The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 368: Don't open a portal in the Holy Land (please subscribe)

  Chapter 368 Don't open a portal in the holy land (subscription required)

  Chen Wei thought very clearly that his identity was fake, and the banner he played was also fake.

  Head Iron is here to deceive the elves, although there is a 10% chance of being deceived.

  But he didn't dare to gamble his life on such an inconspicuous chance.

  He has already left a nail here, and Xueli will send everything she sees back to Chen Wei through the source power hive.

   As for the others, Chen Wei held so many khaki crystals in his hand, which was his harvest this time.

  When Chen Wei got the khaki crystal, he knew that this time it was not in vain.

  The secret that the portal must be built here may be related to this thing.

  Bringing these things back, Chen Wei did not lose money this time.

  The most important thing is that Chen Wei found many receiving doors for the portals on the road this time.

  Chen Wei drew the coordinates of each portal.

  Next time he wants to come over, he needs to come all the way.

   You only need to arrange the portal, and you can take a group of people to a nearby place.

   It was precisely because of this matter that Chen Wei made up his mind to leave.

  Instead of betting on a illusory chance.

  However, Chen Wei never expected that when he activated the teleportation array and led people to enter, all the alarm bells near the fortress rang.

   "Someone opened the portal, stop him."

  Hearing this sentence, all the elves in the deep pit went crazy.

  They never imagined that someone would open the portal in this place.

   Even if the Holy Land has left, the taboo is still a taboo. The elves will not let go of this authority just because the Holy Land is not there.

   Without knowing it, Chen Wei directly provoked all the elves.

  After hearing this situation, all the elves under the pit went crazy.

   They rushed out with his troops one after another.

  They all know what kind of fate awaits them if they can't find someone to open the portal here.

  For myself to survive.

  They must find Chen Wei.

  But Chen Wei didn't know about this situation, he only heard that someone found that he had opened the portal.

  Under such circumstances, Chen Wei couldn't care less.

   "Xue Li, I'll leave it to you here, you should hide it well, Shu Xin, Gu Xi, get ready, go in first."

  Chen Wei's portal is not too big, and at most three people can enter the portal side by side.

  Chen Wei has a relatively large number of troops.

   Except for the source power bee that has been confirmed to take root here and then flew back with Shirley, the forest goblin and goblin as cannon fodder do not plan to take it back.

   Those who need to be taken away are the Shuhai Army, the Fierce Bone Army and the Skeleton Mage Army.

   These are all undead, and they are the most obedient.

   Chen Wei asked them to line up, and they lined up obediently, even the Shuhai Army, which usually ran around in the woods, was so obedient.

  So when he found out that the elves were going to come to him, Chen Wei quickly made a decision.

   Send back important heroes and soldiers first.

   Next is myself.

   As for the cannon fodder, when the portal was opened, Chen Wei had already issued an order to let them fight the elves head-on.

  Whether they can survive, Chen Wei is not quite sure.

  Anyway, Chen Wei has seen that most of the elves have discovered his location and are rushing over with his men.

  The golden dragon in the sky had even rushed towards Chen Wei.

  For the guards in the fortress, they were originally prepared to prevent people from running here to open the portal.

   Their ability to check the portal is quite strong.

   Not long after Chen Wei's portal opened, they had already determined the location.

   Now the army is mobilizing.

  Seeing such a situation, Chen Wei couldn't care less about other things.

   "Heroes, the strong seed troops go first, and the others stay."

  After speaking, Chen Wei gestured to the Bone Legion.

  The Skeleton Guards of the Bone Legion raised their knives and shields and turned away from the range of the portal, leaving only less than 30 Skeleton Guards waiting in front of the portal.

  Seeing this situation, Shu Xin wanted to let the Shu Hai Corps also send out part of the troops.

  Chen Wei stopped Shu Xin.

   After all, the Shuhai Army has no advantage in fighting here. In the current situation, they are not as good as a skeleton soldier.

  Chen Wei just looked at Gu Xi.

   Gu Xi second understood what Chen Wei meant.

   "I will keep all the skeleton mages and let them maintain the effect of the portal."

  Chen Wei didn't say anything more, and rode the bone beetle into the portal.

  Then came the Shuhai Legion and Shuxin, and finally Guxi and the Skeleton Mage.

  Chen Wei reckoned that in the past, all the Shuhai Army should be able to escape. As for how much the Skeleton Mage can come back, it depends on their lives.

  It's a pity this time, if it wasn't because of such an order suddenly issued by the fortress, he might have left safely after a while.

  Chen Wei sighed, and then entered the portal.

  Just at the moment of entering the portal, Chen Wei suddenly felt that something was wrong.

   In front of him is not the colorful channel when the normal portal is opened, but a starry sky.

  Chen Wei was startled, could it be that this is the newbie world?

  He hasn't taken his territory or anything yet.

  But in the next moment, Chen Wei let go of his heart, and he saw that "himself" was falling towards a huge planet at a very high speed.

  This planet is the novice world of war.

   Then he will fall into the novice world.

   At this time, Chen Wei's thoughts changed again. Could it be that the teleportation in that place is different from other places?

  If that's the case, then it's no wonder why you're here to build a giant portal.

  Chen Wei's mind flickered, he had already thought of how to lead troops to fight there, how to mobilize the power of all rookie players, build a portal here, and protect the portal for a few days.

   But think about that this place is guarded by extreme creatures, but there are several golden dragons in the fortress.

  He may not be absolutely sure.

   At this moment, Chen Wei suddenly discovered that the map below seemed to be somewhat different.

  He saw the location of the deep pit before, and there was a huge world tree there.

  If it weren't for the existence of the fortress, Chen Wei would not have recognized it at all. What is shown in this picture is the deep pit before.

This is how the same thing?

   Could it be that the Holy Land that the elves talk about is this World Tree.

  Chen Wei hasn't figured it out yet, the world tree shrinks rapidly as if it has been reversed in time and space, and finally disappears into the earth.

  The fortress also changed from its original appearance to a construction site, and finally disappeared on the ground.

  As time flowed backwards, Chen Wei saw several elves planting the seeds of the world tree underground, and saw the battles experienced here before.

  Finally, he saw a huge deep pit appear, and everything within ten thousand miles nearby was sucked into the deep pit.

   At this moment, Chen Wei suddenly understood.

   This is the portal for the last batch of rookie players who broke out of the novice world.

  (end of this chapter)

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