The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 359: travel (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 359 Travel (for subscription)

   "Yes, I found three portals nearby, one of which is obviously a two-way portal, and the rest are receiving doors for one-way portals."

   "There is also a two-way portal, where did it go?"

  Chen Wei also became curious when he heard it.

   "Zhuifeng sent people to go there, and even found the source power bee, but they didn't come back."

   "It seems that there is something wrong there, send someone to guard it for me."

  Chen Wei's heart tightened, "Let Zhuifeng check again to see if there are two-way portals in other parts of the territory."

   "I've made arrangements a long time ago. Outposts are set up on the other side of the portal. As long as there is any movement, we will know immediately."

   "Notify other cities to keep an eye on it. We can't just guard the border, we have to guard against the portal."

"I see."

  Stanford didn't say anything, and directly spread the news.

  Chen Wei asked Stanford for the locations of several portals, and was going to go there first to see which portal was more suitable for him to use as a return point.

   Of the three portals in Chen Wei's territory, two are for receiving.

   Usually it looks like stones piled up randomly on the side of the road.

  If it wasn't for Chen Wei's special request, no one would know that this is a portal.

  It is different now. Chen Wei, who has learned a lot of magic knowledge, has already reached a relatively high level in the research of these portals.

  He glanced at the portals here, and he knew that these portals were portals with fixed coordinates.

  As long as the portal is opened on the opposite side, no matter what you send, it will be sent here as soon as possible.

   As for whether there will be any problems here, it depends on whether the energy consumption is guaranteed when the portal is opened on the opposite side.

  Chen Wei just studied the receiving portal, and found the coordinate code like a password.

   With this, Chen Wei can directly teleport as long as he arranges his own portal.

   All of this is the focus of Chen Wei's research during this time.

   After finding the coordinate code, Chen Wei quickly left here, and he set up a small teleportation gate about 50 kilometers away.

   After all, this thing needs to be tested. If there is no experiment, I just rush out. If I want to open the portal and have problems, it will be embarrassing.

  So Chen Wei planned to do more experiments to find out all the problems before setting off.

  The experiment fifty kilometers away is the first step.

   After that, Chen Wei planned to make another one a hundred kilometers away.

  Finally, make a reduced version of the portal.

  After all, Chen Wei had to consider that he was surrounded by people and quickly built a portal temporarily.

  Or there is not enough material to build a portal at will.

   After all, there are so many things in this novice world, and Chen Wei can't guarantee that he will be safe.

  So there are some things that always have to be planned.

  But Chen Wei has the design of the most advanced portal in the world.

  For ordinary portals, he can be said to have a fairly thorough understanding.

  It's like a college student returning to do homework in elementary school, knowing the answer at a glance.

  After trying the layout of the portal three times, Chen Wei was completely sure.

  The next thing is much simpler.

  Chen Wei packed three copies of the materials used to decorate the portal, and put them all in his bone beetle.

  He had already made up his mind. After he set off, he sat on the bone beetle all the time.

   Wants to destroy the material unless he dies.

  At the same time, Chen Wei asked for some transport vehicles from Plague Town.

  These transport vehicles are mainly used to transport materials.

   After all, they brought cannon fodder when they went out this time, so they wanted something to eat.

  Letting them act with the undead is already an act of lowering morale. If they are not allowed to eat, their morale may drop to the bottom.

   If something really happens at that time, it will be much more troublesome.

  So Chen Wei always has to think things through.

   After taking the transport vehicle, Chen Wei quickly headed towards Extreme Speed ​​Town.

  In the past, Chen Wei immediately used some methods he had researched in the magic tower.

  The quick movement technique needs to be blessed. In addition, there are wind movement technique and whirlwind technique.

  These three spells are the best three spells to speed up, and the most important thing is that the consumption is relatively low.

  With the blessing of these three spells, Chen Wei can make his subordinates move at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour.

   And his mana consumption is 15 points of mana per hour.

   As far as this magic power is concerned, Chen Wei doesn't need to drink magic potions to supplement it. He sits directly on the bone beetle and recovers as soon as he closes his eyes.

  In Chen Wei's territory, he naturally didn't need to think about other things when he moved with his subordinates.

  Chen Wei is now basically experimenting to what level the speed of these men can be increased.

  After all, there are always some troops that are not moving at high speed. If they use this speed from the beginning, they may be killed directly in the woods.

  Chen Wei must let his troops adapt to this speed in his own territory.

   After all, not everyone is a centaur and likes this kind of high-speed movement.

  So after spending a day dealing with the matter of the portal, Chen Wei spent another day in his own territory, allowing the soldiers to adapt to ultra-high-speed movement.

  On the third day after he came out of the Magic Tower, Chen Weicai came to Extreme Speed ​​Town.

  After arriving in Extreme Speed ​​Town, Chen Wei didn't set off immediately.

   Instead, he carefully went through everything in the territory.

   After leaving the territory, it will not be so easy for Chen Wei to go back and deal with the affairs in the territory.

   Many messages will be delayed.

   After walking far, perhaps the news Chen Wei received was all a day or two ago.

  So there are some things that need to be arranged in advance.

   It would be an embarrassing situation if his home was stolen not long after he left.

   For this reason, before Chen Wei set off, he wanted to arrange everything.

   Now in final confirmation.

  After he finished handling everything, almost half a day had passed.

   Fortunately, there is no sun in this world, and Chen Wei doesn't think about whether it's night or night, it's all night here.

  Although a little time wasted, Chen Wei had no intention of staying where he was.

   Instead, he empowered his subordinates with various spells, with Shu Xin leading the way, and others following behind to protect the transport convoy.

  After stepping out of the territory of the Natural Disaster Territory, Chen Wei secretly changed his banner.

   This is the flag that was snatched during the last battle.

  Pilgrims of Ashbone Shrine.

  (end of this chapter)

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