The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 318: The little devil shows his power (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 318 The little devil shows his power (for subscription)

  After the soul-receiving skeleton left, Chen Wei was also ready for battle.

  In order to ensure that he could use spells at critical moments, Chen Wei even drank a lot of nasty mana potions.

  At the same time, a large number of skeleton soldiers are mobilized from the rear, and they will become the first wave of troops to face the ghost enemies.

  When Chen Wei's side was almost arranged, the enemy's troops also appeared not far away.

  Chen Wei saw the situation of this army from a distance.

  The enemy has a total of 400 people, all of which are ghosts.

   Judging from their situation, they are not ghosts of violent death.

  They still have the appearance of the original elves, especially the pointed ears. It can be seen that their original racial affiliation.

  These ghosts are somewhat different from the ghosts that Chen Wei thought about before. They seem to emit light.

   Emanating a light green light from the inside out.

  While they were walking, they would take off their heads and throw them away.

  It seems that their head and body are not one.

   These 400 soldiers are the arms of Ashbones Palace, headless ghosts.

   This is also a ghost army that can only be trained by the Ashbones Shrine.

  Because the soldiers of Ashbone Shrine voluntarily cut off their heads and burned their bodies to ashes.

  The two biggest features of them are that after turning into ghosts, their heads can be removed and moved, and the light emanating from the body from the inside out is the flame power left when their bodies were burned.

  This means that their two biggest weaknesses have been filled.

  Beheading is useless to them, and fire spells will do less damage to them.

  Chen Wei didn't know this. Looking at the number of enemies, he quickly calculated the troops in his hand.

   "Skeleton soldiers attack."

  Under Chen Wei's order, the skeleton soldiers were dispatched quickly.

  The ashes went to find heroes suitable for the expansion of the Bone Marine Corps.

   During this period of time, all the skeleton soldiers obtained on the battlefield had nowhere to go.

   Now, after patching together, there are 2,100 skeleton soldiers.

   Of course, it is different from the skeleton soldiers who have been upgraded to the level of the ashes.

  These skeleton soldiers are all the most common cannon fodder.

   After Chen Wei sent them out, he naturally mixed in the troops of the Bone Legion.

  So before the ghosts of the enemy could see Chen Wei's team clearly, nearly 3,000 skeletons rushed towards them holding various weapons.

  The soldiers of Ashbone Shrine usually see too many skeletons.

  When they saw the skeleton rushing towards them, they didn't regard the skeleton as any important enemy.

  In their eyes, skeletons are not only very different from their level, but also easy to deal with.

   Facing the skeletons that were nearly ten times larger than themselves, the headless ghosts rushed forward at the same time, turning into a light green tide and rushing towards the skeletons.

  Of course this is just a superficial appearance. When they rushed up, the skeleton soldiers formed a sea of ​​skeletons.

  Although this is only the preliminary sea of ​​skeletons, it already looks a bit like it.

  The skeleton soldiers rushed forward holding their weapons, regardless of how powerful the enemy was.

  In the next moment, the torrent of ghosts and the sea of ​​skeletons collided together.

  The skeleton soldier raised his weapon and slashed at the ghost.

  Those ghosts pounce on the skeleton soldiers, and every hit will take away the life of the skeleton soldiers.

  In contrast to Chen Wei's skeleton soldiers, two-thirds of the attacks they slashed on the ghosts would be directly slashed.

  The remaining one-third had an attack effect.

  But attacks like beheading are not enough lethal to ghosts.

   The attack on the ghost can cut off the ghost's body, but the ghost's head is flying in the sky. ,

  Seeing this situation, Chen Wei couldn't help ordering: "Hit their flying heads, those heads are the key."

  Skeleton soldiers have no brains, but the skeleton soldiers of the Bone Legion have their own wisdom.

  As soon as Chen Wei's order came, they knew what to do.

  The shields in their hands stepped forward, holding down the flying ghost's head, and the scimitar in their hands pierced directly.

   In this way, many ghosts were really killed.

  But the rest of the ghosts reacted and didn't fly their heads around. This made the skeleton soldiers lose their power to use force, and the battle situation became a confrontational battle situation again.

  Chen Wei found that under such a battle situation, the loss of his skeleton soldiers was quite serious.

  Often five skeleton soldiers can exchange for one ghost.

  Sometimes the ghost is smarter and can even take away ten or eight skeleton soldiers.

   Only Skeleton Armored Soldiers can fight against ghosts, bringing a one-for-one record.

   And this was done before the opponent's ghost hero had made a move.

  When the ghost lost more than a hundred, the opponent's ghost hero finally made a move.

  Ghost Hero takes the legal route.

   When the ghost lost a quarter, he immediately blessed the ghost with various spells.

   These spells are spells against the undead.

  Gathering spirit thaumaturgy, this is a supplementary spell for the undead, and it can save the seriously injured ghost in one fell swoop.

  Avatar of the spirit body, this is a strengthening spell for ghosts, which can make ghosts more flexible.


  As the spells were used one by one, the fighting power of the ghost became much stronger.

  At this time, Chen Wei couldn't care about other things, he quickly dispatched the troops in his hands.

  Because the number of heroes under Chen Wei has increased, the number of troops he can lead is running out.

   There are some troops, all assigned to the corresponding heroes to lead.

   This transfer, he mainly wanted to move the front line to the left side of the elf giant tree city.

  The troops led by him are not only the Bone Legion and Skeleton Soldiers, but also the Imps and the like.

  When the skeleton soldiers were unable to deal with the ghost, Chen Wei also had to let the little devil out.

  He never expected that when these little devils were released, they brought him a big surprise.

   When the little devil rushed out, he didn't directly attack the ghost, but grabbed something in the void.

  Chen Wei thought for a while. He seemed to remember that when he was in Fulai Village, there were little demons who had the ability to draw other people's mana and destroy their spells.

   It's just that the number of such little devils is relatively small, and it's not easy to pick them out. Chen Wei has never organized such a little devil army.

  Now when these little devils appear, they are obviously drawing mana.

   Could it be that some of them have the talent to extract mana?

   Before Chen Wei could figure it out, blue liquid appeared in the hands of these little devils.

   When they clapped their hands, the blue liquid was broken up.

  Then a scene that surprised Chen Wei happened. The moment the blue liquid was dispersed, the bodies of those ghosts vibrated, as if they were about to be dispersed.

   This made Chen Wei a little speechless. Could it be that these ghosts are the product of magic?

  (end of this chapter)

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