The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 356: Portal (for subscription)

  Chapter 356 Portal (for subscription)

   "Can we build a location we can use to build the portal?"

   This is a player's suggestion, and it is also Chen Wei's current thinking.

  That's why Chen Wei thought, after stabilizing the situation in the Scourge Territory, he would find a chance to sneak into the core area of ​​the elves and check the location where the portal was built.

   Look at what is different, so that there are only three such places in an elf kingdom.

  Of course Chen Wei can't say these things now.

   After all, it is quite dangerous to sneak into the core area of ​​the elves. One more person who knows, the more likely the news will spread.

  After dealing with those players, Chen Wei got ready.

  Now that the affairs of the Scourge Leader have been arranged, Chen Wei can also relax half of his heart.

  Thinking about how to get on the road.

   "Wood, do the elves usually have more exchanges between cities?"

   "It's not bad, as long as it's not because of the heroes raised temporarily because of the war, most of them will know each other. After all, when there are no rookie players, the cities are full of contradictions.

   Sometimes the relationship is directly hostile, and there is no communication between them.

   This kind of hostile relationship becomes more obvious as you go to the upper level. There are several factions among the shrines, and each faction is a deadly enemy relationship. "

  Wood briefly explained the situation here.

  Although he only said a few simple words, Chen Wei has already heard the **** storm within the elves.

   "Is there any free hero in the elves, when there is no war, go from one end of the elves to the other end of the elves?"

   "This is true, but only three clans and one shrine will do this, what do you think, my lord?"

  Wood gave Chen Wei a curious look.

   "Pretending to be an elf hero, I want to visit the core area of ​​the elves."

  Chen Wei didn't say why he was going, but just talked about his plan.

   "If adults want to go, it is a very reasonable way to dress up as an elf. Entering the core area as an elf hero can at least avoid a lot of trouble.

  But adults had better prepare a way to return quickly, no matter whether it is teleportation or flying, they should be able to return within a day or two. "

  Wood did not try to persuade Chen Wei not to leave. He knew that Chen Wei would raise this question, and he must have his own reasons.

   All he can do is help Chen Wei find a way.

   "By the way, when the adults go, it is best to bring a few elf heroes with you, and bring a few hero credentials with you. In some places, it will be more convenient for the elves to come forward."

   Seeing Wood being so upbeat, Chen Wei asked a few more questions.

   It turns out that there are too many different things in the elves.

  Every time a new world is dragged into the game, the novice world is equivalent to a big comeback.

  The Iron Fist dynasty on the elves and humans defeated the new rookie players. In addition to getting the flesh and blood of suppressing the ancient gods, they can also get some different ideas and knowledge.

  So some elves slowly went astray. Although everyone is an elf, no one will know what they really learned.

  Chen Wei wants to dress up as an elf and enter the core area of ​​the elves, which is not difficult.

  The real difficulty is how to quickly withdraw from the elf territory if Chen Wei makes a big deal.

   You must know that the small portals in the elf land are all placed in large cities.

  If you want to come back through the small portal, in addition to turning in a lot of energy, you also need something that can prove your identity.

   It is impossible for an elf to come and say to use the portal, and they will open it directly.

  But if the portal is not used, if something happens to Chen Wei, it will be too late for Chen Wei to come back.

   Regarding this question, Chen Wei was also a little helpless.

  He just wanted to take a look at the core of the elves, and he didn't want to work hard there, nor did he think about giving up his territory.

  He can't hang around all the time, no matter if he encounters danger or something happens in the territory, he has to rush back quickly.

  So Chen Wei couldn't leave without worrying about the way back.

   "Okay, I know about this, let me think of a way."

  Chen Wei thought about it for a while, and decided to ask in the forum to see if the players have any ideas.

   After all, Shui Lanxing has quite a lot of players who come to this novice world, and those who can survive always have such adventures.

  Maybe someone has encountered some things that he has not encountered before.

   After all, one person counts the short.

   After retreating to a safe place, Chen Wei raised the skeleton wall.

   Then he started posting in the forum, asking about it.

   Regarding Chen Wei's question, there are also many discussions in the forum.

  But most of the people have not reached Chen Wei's level, so they can't find any suitable method to help Chen Wei.

   Some players only talked about some things they encountered.

  Some of them told Chen Wei seriously what they knew.

   But it is obvious that the current players are not as enthusiastic as before.

  Many players clearly saw the message, but they didn't respond, as if they were diving.

   Chen Wei often did this kind of thing before, and he didn't blame those players.

   Just looking for some clues from the player's response.

  After reading all the responses from the players, Chen Wei realized that he had been watching them for nearly a day.

  He stood up and prepared to go back to the nearby city for a rest.

   After all, the wild is not very safe, and with his current status, there is no need to spend the night in the wild.

  Chen Wei intends to return to a nearby city to rest for a day before starting to look for other opportunities.

   Anyway, no matter what, he will definitely go on this trip.

   As for how to go and how to come back, that will have to be studied later.

   Just as Chen Wei was about to leave this area, he suddenly found a possibility raised by someone in the forum.

  Portal with you.

  This player has seen this kind of thing by accident.

   This is a portal that can be taken with you, or a temporary portal built in a short period of time.

  As long as you know the coordinates of the teleportation location and have enough energy, you can teleport people to the designated location.

   It would be even better if there is a receiving door with a one-way portal at the designated location.

  In this way, as long as you remember the information of the receiving door, the positioning will be more accurate when transmitting.

  Contrary to what that player thought, the reason why Chen Wei was attracted by this content was entirely because he had the design of the portal in his hand.

   It's just that his portal is for the whole world.

   is used to take all rookie players out of this world.

  Now he only needs to pick out some content from this design drawing, and he can easily do it, teleporting in the elf territory.

   "It turns out that all the answers are by my side."

  (end of this chapter)

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