The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 371: Holy Land Response (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 371 Holy Land Response (for subscription)

  The screen turned to the location of the Elf Holy Land, and Chen Wei couldn't help but froze for a moment.

  It was different from when Chen Wei and the others left. At this time, the deep pit near the Elven Holy Land was filled with gray sand.

   In the gray sand, there are many corpses of elves buried.

   A large number of elves are digging these corpses out of the sand and throwing them aside.

  Chen Wei noticed that these corpses had all turned into mummies, their bodies withered and disfigured.

   Judging from the number of corpses piled aside, more than 80% of the elves in the deep pit before had been drained of blood and died.

   Seeing this, Chen Wei couldn't help sighing.

   No wonder the elves don't allow the portal to be used here.

  This is not opening a portal, this is opening a large-scale ghost gate.

  If Chen Wei had walked more slowly, he might have been a part of the mummy buried here.

  In fact, Chen Wei didn't know that if he had been there at that time, the place would not have turned out like this.

  On the one hand, because he is still a rookie player, suppressing part of the ancient **** power, before he leaves, this morning will not be affected by the disaster of the ancient god.

   On the other hand, the dust was not attracted when the portal was opened, but after Chen Wei's men detonated the teleportation.

   It can be said that if Chen Wei hadn't blown up the portal, this place wouldn't be like this.

   It's just that Chen Wei didn't know all this. Now that he saw the deep pit turned into a gray desert, he thought it was because he opened the portal.

  Switching continuously with the screen.

  Chen Wei also saw the extreme creatures of the Earth Shrine.

   It was a mass of green and hairy mud, and there were mushrooms of various colors and completely rotten white bones growing in the mud.

  Just looking at this lump of mud, everyone would think he was just a small lump of slime monster.

   But his real size is actually more than that. He is completely spread out and can fill the entire deep pit before.

  He is the poisonous breath among the three extreme creatures of the Earth Shrine.

   Among the three extreme creatures of the Earth Shrine, the poisonous breath evolved from the ooze monster.

   Nine Heads evolved from Hydra, and Mud King evolved from Earth Element.

  These three have all passed the age of relying on their original racial abilities to fight.

  Now they are all extreme creatures. If they really want to be ruthless, one can destroy a city.

   Apart from other things, the poisonous breath in front of him has such a record.

   This time, it is even more beneficial to arrange to come to the three holy places.

  Normally speaking, at this time, he should be devouring the khaki crystal underground, using this crystal to strengthen his original power.

   As a result, the elf sanctuary ran away by itself. He spent a lot of effort to drag the elf sanctuary back, and the khaki crystals that were originally left underground turned into powder.

   This means that he got nothing, but also lost a lot.

   Such a situation makes Du Xi quite unhappy.

  So when he looked at those spirit corpses, his eyes became a little different.

   Seeing the change in the eyes of their own baby, the elves and heroes of the Earth God Palace would not understand.

  So they took the initiative to discuss with the elf heroes guarding the elf holy land.

   "I said what happened this time?"

   "It's nothing, it's just a bit of bad luck. A rookie player slipped here and activated the portal. I have already reported this matter. I believe it won't take long for the Golden Tree to respond.

   At that time, that rookie player will be captured by us, and I will fill the whole land with his blood. "

   "This matter has alarmed the golden tree?"

  The elf who came forward to inquire about the news couldn't help but screamed.

  Golden Tree is the capital of the elves and the only level 12 city of the elves.

  The remaining seventeen main cities and thirteen shrines are all level 11 cities.

   It can be said that all elves want to live in the golden tree.

  And all the elves are full of longing for the golden tree.

  As soon as hearing this alarmed the Golden Tree, the elf shrank back.

   "What's the matter, what do you think?"

   "No, it's just that the uncle of our Jingu has some ideas."

   As he spoke, he looked at the pile of elf corpses that had just been dug up not far away.

   "That old man is different from the other two. He is not taboo about meat and vegetables. He wants good soul crystals and holy crystals. He also eats garbage corpses. Those corpses are left alone, you see."

  The elves at the fortress understood it as soon as they heard it.

   This is the idea of ​​these corpses.

  If it was normal, they really didn't care about the dead elves. In his opinion, the dead elves could at most provide some bones and flesh and blood, and they had no other use.

   But this time is different.

   It is about the Holy Land, and it has been reported.

   At the side of the golden tree, someone may be sent over to check.

  He wants to tidy up here and ask the people from the Golden Tree to check what's going on.

   Just when the elf was about to refuse, the poisonous breath over there couldn't wait anymore.

  He is different from the other two extreme creatures in the Earth God Palace, his temper is more anxious.

   Thinking about it, this is also very reasonable.

  The Nine Heads are Hydra, and each of the Nine Heads has an opinion. It is quite difficult for them to unify their opinions unless they are desperate.

  So before they do things, they always discuss and discuss, wasting some time.

  The mud king is an earth element, and the earth element is inherently slow, so it is impossible for them to rush into things.

   Instead, it is poisonous breath. His body is an ooze monster. It is a kind of elemental creature at best, but it is a mass of mud at worst.

  The only word in their minds is devour.

   It's better when the poison breath reaches the limit biological level, at least intelligence is added.

   When doing things, I will think about it to some extent.

   But they think about it.

  For example, this time let people go to talk to other elves first.

   Then wait a little longer.

   As for the answer, it doesn't really matter. Extreme creatures have such a big face in the novice world.

  He didn't wait for the elves from the Earth God Palace to come back to report the situation. He bounced his body forward, and the body of the normal slime monster expanded rapidly.

   Finally, it turned into a dark green torrent and rushed towards the pile of corpses.

   The elves at the fortress wanted to step forward to stop them, but found that their speed was still a bit slow. All the elf corpses dug out of the gray sand were swallowed by the poisonous breath.

   Seeing such a situation, the elf could only sigh.

   "Forget it, anyway, they are just some corpses, if they are swallowed, they will be swallowed."

  During the speech, he had already eaten the poisonous breath, and unexpectedly stepped into the gray sand.

  Seeing such a situation, everyone was stunned. The poisonous breath is super fierce.

   Only Chen Wei, who was observing the surroundings through the source power bee, did not pay attention to the poison breath, and his attention was all on the things that seemed to be the holy city of elves.

  (end of this chapter)

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