The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 335: The full-scale attack has begun (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 335 The full-scale attack has begun (seeking subscription)

   "Catch up."

   Chen Wei, who has been directing the battle from the rear, saw the fleeing ancient fortress tree, and instantly understood that such a good opportunity must not be missed.

  At this time, he even jumped directly on the back of the bone beetle, and rushed out together.

  Chen Wei's troops rushed out from all directions as if they had gone crazy.

   Naturally, Shirley's source power bee troops rushed the fastest.

  Shirley also noticed the changes in the ancient trees in the fort just now, and none of the worker bees she sent out came back.

  Now she also wants to know what happened to those worker bees.

   Next came Elena. She just came to the battlefield here. Although she brought a powerful force, she really didn't participate in the battle.

  Once she sees an opportunity to perform, Elena will naturally not let it go.

  But unlike Shirley, all of Shirley's troops are flying troops. When there is chaos, just fly over.

  Eileena has some ground troops in her hands, and most importantly, she can't fly.

   When rushing over, I happened to meet the stragglers of the elf army.

   In desperation, Elena could only put down what she was doing and start targeting these elf troops.

  By the time Chen Wei and the others caught up with the ancient fortress tree, the ancient fortress tree had stopped about two thousand meters away from the deep pit.

   This surprised Chen Wei and the others.

  They thought that the ancient fortress tree had other ways of fighting.

  But they were on guard there for a long time. Chen Wei even transferred the catapult to attack, but the ancient tree of the fortress did not respond at all. Only then did Chen Wei understand that the ancient tree of the fortress was finished.

   Only then did he let people enter the range of the ancient tree of the fortress to check what happened.

   Soon they discovered a situation.

  In the center of the trunk of the ancient tree in the fortress, a large passage appeared.

  The passage is at least 30 meters in diameter, and the entire passage leads directly to the ground. Looking down from above, you can see that the entire passage leads to the depths of the earth.

   "Let the swamp poisonous rat go down, check where this passage leads to."

  Chen Wei came here to take a look, and ordered directly.

  Eileen quickly put the poisonous swamp rat down.

  While waiting, Chen Wei noticed a dry elf sitting on a trunk of an ancient tree in the fortress.

  The elf's body was as dry as a dead tree. If Chen Wei hadn't accidentally seen it, he would never have imagined that there would be such a thing sitting on the tree trunk.

  Chen Wei pointed at the corpse, and Shirley immediately sent a few worker bees to drag the withered elf down.

   "Good guy, is this already deified?"

  Put the elf corpse on the ground, Chen Wei only took a look, and said directly.

  It turns out that the back of this corpse is full of closed eyes, the hair is withered tentacles, and even the teeth in the mouth have become fangs like sharks.

   Lift the corpse up again, and you will find that the bones of the corpse have also changed. His sternum has been plated into one piece, and it is not known whether it is used to protect the internal organs or what it is used for.

  Most importantly, Chen Wei noticed that his legs had been too much wood.

   It is not difficult for Chen Wei to guess the identity of this person.

   "He should be the controller of this ancient tree. It seems that all the power was taken away, even the vitality was taken away, and he was finally given up.

  Not to mention the big hole, the last few seeds left by this ancient tree, but it is not so easy to escape like this.

  Eileen, this is up to you to deal with, don't let an enemy go. "

  Responding to Chen Wei's order, Elena nodded her head, and then she jumped down with the poison rat.

   I took another look at the ancient tree of the distribution fortress that was left behind. Such a big tree is a good thing, but now is not the time to think about it.

   The ancient tree of the fortress has been killed, so Chen Wei will now take advantage of the victory and pursue it to take down the Elf Giant Tree City.

   "Stanford, how's the situation in Elf Giant Tree City?"

  As soon as he contacted Stanford, Chen Wei received the latest battle report from the Elven Giant Tree City.

  Stanford launched an attack on the elf giant tree city, but the main siege weapons were placed on Chen Wei's side to deal with the ancient fortress trees, so they could only attack from the place where the ancient fortress trees climbed out.

   After all, the city wall was a bit damaged because of the old fortress trees climbing out there.

  But the elf residents in the giant elf tree city are not stupid.

  They were very aware of the situation in front of them. When Stanford launched an attack, the elf residents believed that they organized themselves to resist Stanford's attack.

   Now Stanford has just reached the top of the city wall on the first floor.

   Regarding the progress of Stanford, Chen Wei didn't say anything, he just issued a new order to Stanford.

   "I will send support troops there now, and the siege weapons will also be transferred there. You first support the occupied place."

  Subsequently, Chen Wei really began to mobilize his troops. This time, the mobilization was of course mainly for siege.

   It has reached the current situation, and it is absolutely possible to take down the Elven Giant Tree City.

   Now Chen Wei directly suppressed all the troops that could be mobilized.

  The catapults were also ready, and it was a burst of bombardment against the elf giant tree city.

  Of course, the special bombs in the catapult are gone this time, and only ordinary stone bombs can be taken out.

  In addition, catapults, siege vehicles, crossbow vehicles, shield vehicles, as long as Chen Wei can think of siege weapons, all are moving forward.

  Under such a transfer, Wood returned with his hands.

  When Wood came back, he came directly to Chen Wei.

   "My lord, look, the troops I just got."

  Chen Wei took a look and found that under Wood, there were actually a group of nearly 300 druids.

   These druids all wear eagle head hats.

   On their bodies, there is still the power of lightning.

   "Is this a Scourge Druid?"

"Yes, another department of natural disaster druids, who master lightning storms, didn't I come here with others before, I brought the volcano releaser, and he brought the storm releaser, this is the power given by the Azure Palace up.

  As a result, I am now legendary, so I went to find Nat, trying to win him over, but he didn't want to, so I had to kill him and bring his troops over.

  Look, my lord, this is the azure shard that Nat brought. Although it is not as good as the wreck of the world tree before me, it is also a good thing, please accept it. "

  Chen Wei had obtained Azure Shards before, so of course he knew it was a good thing.

  He approached the azure shard and said something affirmatively.

"Okay, I have received your wish. You will be in charge of these natural disaster druids. I will find a way to supplement your druid troops in the future. Now go to the ancient volcano tree to see if there is anything you need Help."

  At this time, Wood said: "My lord, do you want to fight the Giant Tree City, I can also participate in the battle."

  (end of this chapter)

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