The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 379: The Chance of Collecting Soul Skeletons (Subscribe)

  Chapter 379 The Chance of Collecting Soul Skeletons (Subscription required)

   "I will succeed."

  Soul Receiving Skeleton stood up without waiting for Chen Wei to call his name.

  He has seen the situation just now. As a soul-receiving skeleton with strange power, he understands that the success rate of synthesizing himself with the earth vein crystal in front of him is half and half.

   But Skull Wall can gamble, so can he.

   If he wins, he will break through his current self. If he loses, he will be just like a skeleton mage.

  For the undead, life and death are not really important.

   "Then synthesize it."

  【Soul Receiving Skeleton】+【Earth Vein Crystal Fragment】=【? ? ? (Success rate 57%)] (consumes mana 80 points)

  Chen Wei included the soul-receiving skeleton in the synthesis formula, and didn't look at the success rate and mana consumption.

  At this point, these are not important anymore, the important thing is whether he has the courage to gamble.

   Now that the soul-receiving skeleton is willing to gamble, Chen Wei will definitely not refuse.

  Following the throwing of Chen Wei's terrestrial vein crystal fragments, the movement of the soul-receiving skeleton obviously paused.

  Then the body of the soul-receiving skeleton began to change.

  The body of this soul-receiving skeleton has actually undergone several changes.

  The first time, he used a doll to hold his soul, and then it became a lantern.

   then turned into flowers again.

  Now the soul-receiving skeleton has returned to its original appearance, and the things hanging around his waist to hold the soul have turned into dolls one after another.

  This situation surprised Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei is very aware of the strange strength of that rag doll.

   At the same time, he was also very clear that the rag doll had a weird attitude towards some things.

  The soul-receiving skeleton suddenly became like this, clearly provoking the strangeness of the doll.

  Chen Wei was about to call out the soul-receiving skeleton, but found that the soul-receiving skeleton himself had also changed. There was an extra cage behind him, which contained materials for making dolls.

   Obviously this is his change and root.

   It seems that this is a level he has to pass.

   If he passes this level, then his strength can go up a step further.

   But if he can't pass this level.

  The soul-receiving skeleton might be finished.

   At that time, even if the gods come, they will not be able to save him.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei felt a little helpless.

  How can my subordinates be better than each other?

  At this time, the soul-receiving skeleton opened its eyes, and said to Chen Wei: "My lord, I need to go out once, and come back when I recover my combat power."

  Chen Wei understands that the meaning of collecting soul skeletons is to go out to fight, and not to put the battle on Chen Wei.

  This matter cannot be said to be a bad thing for Chen Wei.

   But Chen Wei said at this time: "Can you fight well? Do you want me to get someone to help you?"

   "No, I have to do this battle myself, and I don't need to kill that extreme weirdness, I just need to survive her, so that I can prove that I have the meaning of existence."

   "Is this necessary?"

  Chen Wei was a little speechless, "Yes, if I don't do this, I will never take that step."

  Chen Wei sighed, "Then go."

  The soul-receiving skeleton nodded to Chen Wei, and quickly disappeared in front of Chen Wei.

  After the soul-receiving skeleton left, Chen Wei opened the message that popped up in front of him.

  【The synthesis of natural disasters is completed, and the legendary quality is obtained-soul-receiving skeletons】

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Soul Receiving Skeleton

   Quality: Legendary (Level Cap Legendary 12)

  Type: Weird natural disaster

  Characteristics: Collecting souls

  Level: Legendary Level 8

  Attributes: Attack 117, Defense 96, Life 5000

  Initial skills: Soul Harvest, Death Strike, Soul Lamp (use other souls as energy sources to quickly replenish the creatures you consume)

  Explanation: A powerful creature that has stepped into the legendary level, but its upper limit has been affected. Now he can only reach the legendary level 8. Only by breaking his own demons can he reach the legendary level 12.

   Taking a look at the situation of the soul-receiving skeleton, Chen Wei knew it was inevitable.

   It's just that the gap between the soul-receiving skeleton and the extreme weirdness is still very strong.

   Coupled with the fact that the extreme and weird personality is quite independent, Chen Wei is not optimistic about the behavior of collecting soul skeletons.

   "Forget it, it's not that bad."

   After confirming that the soul-receiving skeleton left like this, Chen Wei also put away some thoughts.

   began to hit other soldiers with the idea of ​​leyline crystal fragments.

  Since just now, Chen Wei has consumed no more than one percent of the crystal fragments he dug up this time, and the most consumed one is the skeleton wall.

  The remaining crystal fragments are quite large.

  If Chen Wei didn't bring out these synthesis points for new units, he would be sorry for the materials he brought from the Elven Holy Land.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Wei decided to target the source power bee.

   This time when Chen Wei leaves, the city he must take away is the Honeycomb Tree Realm.

   Strengthening the source power bee now will definitely be of sufficient benefit to Chen Wei's later plans.

   Apart from other things, the queen bee must strengthen it.

  If possible, it is best to push the strength of the queen bee to the legendary level.

   At the same time, we need to strengthen the honeycomb tree world.

   In this way, when fighting, Chen Wei can have enough arms to use.

  With such thoughts in mind, Chen Wei headed for the place where the honeycomb tree community was stationed.

   At this time, a group of elf messengers also came from the direction of the elf holy land.

   These elf messengers are all orthodox elves. No matter what color their skin is, their ears are all sharp and long.

  Their appearance and hair color are also different. Some have fangs, some have tattoos of different colors, and some have black cloth strips wrapped around their eyes.

   But no matter what, their clothes have a characteristic, that is, all the clothes have gold edges.

   It is this gold border that makes them look different from other elves.

   This is the proof of their identity, proving that all these elves come from the capital of elves, the Golden Tree.

  After arriving at the Holy Land of the elves, the elf in the lead immediately revealed his identity.

   It was a golden scepter like a branch.

He raised the branch above his head, "I am here on behalf of the Golden Tree Presbyterian Council. We already know the information you reported. We have always attached great importance to the attack on the Holy Land, especially at this time, when rookie players are desperately trying to last time.

   So we have to come over and see, by the way, what's going on now?

  Did they use the portal? "

   "Yes, someone used the portal."

  The gray sand in this place can't hide at all, and anyone who comes can see what happened at that time at a glance.

   "It seems that I really met a capable rookie player. Things are a bit serious. Did you have any conflicts with them at that time? Do you know where they come from?"

  (end of this chapter)

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