The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 344: The Limits of Ancient Volcanic Trees (Subscription required)

  Chapter 344 The Limits of Ancient Volcanic Trees (Subscribe)

   "One more thing."

   When Stanford left, Chen Wei pressed his forehead involuntarily.

  Changing flags is not that simple.

  Chen Wei has always used the banner of Yongye Town, not trying to take advantage of Yongye Town.

   But this banner is small enough that his subordinates don't need to reorganize it.

   Now to change to the banner of the Scourge Lord, his heroes need to be reorganized.

  At that time, the city guards in each city, the main army of the Scourge, and the First Army will have to change their names.

  Each hero has its own coordination and direction.

  Chen Wei didn't think about it at first, but now the situation here is almost in a mess.

  If you want to reorganize, it is impossible to complete it without more than ten days.

   Not to mention that Chen Wei still has things to do.

  So in the next period of time, Chen Wei's troops will be in a state of no banner.

   After writing down this matter, Chen Wei raised his head.

   "Where did I just say, it is the third elf clan land in the north, right? It happens to be close to a lumberyard over there. We don't have any suitable heroes to stare at there, so we will hand them over to the players.

   Let them work, get the lumber ready. "

   "And the second to the south... what's going on."

   Chen Wei, who hadn't finished speaking, looked at the skeleton soldiers who ran in and felt speechless. Can anyone come to him and talk about things now?

   "Master, Lord Volcanic Ancient Tree is looking for you."

  The skeleton soldier didn't know that he had offended Chen Wei. He raised a ball of magma in his hand, proving that he was here to deliver a letter.

   "Okay, let's go here first today, I'll go and have a look."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Wei got up and left, heading towards the deep pit where the ancient volcano tree stood.

  When he arrived at the deep pit, Chen Wei found that there was already a lot of magma under the deep pit, at least within the scope of the deep pit, there was no land anymore.

  Among the magma, the vines of the ancient volcanic trees became significantly larger. Chen Wei noticed that there were some green lines on the vines.

   Seeing Chen Wei approaching, the ancient volcano tree straightened up and appeared in front of Chen Wei.

   "My lord, the request I made to you earlier may not be enough. I just devoured half of the ancient fortress tree, and now I can't hold it down anymore."

   "What does it mean to be unable to live?"

   Chen Wei asked a little puzzled.

   "We are limit creatures, the level has reached the limit.

  Afterwards, everything we get will be transferred to other directions. For example, if I get benefits later, I can transfer it to strength, physique, mana, etc.

   But this time, although there is only half of the ancient fortress tree, the amount is too large, and my five attributes are almost full.

  If the five attributes are all full, then I have reached the limit of growth again.

   If this continues, my level will exceed the upper limit of this world, and I will be targeted by this world.

  So I ask adults to help me find a way. "

   "What do you need?" Chen Wei also became nervous when he heard it. This is the strongest combat power in his hands, and it can't just disappear like this.

   "I need more soldiers and heroes to share the pressure on me."

   Chen Wei thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

   "If I put a city on you, it should be able to share the pressure on you."

  The ancient volcano tree nodded affirmatively, "Several shrines deal with the existence of the top in this way, but my situation is not right. No city can exist in a volcano."

"That's not necessarily the case, so you don't stay here now, can you shrink it? If you can shrink it, I will have someone transport you to Fulai Village. Fulai Village is located on the second floor below a mine. It has become a crater.

  When you get there and assimilate Fulai Village, you should be able to suppress everything. "

   "Village? Level 2?" The volcano ancient tree hesitated, "This may not be enough."

   "Then I will give you the mine above and the nearby woods. There may be nothing in the mine above, but there is a seal placed by the Emerald Shrine in the woods. It also sealed a very strong weirdness."

   Speaking of this, Chen Wei suddenly stopped, "Do you think that Weird is also a limit creature?"

   "What's his situation?"

   "Can control the doll, very strong, it seems..."

  Chen Wei talked about the strange situation of that rag doll.

  The ancient volcano tree thought for a while, and finally said: "She may really be an extreme creature, and she is the most terrifying extreme weirdness among extreme creatures.

  At the same time, she should belong to the limit of the avatar category, and the people of the Emerald Shrine can suppress her. It seems that the Emerald Shrine also has capable people.

   It may be bad luck, but this forest belongs to you too, you see, this should help you suppress everything.

   Yes, but please lend me Wood for a few days. "

   "You want Wood to drive you there?"

   "Yes, I need Wood's help to use volcanic techniques to gather and suppress the current magma."

   "Okay, I will arrange it now. I think Wood also wants to push the limit. You can talk to him then, and he will do his best."

  Chen Wei didn't hesitate, and immediately arranged everything.

  Wood was called over, and at the same time he also contacted Red Hammer in Fulai Village. After all, Red Hammer had been working in Delai Village for so long, and he could be regarded as the veteran of Fulai Village.

   "Is it the ultimate existence that will hand over the entire Comeback Village?"

   After explaining the matter, Hong Hammer also replied.

"Yes, no, there are two places in Fulai Village that you can convert into building stones for me. One is the hero synthesis cabin. You must protect this for me so that it cannot be broken. The other is the Weird Manor. The one with The situation in Fulai Village is not suitable, so don't stay there either.

   But you, what do you think? "

   "I still want to stay in Fulai Village." Hong Hammer has been guarding Fulai Village all the time. No matter how hard the war is, he has never left Fulai Village.

  At the same time, even if all the residents of Fulai Village were arranged to leave, he had no intention of leaving.

  After knowing what Red Hammer was thinking, Chen Wei said directly: "Yes, you can also join the team of the ancient volcano tree at that time. I believe that by following him, your strength will be improved."

   "Thank you, my lord."

  Hong Hammer finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  At this moment, Chen Wei said again: "In addition, do you have any heroes to recommend? The mine above Fulai Village and the forest on the ground must all be counted."

"Yes, Fulai Village has already built a tavern, and there will be a hero of the city every week. I will find a way to keep each hero. Now we have six new heroes here. They are here. The work in Fulai Village is quite smooth."

   "Arrange it together, and I won't go there. You and Wood and the ancient volcano tree will handle the matter over there."

  (end of this chapter)

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