The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 336: Digest the results of the battle (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 336 Digesting the results of the battle (for subscription)

   "You really know how to pick your time."

  Chen Wei took a look at Wood, "Go, take down the Elven Giant Tree City, as your vote, I hope to see the heart of the Elf Giant Tree City."

  Wood lowered his head, "My lord, please rest assured, your wish will definitely come true."

   After speaking, Wood left quickly with his men.

  Looking at the direction of Wood's departure, Chen Wei waved his hand and began to let the troops enter the field, heading towards the Elf Giant Tree City.

   At the scene, only Shirley's worker bees were left to deal with the huge tree.

  Although most of the things in the ancient fortress tree in front of us have been removed, the ancient tree still contains powerful energy.

   Chen Wei doesn't need these, and he doesn't need the ancient volcanic trees. They happen to be the best supplementary materials in the honeycomb tree world.

  Now Shirley has notified the queen bee that a large number of source power worker bees are flying towards this side, preparing to decompose the old fortress tree and take away the fragments.

  Seeing that Xueli could handle the battlefield here alone, Chen Wei didn't say much, but asked Xueli to keep all the weapons and equipment they couldn't handle, and all the complete elf corpses, all belonged to Chen Wei.

   Xueli didn't have any objection to Chen Wei's request.

  The biggest advantage of the spoils of this battle is the remnant of the ancient tree in the fortress. With this, they don’t need to take other things.

   Not to mention that Chen Wei let them take away the goblin's body.

  The corpses of the elves were used by Chen Wei to replenish his troops. After all, he took down the Giant Tree City of the elves. If he didn't have enough troops, he couldn't resist the ensuing counterattack of the elves.

   Shirley also understood this, so she did not object to this opinion.

  After arranging the battlefield here, Chen Wei rode the bone beetle back to the deep pit.

  At this time, the ancient volcanic tree had already entered the deep pit. Just now, the ancient fortress tree inserted its canopy into the volcano, but it was thrown into the deep pit together with the volcano.

   Now is the time for the ancient volcanic trees to enjoy their spoils.

  When Chen Wei arrived, the ancient volcano tree just sent a vine up to communicate with Chen Wei.

   "My lord, I am digesting the first half of the ancient fortress tree, it may take one to two days."

   "Is this ancient fortress tree difficult to digest?"

  Chen Wei still asked one more question.

   "It's not difficult, but they seem to have transferred a large part of the power of the ancient gods to the canopy, and these powers of the ancient gods are more difficult to digest."

   "Okay, you digest it first, and I won't bother you."

  Chen Wei also didn't ask whether the ancient volcano tree would improve after digesting the power of these ancient gods.

  He is already a limit creature, belonging to the ceiling of this world.

   It is impossible to improve the level, and it is useless to ask.

   Then Chen Wei retreated to the catapult behind him.

   This location is already close to the weird woods of the mechanical monster.

   After entering here, Chen Wei saw the vines protruding from the strange forest dragging away some of the corpses of elves.

  Chen Wei didn't bother with this matter either.

  He has already seen that these elves were not the main force attacking his side before, and he doesn't know how they escaped. Anyway, there are not many corpses, and there are not many corpses, which does not affect the overall situation.

  Chen Wei came to the back now, in order to maintain the safety of the rear passage.

   Now that the big battle is over, the next ones will be small-scale battles.

   At this time, some moths of one kind or another are most likely to appear.

  Chen Wei didn't want to make any trouble at this time.

   While Chen Wei was retreating, Stanford and the others also used the power of siege weapons to break into the second floor of the elf giant tree city.

   At this time, the elves still have a strong sense of resistance.

   These elves are not fighting for heroes, they are desperately fighting for their own survival.

  The troops led by Stanford were not the most numerous troops under Chen Wei.

  They rushed here the first time, purely because they started in a good position.

   Coupled with the help of siege weapons, they can break through the first layer of defense.

   Now encountering resistance from the elves, Stanford was also suppressed by the elves.

   And the closest hero to Stanford is Heart of the Woods.

  Shu Xin had no intention of participating in the siege battle.

   Unlike Stanford, Shuxin is not a comprehensive hero, he is an exclusive hero exclusively for the Shuhai Army.

  In the woods, he will have enough combat power.

  Leaving the woods, his ranking will drop rapidly.

  Shu Xin knew exactly where he should stand. After clearing out the nearby enemies, he quickly led his men towards the woods in other directions.

  All elves who want to escape from the forest will be attacked by him.

   As for the enemies who did not enter the woods, that was not what Shu Xin wanted to deal with.

  Stanford took the initiative to attack the city, that was his business, and Shu Xin could only watch there.

  While Shuxin was watching the battle in the elf giant tree city, he suddenly found another burst of chaos in the woods.

  Some elves just collided with the team that was transporting the source of power ballista.

   Seeing that these elves were a transport team, they had bold ideas.

  They plan to take down the transport team and **** the source power ballistas.

   This is a relatively large ballista. As long as these elves grab it, judging from their shooting level, they can easily master the use of the ballista.

  At that time, they can join the battle, and they can even get a lot of battle experience.

   Shu Xin laughed when he saw this situation.

   He will not go to attack the city, but how can he let go of the enemy in the woods.

  So Shu Xin led his men to quickly surround them, and before the elves made a move, Shu Xin led the Shuhai Army to appear behind them.

   Tree Heart is not polite to these elves, they are all trophies that he sent to the door, and Tree Heart immediately shot an arrow at the elves.

   Then his men also participated in the battle.

  The elves did not expect that they would be ambushed in the woods, and they hurriedly turned back to fight with the heart of the tree.

   But their battle blessing in the woods is simply not comparable to the heart of the tree.

  They couldn't see the existence of Tree Heart and the others at all. Instead, they were like targets in the woods. As long as they moved, three or four long arrows would hit them accurately.

  But they don't move, and they can't hide themselves.

   Attack after attack, easily kill all the elves here.

   After killing the elves, Tree Heart marked the elves' corpses and took all the elves' arrows.

  After doing all this, Shu Xin looked towards the team that transported the source power ballista.

   "Okay, you are safe now."

   Just then, Shu Xin heard a voice.

   "It seems that we are one step late."

  (end of this chapter)

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