The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 339: The role of Wood (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 339 The role of Wood (for subscription)

  After Stanford went down to fight, Chen Wei found a high place and watched the battle at the core of the fifth floor.

  At this time, Chen Wei discovered that the number of elf troops under Wood was surprisingly large, and all of them were elf druids.

  Wood really made the druid play well.

There are Xiong Druids who rush to the front, which can transform into bears. For physical attacks, there are Cat Druids who can transform into tigers and leopards, or Wolf Druids who can transform into werewolves. There are Scourge Druids who cast spells, and there are also Druids who can transform into owls. The beast's bird virtue, there is actually a recovery virtue that can replenish blood at the end.

   It can be said that Wood's troops have thought of everything they can think of except for long-range shooting.

   It is precisely because of such a druid team that Wood fought quite smoothly.

  Because he has a way to solve any possible situation.

   Not to mention that Wood himself also masters spells, and he also masters several super-large spells.

  In addition to the elf troops guarding the fifth floor, most of them have already left with the ancient fortress tree.

  The ones left here are all those who wanted to come here to fish in troubled waters through the chaos.

  Wood is playing against them now.

  While fighting, Wood also persuaded him to surrender.

  Wood's condition is very simple, first let them come over and become the heroes under Wood.

  If they can perform at a very good level, Wood can recommend them to Chen Wei.

   This is exactly Wood's careful thinking. If Chen Wei has only one elf who surrendered, all the heroes under Chen Wei will notice him.

  But if Chen Wei has many elves who surrendered.

  Then he is not so noticeable.

  Under Wood's persuasion, the fighting here became more and more excessive, until it became a situation where the front was acting and the back was chatting.

   All of this was also seen by Chen Wei.

  Facing such a situation, Chen Wei could only shake his head.

  Wood is helping himself no matter what, as long as he doesn't betray, then nothing will happen.

  Wood's affairs were handled quickly. Under his persuasion, another seven elf heroes chose to surrender.

  Among the seven heroes, three are the most common elf shooters, and two are the most common elf sword dancers.

  They all belong to the kind who can't get along, so they are automatically organized to the fifth floor to have a look.

   Now that someone persuades them to surrender, they will naturally surrender voluntarily.

   The other two, one is an elf priest and the other is an elf knight.

   They are naturally the elite of some clans.

   But the problem is that they can only command a hundred soldiers, and they are cannon fodder for temporary heroes.

   Their status is even lower than the previous five elf heroes.

  So as soon as they heard that they could surrender, they immediately chose to surrender.

  As for the remaining elf heroes, they either didn't respond, or they still had their own thoughts.

  Wood will not pull these people into the team.

  Wood himself is a capitulator, and he is also very worried, what will happen if these people have ambitions again.

   What if they join Chen Wei's team and rebel again.

   At that time, will these capitulators be cleaned up by Chen Wei?

  In order to ensure his own survival, Wood thought everything through when he accepted the job.

  So in this fifth floor, there are actually a few good-quality elf heroes, and there is even one who knows at a glance that he has a high potential.

   But Wood didn't look for them.

  With the surrender of seven heroes, coupled with the encirclement of Wood's troops, the battle on the fifth floor soon ended.

  Chen Wei estimated the time, from when they found out that there was a problem on the fifth floor to when Chen Wei watched them finish and clean the battlefield, it only took more than three hours.

   This speed is quite fast.

  If Wood hadn't been Chen Wei's men, at their speed, when Stanford reached the fifth floor, they could pack up and transport everything on the fifth floor.

   This made Chen Wei heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he made the right choice at the beginning. He let Wood go out on his own and let them take down the Elven Giant Tree City as a vote.

  At the beginning, he thought that as long as Wood could cooperate with Stanford in the battle, it would be fine to attack the elf team with all his strength.

   Now it seems that this is the most correct choice.

  Wood didn't know that everything about him was seen by Chen Wei.

   After winning this time, he did not sit idle.

  What Chen Wei needs, he hasn't got it yet.

  The Elven Giant Tree City is a level 7 city, and the heart of the city has been raised to level 7.

   Judging from what Chen Wei meant, he obviously didn't want to stay here.

  Then the city heart of the elf giant tree city must be demolished.

   Disassembled in this way, the level of the city heart will drop to level 6.

  If you don’t know how to dismantle it, it’s possible to directly drop to level 1.

  Wood is carefully dismantling the heart of the city.

  When he disassembled the city heart, he didn't pull the city heart directly from the ground, but carefully excavated little by little around the location where the city heart was buried.

  Through some means, interrupt the external output of the energy of the heart of the city.

   After closing all the energy channels, they can take the heart of the city off the base.

   As long as there is any error in any of the actions, then wait for the level of the city heart to drop by 1 level.

   And there are some more troublesome situations in the city heart of the elf giant tree city.

  Because the Elven Giant Tree City has three satellite cities, although two were destroyed, the connection with the third satellite city is still there.

   It will take some time for this part of the energy exchange to be cut off.

   In addition to this, there is another problem that needs to be dealt with.

  The heart of the city before was buried under the big tree of the ancient fortress.

   When the ancient trees of the fortress stood up, they also destroyed some output lines of the city heart.

  These lines have been directly disconnected.

  For the disconnected line, Wood doesn't think about it. If it is broken and repaired, it can't be repaired.

   What he really cares about is the energy flowing out of these lines.

   If these lines are not sealed, energy will flow out every minute and every second.

  This is the level of the heart of the city.

  Wood sighed while quickly processing the work at hand.

   While he was dealing with the heart of the city, the heroes who had just joined Wood also cooperated with Wood to take out the building stones from nearby buildings piece by piece.

   This is the most orthodox way to get building stones.

  Each piece of building stone that is taken out can be reused as long as it is cleaned.

   Several heroes were still talking there while they were fetching building stones.

   "I said we can be safe like this?"

   "Of course, I heard from Mr. Wood. That lord is quite generous in his shots. As long as we are useful, that lord will not embarrass us. Now is the opportunity to prove our usefulness."

  (end of this chapter)

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