The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 370: Return to the territory (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 370 Return to the Territory (for subscription)

   It didn't take Chen Wei long to rebuild the portal.

  Many materials were prepared at the beginning, and now they are just taken out and put together again.

   It took about an hour, and the portal was built.

  Chen Wei personally carved the coordinates of the receiving gate on the portal.

   Then Chen Wei pointed to a skeleton mage and said, "You stay here, and after we all enter the portal, destroy this portal."

  The skeleton mage nodded his head and stood aside.

  Chen Wei also commanded at this time, "Shu Xin, you go first, Gu Xi, you are second."

  Shu Xin didn't say much, he knew very well that in this situation, his Shuhai regiment was the most useless.

   It was a waste of time to stay at the end, so Shu Xin quickly led his men into the portal.

  After Shu Xin and the others left, Chen Wei looked at the thirty skeleton soldiers. They were all the seeds of the Bone Legion, and they were the last strength of the Bone Legion.

  Chen Gu didn't want them to lose here.

  So they became the second batch of returning existences.

   Then Guxi returned with the remaining skeleton mages.

   After they all left, Chen Wei glanced at the skeleton mage who was left alone.

  At this time, he is ready.

  All the mana on his body has been transformed into fire elements.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, and took a magic scroll and handed it to the skeleton mage.

   "This is the scroll of the force field technique. You take it first. After we go in, set up the force field first, and then blow up the portal."

  Chen Wei's order was quite clear, and the skeleton mage quickly responded to the order.

   After everything was arranged, Chen Wei rode the bone beetle and entered the portal with the rest of his men.

   This time Chen Wei's teleportation was quite normal.

   Did not send into the starry sky, nor did I see what happened in the land near the portal.

   A whirlpool-like passage appeared in front of him. After entering, he only felt as if he was being stuffed into his intestines, squeezed continuously, and finally thrown out.

  The moment he stepped out of the portal, Chen Wei felt like he was flying.

   But when he reacted, he lay on the ground near the receiving door again.

   At this time, Shuxin and the others had formed a team nearby, waiting for Chen Wei's arrival.

   Getting up from the ground, Chen Wei looked up and looked around, and then he was relieved that he had returned.

  At this time, Chen Wei was in his own territory of the Scourge Territory.

  Many connections that were previously impossible because they were too far away are now possible again.

   "I'm back, is there anything going on in the territory recently?"

  Chen Wei contacted all his heroes and sent a group message.

  In the next moment, all the heroes sent messages.

   "Boss, I'm fine here. By the way, I ran in the natural disaster area again. I have drawn the map and discovered something new."

   "My lord, Plague Town is about to be upgraded again."

   "Deerwood Town is safe and sound."

   "Third Avenue completes patrol..."


  Chen Wei flipped through the information quickly, and already had some understanding of the situation in the Scourge Territory during this period of time.

   "Queen Bee, it will take some time for Shirley to return, can you contact him now?"

  Chen Wei thought about it, and contacted the Queen Bee immediately.

  He wanted to make sure whether the source power hives arranged along the way could send back various image information.

  The queen bee reacted very quickly, she locked onto Chen Wei's position immediately.

   A large number of source power worker bees flew to Chen Wei's side and quickly formed a screen for image transmission.

  The picture closest to Chen Wei was quickly transmitted.

  Chen Wei can see the situation around all the source power hives in the territory through this screen.

   It can even take the initiative to make the source power honeycomb move the angle for all-round observation.

   However, Chen Wei noticed that as soon as he left his natural disaster area, the speed of the screen transmission began to be delayed.

  The farther away you are, the more stuck the screen will be.

  When I first came out to the Scourge Territory, there was only about three to five seconds of delay.

   When Chen Wei used the teleportation technique to leap over the rift for the first time, the delay time became about fifteen seconds.

  The delay time becomes longer and longer.

  When the screen reached the location where Chen Wei relayed the transmission, the delay had already reached more than a minute.

   Fortunately, no matter how late it is, the picture sent back is finally clear.

  Chen Wei clearly saw that the portal he temporarily arranged had been blown up.

   On the gravel in one place, the skull mage's head was buried in it.

   Seeing the blue flames flashing in the eyes of the skeleton mage, Chen Wei knew that the skeleton mage was still alive.

  Chen Wei did not contact the skeleton mage again, but checked the backhand he had arranged.

   This time he did something big in the territory of the elves, and Chen Wei believed that he had stabbed a hornet's nest.

  So in the past, along the way, he asked Shirley to keep releasing the source power hive.

   On the one hand, it is to establish signal points and transmit information.

  On the other hand, it is also to prevent the source power bee from being discovered by the elves.

   After all, the source power bee is not too small, and the main reason why they were able to hide at first was because the elves didn't notice them.

   But the most fearful thing in everything is seriousness.

  Chen Wei didn't know what a serious elf could do.

  So he prefers to arrange the escape route before the elves find out.

  So on this road, as long as Chen Wei encounters flesh and blood, he will give priority to the source power bees, so that they can breed new source power bees on the road, so that more source power hives can be arranged in immobile places.

   Now is a good time to check out these Primal Hive effects.

  Chen Wei checked all the way.

   It was found that some source power hives had been placed in the elves' clan land.

  The elves didn't notice it at all, and only regarded these source power bees as wild bees.

   This situation made Chen Wei heave a sigh of relief. In the following time, Chen Wei's attention slowly shifted to the holy land of elves.

  The holy land of the elves is thousands of miles away from Chen Wei, and the journey is very twists and turns.

   Waiting for the screen transmission from the Elf Holy Land, there was a delay of more than ten minutes.

   When Chen Wei jumped to the screen, he also saw Shirley and his party.

  Xue Li has already arranged most of the source power worker bees, and is leading her men back on a long way back.

  At Shirley's speed, if there were no troubles along the way, Chen Wei estimated that it would take about 30 days to come back.

   If there is any trouble, the time to come back may not be certain.

  Chen Wei sighed, and his eyes finally fell on the holy land of elves.

  (end of this chapter)

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