The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 342: Harvested building stones (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 342 Harvested Building Stones (for subscription)

  The Elven Giant Tree City is a level 7 city, not to mention the rest, just the basic buildings, most of which have been upgraded several levels.

  For example, the necessary farmland and blacksmith shops in a level 0 city should have reached level 7.

   It's just that the elf giant tree city has separated satellite cities, and the cities used to house farmland and blacksmith shops have all fallen from the sky.

   But other buildings are more or less preserved.

  Although the level was lowered for various reasons during the dismantling, the level of the buildings that were taken out were much higher than the buildings in Chen Wei's hands.

  The highest level is the barracks. This building, the previous two, and the warehouse are all necessary buildings when the city is upgraded from level 0 to level 1.

  In addition, in order to allow the legendary dryads and treants trained by the elf giant tree city to have a more spacious place to live, the elf giant tree city separated the barracks and made it into a satellite city.

  When Chen Wei's men took the city, this building stone was well protected by the city heart of the satellite city.

  The current level is still level 7.

   However, due to the war in the warehouse, when Chen Wei's heroes found this building stone, the building level was only left at level 6.

   There is also a tavern at level 6, where heroes can be recruited.

   Then there is the level 5 magic tower, which is why the level has dropped.

  Then there is a set of city walls, ranging from level 4 to level 1.

  The city wall at level 1 is really just a city wall, level 2 has arrow towers, level 3 has moats, and level 4 has defensive covers.

  Originally, the Elven Giant Tree City had a total of five layers of walls, but because the walls were the focus of attack during the siege, all the five layers of walls were downgraded, and only this set of walls was taken out in the end.

  But this is enough for Chen Wei.

   At least Chen Wei didn't have such a big city wall to use.

  In addition, Chen Wei also got a lot of supporting building stones, such as the matching moat and defensive cover for the city wall, and the matching mage tower, wisdom wall, magic academy, etc. on the magic tower.

  There is no classification of these, and all of them are measured.

  City walls above level 2 can bring their own arrow towers, and the number of arrow tower building stones that Chen Wei got is quite a lot.

   Add up to a total of more than thirty yuan.

  The city walls after level 3 can have a moat, so there are fewer building stones in the moat, and there are only three in total.

  The defense cover can be assembled on a level 4 city wall. Chen Wei got a total of two defensive cover building stones.

  For another example, the tavern also has a corresponding supporting building, as if the hero is recruited, it is natural to give the hero a place to live.

  The elves are talking about decentralized leadership. Each hero only leads 100 soldiers.

  There are so many heroes, and it is impossible to prepare hero mansions specially for heroes.

  Therefore, there is a hero apartment building here. Each hero apartment can accommodate 30 heroes. In addition to guaranteeing life, the heroes who live in it can also quickly recover their life and mana.

   There is also the fact that the tavern also works part-time as intelligence, so Chen Wei also found the building stone of the Thieves Guild.

   There are quite a lot of these building stones, each of which has a corresponding function.

  Chen Wei didn't understand these at first, it was Wood who took the elf heroes he had just recruited to recall based on some situations, and then classified the building stones.

   After the classification is clear, Chen Wei also almost understands how these building stones come from.

  Those graded building stones were built with resources when the city was built.

   And those supporting building stones are given when completing town tasks.

  After taking down the Elven Giant Tree City, all of these were demolished.

  Now, all the years of hard work in the Elven Giant Tree City have become Chen Wei's merits.

  In addition to the heart of the city and the building stones, Chen Wei and the others had other gains this time.

   All the elf clans belonging to the elf giant tree city along the way were all affected.

  The large-scale conscription and the forced blood tax in the field camps directly evacuated all the nearby troops.

   Not to mention those resource points that originally belonged to the Elven Giant Tree City.

  The troops originally used to guard the resource point were also transferred back.

   Now as long as Chen Wei sends people out, he can immediately occupy more than ten elf clan lands.

   And they are all good lands above level 2.

  Looking at the map in front of him, it was found in the military hall of the Elven Giant Tree City.

  After reaching level 5, the administrative hall and the military hall will be automatically divided into the council hall.

  So everything related to the military can be found in the military hall.

  The one in front of me is a military map, which mainly records the situation of several nearby elf cities.

  As for the map that records the nearby elf clans, it belongs to the internal administrative area and is placed in the administrative hall.

  Chen Wei got the map right away.

  When he saw a large number of elf clan lands, his first reaction was to want to occupy them all.

   But in the end Chen Wei gave up this idea.

  He doesn't have enough people under his command, but the three cities he controls personally already make him in a hurry.

   There are more than a dozen large and small cities at once, which will only waste Chen Wei's time.

   Chen Wei clearly remembered his goal.

  He's not here to dominate the novice world.

  He wants to reach the standard for accepting novice tasks before the end of the rookie period, and break out of the novice world.

  So Chen Wei doesn't want any of these cities.

  But Chen Wei was not reconciled to letting Chen Wei give up these cities.

  So when Chen Wei got the map, he had already looked for Zhuang Qiang.

  Chen Wei intends to ask Zhuang Qiang to contact the players who are still alive.

  Let them come and take over these cities.

  At first, Zhuang Qiang was a little unhappy.

  Because the player didn't do anything, why can he get the city as soon as he comes.

   You must know that Zhuang Qiang and the others have contributed a lot to Chen Wei's men. When Chen Wei fought against the Elven Giant Tree City, they were the guerrilla fighters in the rear.

   But in the end he was persuaded by Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei only asked Zhuang Qiang two questions.

   "First, what is your goal, do you want to stay here all the time? If not, then what are you going to do to leave this novice world.

  You guys are better than other players now, because you have at least complete clan lands in your hands.

  The players who come later, they will definitely not be able to get the complete family land all at once.

  Besides, are you sure that you have won so many clan lands, that you can really use all your strength and block the attacks of the elves?

   You know, I took down the elf giant tree city, which is equivalent to attracting the attention of all the nearby elves.

  I believe that you can hold a clan land, but can you hold two cities at the same time by yourself? Three cities? "

   Hearing this, Zhuang Qiang realized that he still overestimated himself.

  So he personally contacted other players and spread the news.

  (end of this chapter)

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