The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 338: Into the city (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 338 Breaking into the city (for subscription)

  Ten hours later, Chen Wei finally led his troops to the outside of the Elven Giant Tree City.

  When he came here, Chen Wei immediately saw Stanford who was consolidating the battlefield.

  At this time, Stanford showed a very stable attacking attitude. He cut the elf giant tree city into many different areas, large and small.

  Every time an area is taken down, a spiritual spell will be performed to replenish the lost troops.

  Although it will be slower to do so, Stanford's cannon fodder is hitting more and more.

   When Chen Wei came over, Stanford even sent the extra skeleton soldiers to Chen Wei.

"What's the situation now?"

   After accepting the skeleton soldiers sent by Stanford, Chen Wei asked the hero who sent the skeleton soldiers.

  He is the only one of the three heroes under Stanford who survived, the torch walker.

  "The two outermost urban areas have been taken down, and some obstacles have been encountered in the third urban area, but their resistance seems to be restrained by something.

  I believe that as long as we give us another day, we can take down the entire elf giant tree city. "

   "One day?" Chen Wei thought about the situation in other battlefields, and now there is nothing new happening, so he can still spare this time.

   "That's fine. It just so happens that the follow-up troops have arrived, and they will be handed over to Stanford to command. I hope to take down this giant elf tree city in its entirety."

   "Please rest assured, my lord, every time we win a place, we will protect it, especially those functional buildings. We have all searched for the building stones and ensured the integrity of the building."

  Hearing what Huo Shou said, Chen Wei was finally half relieved.

   As long as there are building stones, there is no problem.

  Even if those buildings are destroyed, building stones can be used to restore the buildings.

  Chen Wei is just two satellite cities that were unfortunately dropped from the sky.

  As a satellite city, it also has the heart of the city.

  And their satellite city is so big, there must be a lot of building stones in Licheng, these are resources for growth.

   Now I can only watch everything being destroyed and nothing left.

  While Chen Wei was thinking about this, the fire hand suddenly let out a snort.

  Chen Wei looked at the fire hand with some doubts, but found that the fire hand was looking at the situation in the elf giant tree city.

"What's wrong?"

   "There is something wrong with the resistance in the elf giant tree city. There seems to be something wrong with the core layer."

   "How did you see that?"

   "My lord, the commander of the long-range unit, it is reasonable to have better eyesight."

  Firehand said calmly.

   "Then did you see what happened to them?"

   "I can't see clearly, it seems that someone is fighting inside, but we have only reached the third floor, and no one has passed on the fourth floor at all, and we don't have flying troops. Who is fighting there?"

  The fireman told what he saw.

  At this time, Chen Wei also felt something was wrong.

   Could it be that another group of people is attacking the elf giant tree city?

  If this is the case, then the city heart of the elf giant tree city does not know who will eventually belong to it.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei also became anxious.

   "Attack, take down the elf giant tree city."

  Chen Wei can figure this out, there is no reason for Huoshou and the others not to understand people.

  At this time, Stanford also gave the order to attack.

  He didn't want to fight for a long time by himself, and finally the biggest advantage was taken by someone.

  So Stanford's steady play style at the beginning turned into a strong attack.

   Various siege weapons are directly used on the city gate.

  He is going to forcibly take down the city gate on the third floor, and then go directly to the fourth floor.

  As long as they attack fast enough, it is possible to rush to the fifth floor before the opponent takes it down.

   At that time, they still have a chance to grab the heart of the city.

   Watching Stanford's actions, Chen Wei also ordered his fierce bone army to attack.

  He has seen the situation on Stanford's side. Stanford's battle plan is very good, but his troops are still a little less.

  Now Chen Wei needs to help support the Stanford team.

   With Chen Wei's help, Stanford's attack speed was significantly faster.

   About an hour later, they knocked down the gate on the third floor. At this time, they didn't care about other places on this floor, and rushed in along the gate.

  Chen Wei followed the team and entered the area on the third floor. Standing here, he could see the city gate leading to the fourth floor not far away.

   At the same time, you can also see the battle situation on the fifth floor, which is the core city.

   When Chen Wei looked over there, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

   There are two batches of elves fighting on the opposite side.

  Why does the banner played by one of the elf teams look so familiar?

  Yongye Town City Guard Army First Brigade Third Squad.

   Isn't that the banner that Chen Wei is using now?

  Because of the sudden incident in the elf giant tree city, Chen Wei has not yet played the banner of the natural disaster leader.

  So now Chen Wei is still under the banner of Yongye Town.

  The same is true of the heroes under Chen Wei. Stanford has one side of this banner.

   It's just that Chen Wei doesn't understand, when did he have elf troops under his command.

  And these elves have reached the fifth floor of the elf giant tree city.

   This doesn't make sense at all.

  Chen Wei saw his own banner, and Stanford and the others naturally saw it too.

  They also don't understand what's going on.

  Stanford specially ran to find Chen Wei.

   "My lord, what's the situation?"

   "Me neither..." When Chen Wei was about to say that he didn't know, he suddenly paused and thought of a possibility, "I might know what's going on, it's probably Wood's team."

   "Wood?" Stanford knew the heroes under Chen Wei, but he didn't know many of them. He was only familiar with Centaur Zhuifeng and their early heroes.

  Wood is the hero Chen Wei received after hearing the name.

  Although he doesn't know who the other party is, as long as Chen Wei admits that he is his subordinate.

   "Then I know, with Wood playing the fifth floor over there, I don't have to rush in."

  Chen Wei took a look at the battle situation on Wood's side. The current situation seems to be that Wood has the upper hand.

   Then at this time, there is no need for Stanford to fight inside desperately.

   "Okay, you still follow the original plan and occupy this place step by step. We not only want to win, but also win beautifully."

  Stanford didn't say anything after hearing this, so he went down to deal with the unfinished parts on the third floor.

  As for the gate on the fourth floor is there, it is not the time to take down here, they need more time and troops.

  (end of this chapter)

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