The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 357: Magic Research (subscription required)

  Chapter 357 Magic Research (for subscription)

  Having an idea of ​​how to deal with it, Chen Wei acted immediately.

   On the one hand, he finds someone to study the design of this set of portals. At least he needs a few subordinates who can work on the portals. After all, it is impossible for him to do the portals alone.

  On the other hand, he sent people to look for the receiving door of the one-way teleportation door within his own territory. At least he must be able to ensure that he has a place to receive the teleportation.

   While Chen Wei was dealing with these matters, he also discovered the benefits of being an Archmage.

  Don't look at him as an archmage, and he hasn't learned anything yet.

   But his intelligence has exceeded the level of normal people.

   Originally, he thought that he would not understand when he got the design drawing of the portal.

   As a result, he found that in his eyes, the design of the portal is like Lego building blocks, which can be put together directly.

  At the same time, he is also very clear about some of the principles.

   In this way, he naturally has the ability to adjust the distance of the portal.

  Even if Chen Wei didn't plan to go too far this time.

  He plans to go to the teleportation point closest to him.

  There is less than 30,000 kilometers away from the natural disaster territory.

  For this distance, at the speed of chasing the wind and running non-stop, it would take about twelve days.

   Of course, it is impossible for Zhuifeng to run at high speed all the time. They will encounter other things on the road and need to rest.

   That is to say, it will take at least twenty days to bring only centaurs there.

   This does not include detours, meeting enemies, and discovering some different places to explore.

   In this way, even if Chen Wei took the centaur, it might take thirty days.

   But it is impossible for Chen Wei to bring only the centaur, he also needs to bring other men, so the speed is obviously slowed down.

   It will take at least sixty days for him to go out this time.

   This is still the case where there is a portal that can send people back directly. If there is no portal, one round trip may be fully invested in the last few months of the year.

   "No, this plan is not feasible. It seems that other than the portal, there are other ways to speed up. This trip can only take ten to fifteen days at most.

   If this time is exceeded, no matter whether the goal has been achieved or not, you must come back immediately. "

  Chen Wei planned quickly, and during this period of time, three to four sets of plans appeared in his hands.

  Looking at the plan in front of him, Chen Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

   "I don't seem to have such abilities and habits before."

  After putting away the plan in his hands, Chen Wei was also a little helpless, he still wasn't used to the way of thinking of the archmage.

  This is an ability beyond the level of normal people.

   It seems that more and more brains will be used in the future.

  I hope that by then I won't become a planning monster who only cares about making plans.

  After resetting the target, Chen Wei didn't make any plans, but kept sending out orders.

   The first to receive Chen Wei's order was Zhuifeng.

  Chen Wei needs him to find a suitable one-way receiving door inside and outside Chen Wei's territory.

   No matter what plan Chen Wei uses to travel later, the way back must be arranged first.

   As for how to speed up, Chen Wei plans to go to the magic tower in Scourge City to see if there is any new magic that can be researched there.

  Before Chen Wei learned magic, he just recorded it in his magic book, and used it in battle.

   But it is different now, Chen Wei, who has become a great mage, can learn and research magic by himself.

   Let magic become suitable for your own ideas.

   This is the ability of the Archmage.

  Chen Wei intends to go to the magic tower to study all kinds of magic first.

  Borrow the power of magic to complete his plan to arrive at the teleportation location in ten to fifteen days.

  In order to ensure the success of his research on magic, he also called on Gu Xi's other skeleton mages.

   This is the only magic unit that Chen Wei can call.

   They may not be able to help Chen Wei study magic, but they can still do some chores.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei immediately talked to Wood.

   Then he directly contacted the city of natural disasters, and let a white light pull him back to the city of natural disasters.

   After receiving the order, Gu Xi also quickly took his position with his skeleton mage.

  As for the skeleton mage who has been by Chen Wei's side, he has already entered the magic tower with Chen Wei.

   The magic tower of Scourge City is located in the sub-center of the city.

  In addition to the magic tower, there are various buildings belonging to the magic tower.

In addition to surrounding the entire area, there is a wisdom wall that can provide +1 wisdom for all heroes entering the Scourge, a mage tower for training mages, an alchemy laboratory for making alchemy products, a magic academy for training magic, and for storing various Research materials outside of the library.

   There are also many ancillary buildings, such as the herbal garden for growing potion materials, the paper workshop for making special paper, the bell tower for making puppets, the enchanting hut for learning how to enchant, and so on.

   It can be said that you can find everything related to magic here.

   Of course there is everything here now, but no one.

  After Chen Wei entered here, the skeleton mage who followed quickly headed towards the Magic Academy.

  The skeleton mage is already a mage, even if he is an immature mage, he can't go to the mage tower to learn.

  At the same time, he is not a hero, and it will be very troublesome to enter the magic tower to learn magic. If he wants to learn magic in the magic tower, he can only go to the magic academy to learn.

  The current skeleton mage knows exactly what Chen Wei needs. He can learn more magic, which is a great help to Chen Wei.

   At this time, Gu Xi also brought his skeleton mage into the magic area of ​​the Scourge Territory.

   Gu Xi waved his hand, and all the skeleton mages dispersed.

  Some of them entered nearby rooms and acted as clerks or staff, while others went to workshops or laboratories to make magic paper and magic puppets.

  As for Gu Xi, he went to the Wisdom Wall and took a look at the patterns on the Wisdom Wall.

   This lap took Gu Xi nearly three hours.

  However, Gu Xi's harvest is quite large, his wisdom +1, and at the same time, the intelligence in his personal attributes has also been improved to a certain extent.

   After he finished all this, Gu Xi went to the magic tower.

  As soon as he entered, Chen Wei threw out some materials.

   "It's up to you to study these and see if there is any possibility of improvement."

   Gu Xi looked down and found that what Chen Wei threw to him was the wind-type combat spell rush.

  It is used to speed up troops in battle, of course, it can also be used outside of battle, after using it, it can increase the movement speed of troops.

  (end of this chapter)

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