The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 343: Line of defense against elves (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 343 Defense against the elves (for subscription)

  In order for Zhuang Qiang to prove himself, Chen Wei gave the map to Zhuang Qiang at that time.

  At the same time, they agreed with Zhuang Qiang that players who occupy the clan land need to hand over 20% of the city's income to Chen Wei.

  When Chen Wei encountered an attack, they needed to send troops to support them.

  In addition, what they got was only the control of the clan land, and the nearby field camps and resource points belonged to Chen Wei.

  If they are willing to help mine, then they can share 30% of the mined resources, and the rest will belong to Chen Wei.

  This condition is too strict for some players who already have their own city.

   But for those players who are still struggling to die, it is simply a pie in the sky.

   Soon, many players signed up and said they were willing to come.

   Some players even sent a message to Zhuang Qiang, saying that his combat strength is not enough, can he form a team to control the territory of a clan.

  Zhuang Qiang did not expect to encounter such a thing.

  In fact, if it was Zhuang Qiang who had just come into contact with Chen Wei, he would definitely understand what these players thought.

  For players, having a city means they have the opportunity to break out of the novice world.

   As for whether the city is jointly managed by several people or monopolized, there is actually not much difference.

  These players are very aware of their strength. Even though there are many clan lands to choose from, the players are not crazy and want to grab a big one.

   Instead, I want to take a safer and more stable position.

   All of these must be judged and distributed by Zhuang Qiang.

  Chen Wei only needs one result.

   Of course, for this result, Chen Wei has to do a lot more.

  After the elf giant tree city was demolished, the front line of Chen Wei's territory was pushed a little further.

  Zhuifeng has taken the centaur to occupy an elf clan land at the forefront, and is waiting for Chen Wei to go to transform the clan land.

  He has already made a plan with Chen Wei to seal all the passages leading to other places by transforming the pollen centaur.

   Prevent several nearby elf cities from sending troops to attack.

  At the same time, the location of the elf giant tree city will also leave the satellite city, and transform it into a new town.

   After that, it will radiate from this city to the surrounding elf clans.

  Chen Wei has already thought about it, and this new city will be managed by Stanford.

  At that time, he will adjust the attributes of the city into a composite city of undead and demons by means of synthesis.

  In this way, Chen Wei's territory will center on this city and Plague Town, forming a larger natural disaster territory.

   Of course all this is just a plan.

  Chen Wei is currently checking the military map, planning to find out all the passages that can enter the natural disaster territory.

  Now the force in his hands is not as strong as he thought.

  In case there is a troop on either side, it will come in to pick up the leak.

   What Chen Wei needs to do now is to arrange all these passages.

   Now the most important direction, Chen Wei has arranged to chase the wind.

   He naturally has plans in other directions.

   While looking at the map, Chen Wei had a few extra chess pieces in his hands.

   These are some of his heroes and high-level units.

  Chen Wei took these chess pieces and moved on the map, thinking about where it would be more appropriate to arrange people.

   It's just that he can't be free at this time.

   From time to time, someone will come to ask.

   This time Wood ran over again.

   "Master, are you arranging defense?"

   "Yes, these passages must be defended. Look here, here is a level 5 elf city, and then there is a level 9 city.

  According to the map, this level 5 elf hero is a branch of the level 9 city.

  So when I think about defense, I must send an extra troop over.

Another example is this location, which is also facing a level 5 elf city, but there is no support from other big cities behind it, so we only need to put a sentry to watch, and when the enemy invades, send troops to deal with it just fine.

   Besides this location, this forest is marked with an asterisk, which means that there is a problem with this forest itself. This forest just blocks this passage, so I just need to arrange people to watch here. "

  Chen Wei told Wood about his plan.

   No way, now Chen Wei can't find anyone to discuss with.

  He has already thought about it, and when all the resources are counted, he will send all the resources here to the Mechanical Heaven.

  First build the city in the mechanical heaven.

   Apart from other things, there must be a tavern, and there must be enough heroes.

   When the time comes, arrange a few heroes with combat capabilities to come over as staff officers.

  He thinks about so many things by himself, his head is almost getting bigger.

   "My lord, these are the heroes who are with me anyway, and they also want to contribute to your lord."

   "Okay, do they have troops?"

   Chen Wei glanced at the hero following Wood and asked.

  Everything is in chaos now, and Chen Wei has no time to meet these heroes who just surrendered.

   "Yes, they originally had their own troops, and we took advantage of the chaos to gather some chaos troops."

   "As long as there is, their troops don't have to worry, I will leave an elf clan's land for their supplies."

  Chen Wei thought that this was why Wood brought them here.

   But he never expected that Wood would talk about something else.

   "My lord, these few actually have some potential. They see that your lord has the ability to strengthen, and they are willing to participate in the strengthening."

  Chen Wei glanced at Wood.

   then laughed.

  Wood is a smart man. He knows that he is a hero who surrendered, and he is afraid that he will become a different kind of person with Chen Wei.

  So he would be willing to show himself to Chen Wei.

   At the same time, he also saw that Chen Wei's synthesis was a means.

  Chen Wei will be more willing to believe in the existence of the synthesis, whether it is a hero or a soldier, as long as it is synthesized by Chen Wei, Chen Wei will always regard it as a confidant.

  It is a good idea to have these heroes who surrendered be synthesized by Chen Wei.

  As long as they are synthesized by Chen Wei, they are not outsiders who surrendered, but Chen Wei's confidant team.

   "Okay, wait a minute, it's not right, you see I'm busy, each of you, find something that you think is related to your own development direction.

   As for what to look for, Wood will choose yours. After you get it, come to me and I will tell you the success rate of strengthening. "

  When the heroes heard this, their eyes turned to Wood.

  Wood also thought of the things he took out when he strengthened, he asked with some embarrassment.

   "My lord, do you really want such a good thing?"

  “Not necessarily. It’s good to have it naturally. If you don’t have it, you should take the one that suits you best. The success rate of things that don’t suit you is low.”

  (end of this chapter)

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