The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 385: Centaur vs. Wind Spirit (subscription required)

  Chapter 385 Centaur vs. Wind Spirit (subscription required)

   Following Chen Wei's order, the troops of the Scourge finally took action.

  The army began to move towards the various strongholds of the Scourge Territory.

   Various resources have long been prepared on key nodes.

  As Chen Wei said, he wanted to keep all enemies out of the territory.

   At least Chen Wei can't let the enemy notice what he is doing.

   With the foundation of the portal laid, Chen Wei has already started to build the portal.

  This portal is about the size of the Dark Portal in World of Warcraft, maybe even bigger.

  The overall height has exceeded 300 meters, and the width has reached about 200 meters.

  Only in this way can everything about the player be taken out of the novice world.

   Otherwise, with a portal as tall as a person, how many things can be taken away, and how far can it be teleported.

   You must know that when Chen Wei ran to the Holy Land of the Elf, the temporary portals built on the road were all five meters high and three meters wide. It was a big guy at a glance.

  The current portal used to break out of the novice world is naturally much larger.

  When he ordered the construction of the portal to start, Chen Wei took the initiative to cut off all the portals in the natural disaster territory.

  It doesn’t matter if it’s a one-way portal or a two-way portal.

   All were destroyed by Chen Wei.

  Currently, Chen Wei is already facing the power of the entire elves. It is impossible for Chen Wei to leave any details in his own territory.

  He didn't want someone to enter his territory through the portal while he was fighting.

   I don't even want to be beheaded when I command a battle.

   Chen Wei's actions also evoked different reactions from the three elf cities.

   The elves facing the wind department in Extreme Speed ​​Town reacted the most. On the first day, some elves from the wind department appeared near Chen Wei's territory.

  Of course they came with a small number of troops, that is, three heroes with seven or eight hundred elves.

   From this configuration, it can be seen that the elves on the side of the wind department have not yet entered the fighting state.

  They just came here to investigate the situation this time.

   Only when they find something is wrong, they will go back to report the news, and then the city of the Ministry of Wind will make corresponding arrangements.

   Right now they are not in combat.

   It's just that they didn't expect that they didn't take this battle seriously, but Chen Wei took it very seriously.

  Zhuifeng returned to Extreme Speed ​​Town immediately, and at the same time, the centaur heroes under Zhuifeng also rushed over.

  They quickly got information about these three elf heroes.

  Different from the information held by other people, the centaur is more concerned about the speed of the enemy.

   "What do you think?"

   "Of course it's chasing and fighting."

   Regarding the question of chasing the wind, all the centaurs raised their hands, and they laughed happily.

  Even if these centaurs don't have the temperament of chasing the wind, they still have the pursuit of speed.

  They have always thought that they are the fastest existence in the world.

   They don't play with units that can't keep up with their speed.

  The wind department is the fastest group of elves.

  The centaur has wanted to compete in speed with the elves of the Wind Department since a long time ago.

   It's just that they never found the opportunity.

  The situation is different now.

  The people from the wind department came over on their own initiative.

   And the number of people is not too large, just the number that centaurs can molested.

  If there were more of them, the centaurs would not dare to play like this.

   After laughing, Zhuifeng said: "Then make a good comparison, I order."

   With a word from Zhuifeng, all the centaurs stood up.

   "Our target is the elves of the Wind Department. There are nearly 700 enemies, all of whom are elves. It can be seen that they, like us, don't like to bring slower speeds.

   This is a good thing for us.

   This battle is mainly attacked by the Nightmare Cavalry, directly attacking the enemy's team. After the attack, you will take action.

  I want to guarantee that not a single elf can escape. "

   "Don't worry, my lord, no one can escape from the hands of our centaur."

   "Yes, don't worry."

   "I just learned to ride and shoot, and I just used it on these elves."

  Seeing the centaur hero's excited face, Zhuifeng nodded in satisfaction.

"Everyone knows that we have sent the little pony out. In the woods far away from here, there will be a centaur city rebuilt. Your descendants will live there without paying blood tax. , a day when the centaur is completely in charge.

  The most important thing is that as long as we work hard from generation to generation, the centaurs will eventually establish their own country.

  For this matter, let's all work hard. "



   "Kill those elves!"

   After shouting, Zhuifeng led the centaurs out of Extreme Speed ​​Town.

  Then the team of centaur began to follow the leadership of the centaur hero and headed towards the surroundings.

   Only the Nightmare Centaur was following behind Zhuifeng.

  Of course, these are upgraded nightmare centaurs. Although they are not like Zhuifeng, who can form an army by themselves, they can still make ten nightmare centaurs into an army.

   And the number of nightmare centaurs here is still quite large.

   It can be said that Chasing the Wind directly brought all the centaurs of the Nightmare Cavalry Regiment.

   Don't look at their current appearance of only four or five hundred people, but if they really charge forward, they can directly become five or six thousand people.

   This is going to be placed in some small cities, which is quite a terrible existence.

  Five or six thousand cavalry charge, if the enemy does not have a corresponding way to deal with it, it is very likely that 10,000 people will be crushed to death directly.

  The most important thing is that when these nightmare centaurs who chase the wind charge, they will be very sudden.

  Thinking about it, four or five hundred people charged, and most of the enemies would not react too much.

   After all, on the big battlefield, four or five hundred people are small corps.

  But when they rushed to a certain distance, four or five hundred people turned into five or six thousand people.

  The enemy can't defend even if they want to defend.

   In this way, the enemy can be killed directly in one fell swoop.

  Can think of this step, it can be said that Zhuifeng has already understood the nightmare centaur.

   Right now he's just trying.

  If successful, Zhuifeng plans to train more nightmare centaurs and transform a few nightmare centaurs heroes.

   With several similar legions cooperating with each other, he will have more good chances when facing the upper hand.

  With this thought in mind, Chasing Wind and the others quickly stopped the elves of the Wind Department.

   Seeing the nightmare centaur appearing from behind the woods, the three heroes of the wind elves glanced at each other, and then they all raised their longbows with disdainful smiles on their faces.

   "Centaur? Garbage."

  (end of this chapter)

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