The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 317: Ghost Force (subscription required)

  Chapter 317 Ghost Army (for subscription)

   "My lord, please be careful."

  Chen Wei, who was on his way, suddenly heard the words of the soul-receiving skeleton.

  Although he didn't understand what happened, Chen Wei stopped the team immediately and set up the skeleton wall.

   "Collect the soul, what happened?"

   "My lord, I feel that a large number of souls are coming towards us."

   "Soul? Isn't the opposite of us an elf? How can there be a soul?"

  Chen Wei believes in the judgment of the soul-receiving skeleton. The soul-receiving skeleton usually plays with souls. He said that there are a large number of souls coming, so there must be nothing wrong.

   "How about it, is there a way to deal with it?"

  Although Chen Wei discovered the situation of the enemy in advance, Chen Wei was still a little worried.

   After all, there is only one soul-receiving skeleton, and the enemy souls he mentioned are a large number.

  Chen Wei was not sure if he could do such a provocative task.

   "It may not be possible to take it down, so we need mana support."

  The Soul Receiving Skeleton is not sure about taking away all the enemy's souls.

  So he naturally had to come up with some ways to deal with this situation.

  Looking for mana support, this is the easiest way.

  Soul Receiving Skeleton is very clear, if you want to deal with ghosts, spells such as fire or lightning are easy to use.

   Now they still don't know the enemy's situation, so they still have time to slowly arrange.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, in his current situation, he has several fire spells in his hands.

   But none of the magic power has reached the strongest.

   With Chen Wei's current level, it is naturally possible to release a wall of fire, but it is almost impossible to use the wall of fire to directly burn all the enemies.

  So Chen Wei must find suitable mana support.

   Thoughts flashed through Chen Wei's mind, who can he use now?

   At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.

  Chen Wei looked up to the direction of the thunder, and found that the front line of his battle was covered by a thick layer of dark clouds in the sky.

  Lightning danced back and forth in the dark clouds, as if looking for a target to attack.

   "The Azure Shrine?"

  Chen Wei immediately thought of this Azure Shrine that could control the weather.

  He could clearly feel that the change in the weather in front of him was caused by the Azure Shrine.

   It's just that Chen Wei didn't expect that they would take the initiative to attack the front line.

   It seems that the Elf Giant Tree City has received reinforcements and wants to play a big one.

   At this time, another change occurred.

  Chen Wei discovered that a volcano with a height of more than 60 meters had risen at the location of the previous battlefield.

  The volcano is constantly spewing magma and boulders outward, like a huge arrow tower.

  The range of magma ejection directly exceeds 100,000 meters away.

   It can be seen that the magma went to the catapult.

  If Chen Wei hadn't moved the catapults ahead of time, all three of his catapults would have been ruined just like that.

   It's just that Chen Wei feels that those elves have some serious illness.

  Don't they look at what's in the direction when they make a shot?

  He put an ancient volcanic tree there, and the elves put new volcanoes there and sprayed lava. Is this because they are afraid that the ancient volcanic tree of Chen Yu is not strong enough?

   This made Chen Wei want to go over and take a look to see what the elves were doing.

  In fact, Chen Wei didn't know it. It wasn't that the elves didn't want to investigate, but that they didn't have the manpower to investigate.

   All the flying troops on the Elf Giant Tree City were destroyed.

  As for their scout troops, they died in the hands of Stanford hundreds of years ago.

  The map they have now is still the earliest map.

   Even the position of the catapult is calculated based on the trajectory of the catapult.

  As for the soul felt by the soul collecting skeleton, it is the troops of Ashbone Shrine.

  They and the troops of the Scarlet Shrine split into two groups, one on the left and the other on the right, trying to bypass the front battlefield and sneak into Chen Wei's territory to fight.

   It's just that the troops of Ashbone Shrine happened to encounter Chen Wei's mobilized troops, while the troops of Scarlet Shrine were a little luckier and didn't encounter anything.

  Because of poor information, Chen Wei didn't know the situation of the Elven Giant Tree City either.

  He only knew that the Elf Giant Tree City had new troops, and he didn't know if they were going to try a wave or to launch an attack directly.

  However, judging from the current methods, several troops from the Thirteenth Temple of the Elven Race have already arrived.

   If they really want to send other troops over, then Chen Wei will be very difficult to fight.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, and it seemed that he really wanted to speed up the attack on the Elven Giant Tree City.

   The opponent cannot be allowed to replenish their troops.

  What happened this time was completely fabricated.

   Normally speaking, Chen Wei's natural disaster domain should develop slowly, at least replenishing its troops.

   As a result, because the player was hunted down, things became like this.

   Chen Wei was really speechless.

Chen Wei didn't pay attention to the matter over the volcano. The ancient volcano tree over there has its own ideas. Whether it's the volcano on the elf side, or the dark clouds and lightning in the sky, it doesn't matter much to the ancient volcano tree. Impact.

  On the contrary, the ancient volcanic tree should be more envious of the volcano summoned by the enemy.

   I think the ancient volcano tree will do it by itself.

  With this kind of extreme force attack, as long as the enemy does not come to an existence of the same level, they will send as many as they come.

  So Chen Wei is not worried about that side.

  Now Chen Wei is more concerned about the soul troops rushing towards his team.

   With the soul-receiving skeleton, Chen Wei and the others discovered the enemy's troops in advance.

   Now Chen Wei's men have begun to set up the battlefield.

   But Chen Wei still had no idea.

  Chen Wei has never fought the ghosts before. He is not sure whether these ghosts are completely immune to physical attacks, or immune to random.

  If it is fully immune, then Chen Wei has to consider the issue of retreating.

  Because Chen Wei's main forces are all attacking physically.

   Only a few of them are magical attacks.

  With this strength, it is almost impossible to take down the prepared ghost troops.

  If it was just random immunity, then Chen Wei would not be afraid.

  He has nothing else in hand, and there are a lot of various troops.

   Apart from other things, he can train a large number of worker bees at any time.

  Even if it is easy to die, there are still a lot of source power worker bees, just add another batch at that time.

   It's just that you have to seriously consider dealing with the enemy's ghost now, and you can't let the enemy find out that you are testing the enemy's situation.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei's eyes turned to the soul-receiving skeleton.

   "Sir, do you need me to kill the enemy hero?"

   "You can't kill that many, we have to find another way, but there is one thing you need to do, separate them, I want to use them as an experiment."

  (end of this chapter)

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