The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 347: Play the banner of the natural disaster leader (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 347 Playing the banner of the natural disaster leader (seeking subscription)

   Before going to the Mechanical Heaven, Chen Wei still has a few things to do.

   The first thing is naturally to organize your own legion and play the banner of the natural disaster leader.

  It has been three days since Yongye Town made the request. During these three days, Yongye Town sent a message every day to ask.

  It seemed that as long as the banner of Yongye Town was still flying over Chen Wei's territory, they would be wiped out.

  So after dealing with the matter of the territory, Chen Wei called all his heroes over.

  After calling over, Chen Wei discovered that he had such a powerful hero and troops without knowing it.

  These heroes who were called back were naturally divided into several factions.

   Chatting there in twos and threes.

   After the heroes were almost all there, Chen Wei stood up. He stood on the back of the bone beetle and said to the heroes below.

   "You should all know the reason for inviting you here today. We are strong enough now. We have conquered a level 7 city and won such a large territory now.

  We no longer need to hold up the banner of others, we can take out our own banner and our own identity.

  In the future, it can be said to the outside world that we are the troops of the Scourge.

  The natural disaster of the natural disaster collar. "

   Following Chen Wei's words, all the heroes raised their weapons and cheered.

   After saying this, Chen Wei looked at his subordinates.

  The information and ideas of these heroes flashed in front of him one by one.

  Zhuifeng, a centaur hero, wants to build a world where centaurs live freely.

  Stanford, the zombie hero, is a capable comprehensive hero. Although the movement speed is relatively slow, as long as the task is given to him, he will try his best to complete it.

  Xue Li, the source power bee hero, is a rare flying hero in Chen Wei's hands, and also the hero with the widest hands. He is more generous than those undead heroes under Chen Wei, and he doesn't care about the life and death of his subordinates at all.


  Wood, the hero who surrendered, was also the hero who received Chen Wei's combined treatment, and he was also the only hero in Chen Wei's hands who had reached the legendary level.

  Although he was a little cautious, so what.

  His strength and ability are enough to ignore everything.

   Surrounding these heroes, Chen Wei found that many factions, large and small, had formed under his command.

  Like a group of centaur heroes with Chasing Wind as the core, they are the most united one.

  Their goal is to establish a kingdom of centaurs. Now they have two cities that belong entirely to centaurs. Next, they will integrate the centaur camps and human stables in the wild.

  Finally, the centaur kingdom was established through these, and the centaur was rescued from the blood tax of the elves.

  From the very beginning, Chen Wei already knew that it was impossible for Zhuifeng to follow him out of the novice world to other worlds.

  He has his own dream.

  But no matter what happens to Zhuifeng, as long as there is a task assigned to him, he will complete it seriously.

  So Chen Wei did not intend to exclude him from his team.

   Another example is that Shirley and Elena have a certain connection, perhaps because they are rare flying heroes.

  But the connection between them is not as close as that of the centaur.

  At the same time, Elena and Shirley also have different groups.

  Then there is Wood, Chen Wei has seen all his little moves during this period.

  But Wood didn't touch Chen Wei's bottom line, so Chen Wei never cared about him.

  Same as these situations, among the heroes under Chen Wei, there are too many small groups of one kind or another.

   So many that Chen Wei didn't want to take care of these things.

  He now only considers the situation of these heroes themselves, and made a classification and arrangement of these heroes.

  In Chen Wei's arrangement, all his heroes are divided into five categories.

  The first category is several core comprehensive heroes, who are responsible for the main battle and are also one of the main battle heroes.

  The characteristic of these heroes is that they can command multi-army cooperation, and when needed, they can have independent combat awareness and style.

  When needed, they can replace Chen Wei to attack and fight.

   There are not many such heroes. In the past, only Stanford and Wood were considered such heroes. The other Centaur’s Chasing Wind can also be regarded as this type of hero, but Chasing Feng is only used to bringing centaurs, so this can only be regarded as half of them.

   In addition, Shirley, who is similar to Zhuifeng, is also half.

  For such comprehensive heroes, Chen Wei directly assigned them the legion banner.

  Chen Wei was going to play the banner of the Scourge Leader, he himself took the banner of the first army of the Scourge, Stanford got the title of the second army, and Wood got the banner of the third army.

  As for Zhuifeng and Xueli, Chen Wei finally gave them the banners of the Fourth Army and the Fifth Army.

  As for the rest, such as Elena and others, they have talents in this area, but they haven't proved themselves yet, so it depends on their efforts. After all, Chen Wei still has several battle flags in his hand.

   This is to determine the main combat troops.

  Next is the second type of heroes. They can only command fixed units, and some are even legion commanders.

  The most prominent of these are the two bone ashes and Gu Xi. Both the ashes can lead their heroes, but they can only command skeleton soldiers. The same is true for Gu Xi. He has come out of Plague Town, but he can only control skeleton mages.

   No longer Shu Xin, directly the exclusive hero of Shu Hai Corps.

  They have always revolved around such a legion, and there is no way to become a comprehensive hero like Stanford and the others.

  So Chen Wei didn't give them the title of army, but organized them into a legion.

  The ashes still control the Bone Navy Corps, playing under the banner of the Scourge Leading Bone Marine Corps. Gu Xi and the newly trained Skeleton Mage formed an army, playing under the banner of the Scourge Leading Bone Spirit Corps.

  The heart of the tree is naturally the leader of the natural disaster tree navy group. In addition, the queen bee launched a hero named Tatsuya at this time. He controls the existence of soldiers bees with little combat effectiveness.

   But seeing that the number of these soldier bees has reached a certain level, Chen Wei also gave a title of bee swarm army.

   There are still several such heroes remaining, and they only deal with one unit.

  When Chen Wei needed to fight, they would be quickly dispatched and sent to designated positions on the battlefield.

  The third type of hero is the defending hero.

   There are two types of heroes in this category, one is only responsible for the town tasks of the city, and the other is responsible for the training and management of the troops in the city. In case of battle, they are also responsible for protecting their own city.

  The banner of this kind of hero is the natural disaster leader XX town guard.

   Usually they are active in their own cities, even if the natural disaster area encounters a major event, they will not deploy their troops to attack.

  (end of this chapter)

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