The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 348: Scourge (for subscription)

  Chapter 348 Scourge (for subscription)

  As for the names of the city guards, Chen Wei did not keep all of them. He had already decided that after the players were in place, everyone could give them a name.

   At that time, the title of City Guard can be displayed.

   It can also let others know that Chen Wei has enough troops.

  So the third type of heroes are mixed with players, these need to be carefully considered by Chen Wei.

  The fourth type of hero has become a special hero under Chen Wei.

  They are responsible for guarding and patrolling the roads and resource points in Chen Wei's territory.

  The status is lower than that of the city guards, and the sources of supplementary troops are all from the field camps.

   But this has one advantage, that is, these heroes can handle all the chores in the territory.

  For example, collecting resources from windmills and waterwheels every week, some beasts that appeared on the field road, and new soldiers coming out of the field camp every week, etc. Chen Wei no longer needs to think about these.

  These heroes will help Chen Wei deal with it clearly.

   It can be said that with such an inconspicuous hero, Chen Wei can directly worry about half of the territory.

  At the same time, what happened during the previous battle, when the elf heroes sneaked into the rear, Chen Wei would no longer be so anxious.

  When these patrolling heroes see it, they will deal with it themselves, and they will shake people if they cannot be defeated.

   Therefore, these heroes need the most, and Chen Wei has already planned that all the heroes recruited from the tavern will be placed in this position in the next period of time.

   It won't stop until the entire territory is fully operational.

  Even if he kills out of the novice world, he will handle chores in the territory in the same way when he arrives in the new world.

  He can't put everything on himself.

   Otherwise, it will be like a few days ago, when one thing has not been completed, another thing will be overwhelmed.

  As long as these heroes arrange tasks, Chen Wei will give them corresponding banners. The banners start from the first patrol team, and there is no upper limit on the establishment.

  The area corresponding to each patrol team is also divided.

   This will facilitate Chen Wei's management and transfer.

  The fifth type of hero is the subordinate hero brought by some main battle heroes.

   This kind of hero Stanford has a fireman under him, and Zhuifeng has more than a dozen centaurs under him.

  Wood even has some elf heroes under his command.

   They are all cases like this.

   For such a hero, Chen Wei is quite optimistic.

  Now Chen Wei just doesn't have enough heroes under his command, and he doesn't have enough hero certificates, otherwise, he really wants to assign all the main battle heroes to such subordinates.

  In this way, the number of troops that the main battle hero can control will increase.

   It will not be like before, when something happens, you need to deploy troops in this way.

  The fifth type of hero belongs to the subordinates of the main battle hero. They can also have their own banner, but they are all under the main battle banner.

   These heroes will not be directly managed or appointed by Chen Wei, it all depends on the choice of the main battle hero himself.

  Of course, Chen Wei also thought about it. After the heroes from other directions grow up, they should also be assigned this kind of subordinate hero.

   But that was a long time later.

  Currently, the number of heroes under Chen Wei is not so large that they can be arranged casually.

   This is only a temporary arrangement, and the future will be discussed after it gradually becomes stronger.

  After arranging all the heroes, Chen Wei sent down the battle flag to the heroes one by one, and arranged for the heroes to be stationed.

  Especially for several main battle armies, in order to consider transportation and battlefield issues, their garrisons have been carefully considered.

  For example, as the second main battle army, Stanford is tasked with defending Deadwood Town as the second wave of battlefields facing the siege of elves, so his station is near Deadwood Town.

  Then there is Wood, who will stay in the mine for a while because of the ancient volcano tree, and his current station is temporarily nearby.

   As for whether there will be adjustments, it depends on Chen Wei's future development plan.

  If Chen Wei felt that he had enough troops, he might really attack outside again and find a way to swallow another elf city.

   But right now, Chen Wei doesn't have that time.

  He still has many things to do.

   After changing the banners for all the heroes, Chen Wei ordered the heroes to take their positions.

   When the hero was about to leave with his men, Chen Wei stopped Wood.

   "I'll split up your two heroes, you won't have any objection?"

  Among the seven heroes under Wood, two are in good condition. Chen Wei specially arranged for them to become patrol heroes.

   This matter was directly ordered by Chen Wei, and Wood only knew about this situation when he received Chen Wei's order.

   "No, I invited them here to give them a better chance. Now that they have the opportunity to show their faces, how could I be unhappy."

   This is where Wood is smart.

  He knew his position under Chen Wei, and he also knew in his heart that if he wanted to take root under Chen Wei, he had to do more.

   Right now this is a good opportunity.

  Heroes like him were left alone, which is proof of the expansion of power.

   "That's fine, they just happen to be here, so let them evolve right now."

  Chen Wei didn't talk about synthesis, he just didn't want people to know his natural ability.

  He said to the seven elf heroes: "After evolution, you may no longer be elves, and may be other existences. If you need it, you can bring your favorite troops and evolve together.

  By the way, there is only one chance, and if the success rate is less than 50%, I will not make a move. That would be death, and only half of them will have a chance to gamble. "

   After Chen Wei finished speaking, he looked at an elf hero.

   This elven hero is a sword dancer.

He took out a two-handed epee, and said with certainty: "I like to use swords, but not double swords. Sword dancing is not my favorite profession. The reason why I become sword dancing is because it is the most popular among elves. The only place where you can touch the sword.

  All elves focus on agility, even with swords, I don't like this, I want to use two-handed epee, I want to be a warrior with two-handed epee. "

  Chen Wei took the two-handed epee and glanced at it, then pointed at the elf sword dancer.

  【Two-Handed Epee】+【Elf Sword Dance】=【? ? ? (Success rate 51%)] (consumes 6 mana)

   "51% success rate, do you want to try it?"


  Chen Wei didn't say much, and poured mana into the two-handed epee, and then a magma-red magic circle appeared beside the elf, wrapping him up.

  (end of this chapter)

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