The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 378: Strengthened Skull Wall (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 378 The Strengthened Skeleton Wall (for subscription)

  【Skeleton Wall】+【Earthline Crystal Fragments】=【? ? ? (Success rate 66%)] (consumes 80 mana)

  Looking at the synthesis formula in front of him, Chen Wei found that the success rate was exactly twice that of the Skeleton Mage.

  Although he has only one Skeleton Wall under his command, and he is also a rare legendary powerhouse, who is Chen Wei's greatest combat power to protect himself, but Chen Wei still bet on him.


  Chen Wei just finished speaking, and the shards of the earth vein crystals in his hand flew out and fell directly to the ground.

  Then the skeleton wall took the initiative to stand up.

  In fact, even if Chen Wei didn't choose to synthesize, he still had to put forward his opinion to Chen Wei.

  Since knowing that there are limit creatures, the skeleton wall has been considering its own situation.

  He originally thought that he had a legendary level, so he could help Chen Wei block most of the attacks.

   But it now appears that this is not the case.

  Legendary is just the beginning.

   And he put too much energy on other things.

   Now in the defense line of the skeleton wall, in addition to the wall for defense, there are also various attack methods, such as ballista, catapult and so on.

  Although attack is the best defense, for the skeleton wall, it is the key to affecting one's own growth.

  Skeleton Wall has long thought about excluding these things from its own defense system.

  Be a pure defender.

   And now that Chen Wei is an archmage, he can prepare a place for Chen Wei where he can use magic.

   Besides, Chen Wei now has many subordinates, so the most important thing is to prepare a platform for Chen Wei to contact his subordinates.

   It can be said that the skull wall has already had its own ideas.

   It's just that he has never found a chance to advance and organize himself.

  During this period, let alone leveling up, he even seldom fought.

  Now is a good opportunity for the skeleton wall to strengthen itself.

  Of course he wouldn't just miss it.

  After the leyline crystal fragments entered the ground, the skeleton wall turned itself into a wall state.

  Then the things in the skeleton wall began to spread outward, and some bone-shaped objects fell down like this.

  Chen Wei noticed that those were things like throwing nets, traps, and catapults that were originally on the skeleton wall.

   This surprised him quite a bit.

  He thought his synthesis had failed.

   But he never expected that this change was only temporary.

   Those things that were abandoned by the skeleton wall soon turned into bone fragments covering the ground.

  Then the soil on the ground began to roll, and something like sludge climbed up the wall of the skeleton wall.

  Chen Wei noticed that the skeleton wall, which originally had only one layer, now began to divide into many layers.

   This kind of layering is very similar to the circle after circle of city walls in a high-level city.

   It was just that Chen Wei noticed that there were no weapons and equipment such as catapults on the city wall.

  The skeleton wall expanded to a full five-story city wall before it stopped.

  When the skeleton wall completed all the changes, Chen Wei couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him.

  He never expected that the skeleton wall would end up like this.

  At this time, he was standing in front of the gate of the outermost city of the skeleton wall.

  The five-story city wall of the skeleton wall is higher than the first floor.

  The outermost city wall is fifteen meters high, and the top of the city wall is a five-meter-wide platform on which soldiers can walk freely.

   At the outermost city wall, there are no weapons such as ballistas or catapults, only empty arrow towers every 50 meters.

   As long as someone goes up, they can shoot in this empty arrow tower.

  The key to the outermost city wall is not the height of the arrow tower and the city wall.

   Outside the outermost city wall, there is a moat. Inside the black river, there are many arms stretching out from time to time. As long as the enemies touch the river, they will be dragged into the river and become part of the river.

   Going further inside, the city walls on each floor will be about five meters higher than the outer city walls.

   This can ensure that after the outer city wall is captured by the enemy, the enemy cannot suppress the inner city.

  From the second layer of the city wall, there are many different things on the city wall.

   At the city wall on the second floor, there is a special magic circle and defensive cover to deal with various magic attacks.

  In addition to the defensive cover, the third floor of the city wall also has a magic tower, which allows people to easily control the power of the defensive cover.

  At the city wall on the fourth floor, there are many air battalions for garrisoning troops, as well as treatment camps and logistics offices for treating wounded soldiers. It can be said that everything in defense has been achieved to the extreme.

   In this way, until the city wall on the fifth floor, the protected space inside the city wall is only the size of a football field.

  In such a large space, there are only one hut, one magic tower and one dead tree.

  The hut is where Chen Wei rests, where he can receive the strictest protection.

  The magic tower is where Chen Wei casts spells. Although the effect is not as good as the magic tower in the city, there are various magic blessings and unlimited magic pools.

  The dead tree is the place Chen Wei used to contact outside troops and give orders.

   After all, Chen Wei is a lord, he needs to keep in touch.

  Originally, this matter was to be carried out by the source power bee, but the source power bee was not swallowed by the skeleton wall, and now it can only be done temporarily.

   Entering the square on the fifth floor, the message of successful synthesis flashed before Chen Wei's eyes.

  【Complete natural disaster synthesis, get legendary quality-skull wall】

  Name: Skull Wall

   Quality: Legendary (Level Cap Legendary 12)

  Type: Undead Scourge

  Characteristics: Exorcism, leader

  Level: Legendary Level 3

  Attributes: Attack 0, Defense 1500, Life 44000

Initial skills: moat (can devour enemies and enhance the lethality of the moat), corpse raising ground (soldiers and walls in the city recover 120 points of life per second), arrow tower (increases the shooting range and attack range of soldiers entering the arrow tower), hardened city wall (city wall Vitality increased by 30%), ossified city wall (strengthen the defense of the city wall with white bones), **** city wall (enemies who die on the city wall will be swallowed by the city wall), defensive cover (can defend against various magic attacks), defensive cover ( ...), Magic Tower...

  Explanation: This is a super powerful skeleton wall. After strengthening, his upper limit of strength has been developed. As long as you are willing, he may become a new extreme creature.

  Looking at the description in front of him, Chen Wei understood that the current skull wall only reached the limit creature level, but he himself has not yet reached that standard.

   Now the skeleton wall needs a lot of experience and battles.

  Experience can allow him to increase his level, and flesh and blood can allow him to devour and grow.

  But Chen Wei believes that he will be able to do this soon.

   Handed several pieces of leyline crystal fragments to the skeleton wall.

  Chen Wei turned his head to look at the soul-receiving skeleton.

   "You are next."

  (end of this chapter)

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