed legendary level 1 enemies."

   "Oh my god, it's so dangerous, I almost beat it."

  Chen Wei quickly explained the situation here, and at the same time asked what the level of the creature underground before the ancient volcano tree was.

   "That thing hasn't reached its limit yet, but it's almost there. From the information I know now, there are a few limit creatures that can be dealt with by death from the sky.

  For example, if there is a turtle, that guy can't escape if he is stared at by death from the sky.

  For example, there is a mountain, which cannot be moved even if hit.

   But other things are not enough, like the two golden dragons on the side of the Golden Shrine, their movement speed is much higher than the normal golden dragon, and there is no way to lock him from the sky. "

  When Chen Wei learned about the situation of other extreme creatures of the elves from the ancient volcano tree, his various orders were also conveyed.

  The troops that could be mobilized from Fulai Village were all mobilized towards this side.

  In addition, Chen Wei is also looking for suitable hero certificates, and wants to transform some heroes into the ancient volcano tree.

   "By the way, do you want the fire poisonous spider?"

  Chen Wei asked suddenly.

   "No, I've seen your fire poisonous spider. I'm not afraid that new spiders can be born continuously in the flames, but spiders need resources and flesh and blood to grow. Putting them here is equivalent to robbing my resources.

  So let’s take it away, but the fire poison spider will be better than the spore demon. If you really want them to develop, send them to the flames. The limit may not be reached, but it can definitely spell out a legendary chance. "

  Chen Wei understood what the ancient volcano tree meant by putting it in the flames.

  This is to use one or two forests to raise fire poisonous spiders.

   This is actually a method, but it does not necessarily have time.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, and finally left the matter to Stanford. If he is willing to raise it, then he will raise it. If he is not willing to raise it, then he will change to another unit.

   Anyway, Chen Wei still has a lot of legendary units in his hands.

   Speaking of legendary units, Chen Wei also told the old volcano tree about the mechanical tricks and the trickling clouds.

   There is also his own mechanical heaven, Chen Wei can be sure that it is not a problem for him to start the novice mission.

  With his current strength, he is somewhat sure of completing the task.

   But he wanted to enter the novice world, and it was impossible to keep what he had worked so hard to get these days.

  He must take away his most important supplies.

  The hive tree world can definitely be taken away, even though the hive tree world is now close to level 2, but as long as Chen Wei wants, it can be dismantled and sent to the mechanical heaven.

  Only the mechanical monsters below control many strange forests, and it seems that there is no way to take them away.

   "I have seen your situation before."

  The ancient volcano tree inherited some of the knowledge of the one who was knocked out before, and he spoke with confidence.

   At least those knowledge and experiences are his.

  "In the past, the main city of an elf clan moved, and the nearby woods could not be taken away, so I found someone to seal the nearby woods, and turned the original master of the forest into a temporary limit creature.

  You can actually do the same, turning what you call a mechanical warp into a temporary limitless creature.

   Wait until the new place, and then release it again, so that all the occupied forests will be taken away. "

  Hearing this statement, Chen Wei's eyes lit up.

   "This method is good, but the tricky cloud layer can also do the same?"

   "I don't think it's necessary. According to you, the deceitful clouds are near that mechanical heaven, and you can just take away the mechanical heaven. Instead, you are your main cities now.

  You need to think clearly, some things may not be taken away. "

  Chen Wei also nodded, in fact, he himself had estimated this point.

   When leaving the novice world, he takes at most two cities.

  Mechanical Paradise belongs to a level 9 city. Although there is nothing now, Chen Wei will definitely take it away.

  The honeycomb tree world is placed on the mechanical heaven, so it can be counted.

  In Chen Wei's hands, Plague Town, Extreme Speed ​​Town, and Fulai Village, among the three cities, Chen Wei may have to choose one of three cities.

  Before, Chen Wei’s idea was naturally to take Plague Town away. After all, Plague Town’s level is relatively high, and now it has reached level 1, and it has also left the legendary training camp. After taking it to the new world, it will also be beneficial to Chen Wei.

   Now that the ancient volcano tree was mentioned, Chen Wei also made up his mind.

  Zhuifeng has always wanted to improve the status of centaurs, and Extreme Speed ​​Town is now a holy place for centaurs.

  So not only will Chen Wei of Extreme Speed ​​Town not be taken away, but maybe even Chen Wei of Chasing Wind will not be taken away in the end.

  Fulai Village can only be upgraded to level 2 because it is connected to a mine.

  Although there will be many units that Chen Wei likes very much, and it is also a place for making siege weapons, the possibility of being taken away is relatively low.

   If there is no special situation in the future, Plague Town will be one of the cities that Chen Wei took away.

   "I have already considered it. I was still worried about the situation on the mechanical side before, but now I am not so worried."

   Just as Chen Wei said these words, the ancient volcano tree retracted the vines into the deep pit again.

   "Just think about it, and send me what I need as soon as possible. As for this side, you can rest assured that as long as it is not an enemy of the same level as mine, I can help you block them all."

  Chen Wei knew that the ancient volcano tree needed to strengthen itself now, so he didn't say anything more.

  As soon as he opened the map, he quickly transformed the battlefield.

   "Stanford, after I help you replenish your troops, you can go to this position. We don't need to stare at the frontal battlefield anymore. We will attack from the side of the elf giant tree city."

  Chen Wei pointed to a place, and he had to bypass a small forest to get here.

  However, this location is better, just close to the side and rear of the Elf Giant Tree City. In addition to the side door of the Elf Giant Tree City, you can also see the satellite city that the Elf Giant Tree City used to supplement food.

  If that satellite city is destroyed, the Elven Giant Tree City will have nothing to eat.

  (end of this chapter)

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