The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 377: Extreme Creatures-Pollen Jungle (subscription required)

  Chapter 377 Extreme Creatures - Pollen Jungle (Subscribe)

  Chen Wei finally understood that the pollen dryad was talking about the trees in front of him, but it didn't cover the whole forest.

   It's just that these pollen can aggregate and disperse.

  A tree can be a pollen dryad, and a forest can be a pollen dryad, if necessary.

  The immediate success rate is a little lower, but now Chen Wei has enough mana, if something goes wrong, just change it.

   These pollen can escape by themselves, and Chen Wei is not afraid of any problems in the synthesis.

  Besides, he has become an archmage, even if the success rate of synthesis cannot be improved, his control over mana must be in place.

   Right now he doesn't believe it, he can't control the situation here.

   Sure enough, as Chen Wei started to synthesize, those pollen formed a pink magic circle by themselves.

   Then they absorbed the power of the leylines, and the pollen reassembled themselves. Some wanted to become trees, and some wanted to become centaurs.

  Chen Wei didn't pay attention to this matter, just watched there.

  When Chen Wei found out that they might collapse, Chen Wei would throw a piece of leyline crystal fragments in and add some mana.

   If nothing happened, Chen Wei would watch over there seriously, without any intention of making a move.

   As these pink pollen rise and fall, rise again, fall again.

  After a few times, all the pollen stopped.

  Then the pollen kept squeezing and turned into a weird human shape.

  This humanoid guy has pink skin, is nearly three meters tall, has a wide body, and has muscles all over his body.

  However, he seemed to find himself uncomfortable in this appearance, so his body shrunk a bit, becoming about the size of a normal person.

  But because of his compression, the original pink skin turned purple.

"grown ups."

  After turning into a human form, this man saluted Chen Wei seriously.

   When he bowed his head, a lot of pollen rose around him.

   At this time, Chen Wei also saw the corresponding information.

  【Complete the synthesis of natural disasters, get the legendary quality - Pollen Forest】

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Pollen Jungle

   Quality: Legendary (Level Cap Legendary 12)

  Type: natural disasters of plants, extreme creatures

  Characteristics: pollen, weird

  Level: Legendary level 12 (has reached the upper limit)

  Attributes: Attack 120, Defense 100, Life 140000

  Initial skill: forest (the body may turn into a forest, all enemies entering the forest will be affected)

  Automatic combination (the body can be freely combined into human form, combat form, or other forms)

  Eerie Effect (After inhaling pollen, the enemy will feel that they are facing a lot of eerie)

   Tens of millions of incarnations (can be divided into countless clones, as long as there is enough pollen, they will not really die)

   Devour flesh and blood (you can strengthen yourself by devouring flesh and blood)

  Nest (you can integrate a level 5 natural city into your body)

  Explanation: Originally, he had no way to reach the limit creature level, but because you can get too many leyline crystals, it would be a waste to fail to reach the limit creature.

  Looking at the instructions in front of him, Chen Wei said to the pollen forest: "Can you just move like this?"

   "Yes, my lord, I can usually move like this, and I don't need to stay in a fixed place."

   "Is it the same as integrating into a level 5 natural system city?"

   "Of course, please rest assured, my lord, you can just treat me as a movable city."

   "What about your subordinates?"

  Chen Wei asked again.

   "The previous mechanical ghost body had four major bodies and body guards, and the ghostly cloud layer also had a flying army. What do you have?"

   Pollen Jungle thought for a while, and finally said: "Not yet, but I will find a way."

   "Oh, then you can follow me first."

  Chen Wei didn't care much about the fact that the pollen jungle didn't have any guards.

   It is obvious that the pollen forest has the form of a human being, so following him is considered a powerful guard.

   As for the others, what else does Chen Wei need if he has the ultimate biological guard.

  Chen Wei, who was a little happy, said to Huafen dense forest: "By the way, I will call you dense forest from now on."


  Milin agreed to the order without saying a word and nodding.

  So behind Chen Wei's bone beetle, another subordinate stood.

  Now Chen Wei is riding a bone beetle, with a skeleton wall behind him, a soul-receiving skeleton, a skeleton mage, and this dense forest.

  At this time, Chen Wei released the skeleton wall.

   "You have actually reached the legendary level, do you want to try to help you level up and see if you have a chance to hit the limit creature?"

  The reason why Chen Wei raised this opinion is entirely because the enemy he needs to face next will be the entire elves.

   In order to complete the construction of the portal, Chen Wei must not stay in his own city all the time.

   He will move outside.

   It is not appropriate to have only one limit creature with you.

  The crystal fragments of the veins can turn his subordinates into extreme creatures, so he naturally needs to synthesize more.

  Skeleton walls and soul-receiving skeletons have both reached the legendary level. Using them to synthesize may also have the same chance of success.


   Before the skeleton wall was selected, the skeleton mage on the side jumped out.

   This skeleton mage has been following Chen Wei for a while.

  However, his combat power and upper limit have not been very high. Seeing this opportunity now, he naturally wants to jump out and give it a try.

  [Skeleton Mage] + [Earth Vein Crystal Shards] = [? ? ? (33.1% success rate)] (consumes 20 mana)

   "The success rate is not very high, why don't you give it a try?"

   "Of course, he can succeed, and there is no reason why I can't."

  The Skeleton Mage pointed to the dense forest and bet his life on it.

  Chen Wei shook his head helplessly, took out a small piece of earth vein crystal fragments, and synthesized them directly.

  Under the stimulation of his mana, the shards of earth vein crystals turned into a khaki-yellow light, which fell on the forehead of the skeleton mage.

  The skeleton mage's body was instantly covered in mud.

   Then a large amount of mana gushed out from the skeleton mage.

   Normally, he only needs to continue strengthening like this to break through to the legendary level.

But just when the skeleton mage thought he could pass this level, his body was shattered into pieces with a bang, and together with the soil wrapped around him, it turned into mud and fell to the ground, dying beyond death up.

   "It still failed, Skeleton Wall, clean up the dirt, and then come to synthesize it."

  Chen Wei just took a look at the situation of the skeleton mage, and then started to call the skeleton wall again. This time he really needed a stronger skeleton wall to protect himself.

  (end of this chapter)

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