The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 369: Everything in that year (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 369 Everything in that year (for subscription)

  When this thought flashed in Chen Wei's mind, the scene turned to a huge portal over 100 meters high.

  The portal is like the portal of darkness in World of Warcraft, it is ridiculously tall.

   Except for some differences in style, this portal is exactly the same as the design in Chen Wei's hand.

  Although it is a reversed picture, Chen Wei has already judged some situations from the picture.

  The powerful suction that swallowed everything in the past is a compensation for the lost territory in this novice world after the rookie players took away their territories.

  The player who opened the portal took all his territory away.

   While Chen Wei was thinking this way, the screen had already switched to a group of blue-haired rookie players building a portal.

  Flashing continuously with the screen.

  Chen Wei has been watching the scene where those players from the newbie world were just captured in this newbie world.

   After all this stopped, Chen Wei found himself lying on the ground.

  He was dragged out of the portal by the Soul Collector Skeleton.

   Looking up at the portal, Chen Wei tried hard to recall everything he saw just now.

  Because it is time retrograde, these pictures look weird.

   Now Chen Wei is trying to straighten out the sequence of these pictures.

   While Chen Wei was sorting out his memory, his troops had also been passed on.

  This time, the only ones who could come back through the portal were the Shuhai Legion in the Heart of the Tree. The Bone Legion returned with 30 Skeleton Armored Soldiers, and Gu Xi also came back, but he only brought back 15 skeleton mages.

   Other than that, none of the rest came back.

  After seeing Chen Wei, Gu Xi wanted to go forward to say something, but was stopped by the soul-receiving skeleton.

  Soul Receiving Skeleton understood that Chen Wei had clearly seen something just now.

   Now Chen Wei is sorting out the harvest, no matter who it is, they can't disturb Chen Wei now.

  Soul Receiving Skull looked right. At this time, Chen Wei had straightened out the chronological order of all the pictures.

   Now he is recalling the details in the picture.

  In his memory, the level of rookie players who broke out of the novice world before was about the same as him.

   Occupies a level 7 city and a large nearby territory.

   When setting up the portal, all the rookie players within a thousand miles nearby rushed over.

  This is exactly why, when the portal takes them away, it will **** away everything within ten thousand miles nearby.

   Those players who follow some chickens and dogs to heaven, they can also take some things away.

  When the portal opens and the player enters the portal, the cities they took away are directly erased from the map.

   It would be fine if they just took away the city, they also took away the nearby field camps and field buildings.

   Even more ruthless, like Chen Wei's mechanical ghost, it directly dragged away a forest.

   When everyone passed through the portal, Chen Wei saw a picture.

   That is when a rookie player enters the portal, the part he takes away will turn into a gray desert.

   This scene just flashed by at that time, and it was displayed against time, Chen Wei didn't pay much attention to it.

   But now recalling it, Chen Wei understands more and more what this picture represents.

   It's no wonder that when the portal is closed, everything within a radius of ten thousand miles will be sucked in.

   But Chen Wei didn't pay attention to these.

  Chen Wei also discovered a different situation.

   When everything within a radius of ten thousand miles was sucked in, the ground was also sucked away, and Chen Wei saw a white rib buried at a depth of 100 meters underground.

  Although it only happened for a moment, Chen Wei can be sure that this rib is at least three thousand miles long. On the surface of the bone, there are densely packed pits of all sizes. Thinking about it now, those pits should be eye sockets.

   "An ancient **** buried underground."

  Chen Wei opened his eyes and said this slowly.

   Then he glanced around and asked, "How's the situation?"

   "All my subordinates are back in place." Shu Xin said immediately.

   Gu Xi said at this time: "I brought back fifteen people, the portal has been destroyed, they should not be able to find us."

   "Even if they find out, it's useless." Chen Wei said confidently, "They don't dare to use the portal, Gu Xi, and they are going to set up a new portal. Let's go back now."

  Chen Wei's reaction at this time was quite decisive.

   Things have come to this point, don't think too much about how much regret you have.

   Let’s go back first.

  He didn't want to bother about the holy land anymore. At this time, he already knew what happened to the portal.

   Also know what kind of enemy he will face.

   After the elves have suffered three losses, they will definitely not let people build another portal in their territory.

   Then when Chen Wei consciously builds a portal, his territory will be attacked by the elves from all directions.

  The most important point is that Chen Wei's territory is relatively close to Yongye Town.

  Not to mention other things, the power of the ancient gods buried under Yongye Town is enough to make the elves desperately.

  But for Chen Wei, this is a very good choice. On the one hand, he doesn't need to go to a certain place to build a portal.

   On the other hand, if he builds a portal on his own site, Chen Wei can arrange the defense first.

   This is good news for Chen Wei.

  With such news, coupled with the possibility of chasing soldiers later, Chen Wei didn't want to stay here for a moment.

  As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he led more than a dozen skeleton mages to carry another set of portal materials.

   With their help, Chen Wei completed the construction of the portal in a short time.

   This time, the coordinates that Chen Wei locked were naturally the receiving gate in his territory.

  The construction of the portal was not fast this time. After all, Chen Wei didn't have many subordinates, and the cannon fodder was gone. There were only a dozen skeleton mages left who could help deal with the portal.

   This also includes the one who is following Chen Wei and Gu Xi.

  With such a speed, how could they be faster.

Fortunately, just as Chen Wei guessed, the people in the elf's holy land are not allowed to use the portal, so even if Chen Wei left the portal, they would not dare to use the portal to chase Chen Wei .

   Not to mention that when Chen Wei's men found that they could not enter the portal, the skeleton mages detonated the portal, killing a group of elves who surrounded them.

   In the confusion, Shirley had stepped aside and disappeared into the nearby woods.

  As for the forest elves and ordinary elves who originally served as cannon fodder, some were killed by elves, and some were mixed into the team of other elves.

  Anyway, when the elves came to kill them, they didn't find the portal, and they didn't catch any living people.

  They didn't even know where Chen Wei came from and where he was going.

  (end of this chapter)

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