The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 316: The Shrine Comes to Aid (Please Subscribe)

  Chapter 316 The Shrine Comes to Aid (Subscribe)

  When Chen Wei mobilized his troops to move, the dragon trainer at Elven Giant Tree City had already left the city with the golden dragon.

  The dragon trainer does not have to die at this point in time.

  He just discovered that the quasi-limit existence of the Earth God Palace died in battle, and he couldn't help but think of the golden dragon skeleton that was thrown outside the city.

   This thing is something that the dragon trainer must get. As the dragon trainer of the Golden Shrine, he can have other arms, but everything about him revolves around the two golden dragons.

  Even if the golden dragon died in battle, he must take the golden dragon's body back.

   This is like the moonlight dancer Alex Duxing of the Silver Moon God Palace back then. Although he brought a special sword dancer, his real core is a few unicorns.

  The dragon trainer is the same, for the two golden dragons, he didn't even bring other arms.

   Now that one of his golden dragons died, it would be easy to explain this when he went back. After all, it is very reasonable to kill some of his men on the battlefield.

   But if the body was not brought back, it would be difficult for him to explain.

  There is no big battle right now, the dragon trainer plans to take the golden dragon to the front line once, and bring the golden dragon's body back first.

   Regarding the thoughts of the dragon trainer, neither the evergreen tree nor the city lord of the elf giant tree city has anything to persuade.

   As long as the dragon trainer doesn't go too far, there is no danger.

  The body of the golden dragon was not far from the elf giant tree city last time.

  Because the skeleton was too big, they never had time to transport the golden dragon's body back.

   Now that the dragon trainer is willing to go and transport the corpse back by himself, Evergreen Tree and the others naturally have no objection.

   It's just that Evergreen Tree said to the dragon trainer: "Be careful when you go out, the one opposite us looks very weird, we thought he was just an ordinary rookie, just grab it casually.

   It turned out that he didn't expect that he knew about the power of the ancient gods. Most importantly, he also used his identity as a rookie player to play the power of the ancient gods.

  We originally wanted to press in with a large army, but you also saw what happened behind the elf giant tree city.

  Because of some centaurs, our forces cannot be concentrated.

  So don't underestimate the guy on the opposite side, maybe he has something else we don't know, you'd better get the keel and come back right away. "

  Listening to this, the dragon trainer didn't say much.

   After all, he had already lost a golden dragon, so he knew that Chen Wei was not easy to deal with.

   Right now, he still thinks about getting the keel back first.

   Other things, wait until the people from the other shrines arrive before considering.

   At this time, the soldiers from Elven Giant Tree City ran in to report again.

   "My lord, the shrine has sent someone over."

   "Oh, what shrine is this time?"

  As soon as he heard that reinforcements were coming, the lord of the elf giant tree city immediately jumped up.

  The worst thing for them now is not the problem of military strength, but the means to solve Chen Wei.

  An extra Jingu army is an extra chance for them.

   "Which shrine is this coming, please come in quickly."

   "No, we're already here."

   While speaking, two elf heroes walked in.

   These two elven heroes wear clothes made of bark, hold a long staff in their hands, one wears an antler hat, and the other wears an eagle-headed hat.

   It can be seen from their dress that they are two druid heroes.

   It's just that the elf druid is a popular profession among the elves.

   Not to mention the major shrines, most cities have their own elf druids.

   It’s hard to tell which shrine they came from just from their clothes.

   Fortunately, these two didn't let Changqingshu guess. They took a look at the dragon trainer as soon as they entered the door, and then introduced themselves.

"Hello, everyone. We are the Scourge Druids from the Azure Palace. I am Wood Mars who controls the power of the earth. This is Turner Storm who controls the power of thunderstorms. We have brought two troops, each There are three hundred troops each.

   This is not an ordinary elf army, but a natural disaster army specially trained by our Azure Palace.

  They are worthy of their name of natural disaster.

  My Wood is the Volcano Legion, all members master the spell of volcanic eruption, and can arrange a volcano that will erupt immediately at the designated location.

  Turner's subordinates are the Cloud Storm Legion, mastering the spell of Lightning Storm, and they are the strongest existence that strikes the ground from the air.

  When we came here this time, we all brought azure fragments to ensure that our strikes are accurate, effective and powerful enough. "

   After talking about their situation, the two stood aside and did not speak.

   At this time, the dragon trainer kindly reminded them.

   "Wei Lan is here, don't underestimate the other side, those mud players sent a quasi-limit over, but it didn't take long for the quasi-limit to go out, and it disappeared.

   You, Weilan, are famous for standing up and attacking, so be careful to kill yourself before hitting the enemy. "

   "Don't worry about this, we have our own solution." When the two heard this, their faces changed, but they didn't flinch, and they still uttered big words.

  At this time, another soldier came to report that the support sent by the Crimson Shrine and Gray Bone Shrine had arrived.

  Crimson Shrine and Gray Bone Shrine belong to two of the three undead factions in the elves.

  The Crimson Shrine masters the transformation method of vampires, and all of them are vampires transformed from elves.

   Ashbone Shrine is not the kind of shrine dominated by skeletons as imagined, they are actually shrines dominated by ghosts.

  Whether they are heroes or soldiers, they don't have their own bodies, and the only thing left is a skull.

  So where Ashbone Shrine is located, there are ashes everywhere, and there are stacked skulls on the side of the road.

   This is also the origin of the name of Ashbone Shrine.

  The relationship between the two shrines is okay, but the relationship with the third undead faction, Green Breath Shrine is not very good.

  So after getting the news, the two shrines came together.

  Crimson Shrine sent 600 soldiers, led by two heroes.

   Ashbone Shrine sent 800 soldiers, also led by two heroes.

  They came in almost in tandem with the Azure Shrine.

  After seeing the evergreen tree, they introduced the troops they brought.

  The troops sent by Jingu to support are naturally not ordinary elf soldiers.

  They are all unique troops of the two shrines.

   After hearing about Chen Wei's situation, a hero from Ashbone Shrine said directly.

   "Actually, it's nothing. Let us handle this matter. No matter how powerful their attacks are, can they beat ghosts?"

  (end of this chapter)

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