The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 360: Urgent line (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 360 Urgent travel (for subscription)

   The battle flag that Chen Wei played was the banner of the two heroes sent by Ashbone Shrine to support the Elven Giant Tree City.

  Of course, one of the two heroes of Ashbone Shrine was killed by Chen Wei, and the other was killed by the Soul Collecting Skeleton.

   It didn't end well anyway.

  Their battle flag naturally fell into the hands of Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei asked Wood that the site of Ashbone Shrine is not nearby, and the Crimson Shrine, which has a friendly relationship with Ashbone Shrine, is also far away.

  Chen Wei went out under the banner of Ashbone Shrine, as long as he didn't encounter some kind of brain-infested elf, he would generally not be actively attacked.

  If Chen Wei just wants to hurry, it is not a problem to use this banner.

   After playing the flag, Chen Wei rode on the bone beetle.

   began his journey.

   This time, Chen Wei prepared everything, and after leaving Extreme Speed ​​Town, he quickly entered a forest.

   This is the location they planned from the beginning. After entering the woods, Chen Wei will quickly head southeast.

  Following this direction for about a thousand kilometers, Chen Wei can meet the first big city nearby.

  Chen Wei doesn't know the name of this city yet, but one thing is certain is that this city is on the same level as the Elven Giant Tree City.

   That is to say, this city is considered to be the largest city in the vicinity. As long as you bypass here, you will encounter some small clans, which will not have much influence on Chen Wei.

  The reason why Chen Wei is going this way is because if you go in this direction, there will be some roads.

   As long as he can find a way, his movement speed can be increased a bit.

   When Chen Wei travels here, it’s really a rush.

  During this time, Chen Wei really put everything into his ability to travel.

   All kinds of magic are used.

   Sometimes some elves clearly noticed Chen Wei's team, but before they saw the banner that Chen Wei played, Chen Wei's team had already run too much.

  The elves also want to chase after them, but it seems that the banner played by Chen Wei belongs to the elves, and Chen Wei has a lot of people.

   Even if they can't catch up, they won't waste their efforts.

  So Chen Wei traveled quite smoothly during the thousand-plus kilometers.

  If it wasn't for the jungle goblin and the goblin who couldn't move anymore, Chen Wei might still keep going like this.

   But now, Chen Wei still plans to take a break.

   "Okay, let's go around the city ahead and find a place to rest. This time we can rest for three hours. After three hours, we will leave quickly.

  So don’t put down the things on the transport truck, just take out the food of the jungle goblin and goblin.

  I know that what you eat is fruit, and the amount is not large. Open a box and prepare water for them.

  After eating, the Bone Legion is responsible for guarding, the Skeleton Mage maintains the magic, and the jungle goblins and goblins go to sleep.

  Shu Xin, pay attention over there, don't let anything in the nearby woods escape.

  Xue Li, how is the situation on your side? Can the worker bees keep up with the speed? "

   "My lord, there's no problem. Your lord has already blessed them with the levitation technique. If you can't keep up, then don't take them."

  Xue Li came out this time, in addition to the main force, she also brought a large number of worker bees.

  The movement speed of these worker bees is not bad, but they have transported several source power beehives, which is the main problem that slows down their movement speed.

  Chen Wei later simply blessed them with a levitation technique, reducing the weight of the source power beehive so that they could keep up with the speed of the main force.

  During the break, all the worker bees returned to the source power beehive, and they didn't need Chen Wei to direct them, they could handle everything by themselves.

   "Okay, let's keep the manpower and set up an observation point here. In addition, our connection with the Scourge is about to be cut off. Let the worker bees set up a signal station."


  Xue Li didn't say much, and immediately directed the source power worker bees to arrange them.

  The source power worker bees Shirley brought a lot. When they moved, some of them flew directly, some carried the source power beehive, and some rested in the beehive.

   This is a rotation, so even if a source worker bee can't fly very far, a group can fly a long distance together.

  Now under the command of Shirley, those source power worker bees that had never flown before flew out, built a hive nearby, and settled down immediately.

  Chen Wei contacted the natural disaster leader through the hive site to ensure that his communication line was not a problem.

  Although Chen Wei still has a way to contact the players and ask Zhuang Qiang to help spread the news.

   But Chen Wei understood that he would not use this method until the end.

  Because continuing to communicate like this is tantamount to telling Zhuang Qiang that Chen Wei is in danger and his natural disaster domain has lost control.

  It would be fine if Zhuang Qiang had a better mind, but if he had other thoughts, then his natural disaster leader would be finished.

  Chen Wei didn't want to use his territory to test people's hearts.

  So the contact communication network must be established.

   In addition, a group of source power bees went to collect honey nearby. This is the staple food of source power bees, and it can also replenish energy for other people, so we need to prepare more of this.

   Seeing Xue Li act like this, Chen Wei stopped directing. He was half lying on the bone beetle, surrounded by skeleton walls and soul-receiving skeletons.

   This is the last force to protect Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei has already made a decision, even if there is an unavoidable situation, he will not send these two out.

  With the protection of these two, Chen Wei relaxed a little, and he closed his eyes half lying on the bone beetle.

  Chen Wei was also very nervous along the way, it was rare to rest now, and he also needed to get a good night's sleep.

   While Chen Wei fell asleep, the neighborhood quickly quieted down. Even the forest goblin and goblin who were eating didn't say much. They ate everything in silence and closed their eyes to sleep to replenish their energy.

  The only sound that can be heard is the buzzing of the source power bee.

  Sounds like this were the best hypnotic method for Chen Wei. After a while, Chen Wei fell into a deep sleep.

   At this moment, the soul-receiving skeleton seemed to have discovered something. He turned his head and looked in one direction. He didn't leave, but just swiped in that direction with his sickle.

   Then he caught a group of dark blue souls.

   This soul is not considered strong, and it is not very clear to look at it. The soul-receiving skeleton was puzzled for a moment, and then put the soul away.

   This was a small accident. When Chen Wei woke up, the soul-receiving skeleton did not tell Chen Wei. He stood behind Chen Wei as usual.

  (end of this chapter)

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