The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 386: The impact ability of centaur (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 386 The Impact Ability of Centaurs (Subscribe)

  Seeing the elf hero raise the bow in his hand, Zhuifeng also laughed.

   "The projection is released, the avatar is released, charge!"

  Nightmare centaur heard Zhuifeng's order, and its body changed rapidly. The four or five hundred centaurs directly became more than six thousand.

   This frightened the elves. They didn't even know which of these centaurs were real and which were fake.

  The arrows in their hands were shot, but they didn't hurt the centaur at all.

   Instead, let the centaur take this opportunity to rush in front of them.

  Most of the elves in the Wind Department are long-range attack troops, and a small number are soldiers of the Farstrider type. The weapons they use are spears or lighter and more convenient weapons.

  Under such circumstances, these travelers also began to charge forward.

   As soon as they ran like this, there was a blue wind group around them. It could be seen that they used their best ability to break through the attacks of the centaurs in one fell swoop.

   But they still underestimated the Nightmare Cavalry Regiment chasing the wind.

   These nightmare centaurs were picked out one by one by Zhuifeng, and trained with them himself.

   It can be said that Zhuifeng spent more time on these centaurs than on his son.

  Zhuifeng has also encountered various problems, and all the coping methods, Zhuifeng broke up with them.

   Now when these centaurs face some situations, they have already become instinctive reactions.

  When they saw the windrunner from the Ministry of Wind approaching them, the centaurs, whether they were the main body, the avatar, or the projection, all made the same move.

   Concentrate attack power on one point.

   When rushing in front of the enemy, they will shoot at a point.

  After this point, they don't care about it and don't attack anymore, but rush forward.

  At this time, the centaur has only one idea, don't follow the rhythm of the enemy.

   Let the enemy go at his own pace.

   It was this concept that directly penetrated the battle formation of the elves and rushed into the position of the elf archers.

   This was a considerable blow to the elves of the Wind Department.

   They have never encountered such a thing.

  When they encountered enemies before, they always relied on the ultra-long-range shooting methods of the Fengbu to kill all the enemies before they rushed in front of them.

  Even if there are some faster enemies, they will be blocked by Windrunner.

  Where would it be like now, the enemy didn't kill many, but let the enemy rush to him.

  These elf shooters never thought that they would encounter such a situation.

  When they were about to pull out the daggers usually worn around their waists, the centaur had already rushed to his side, pointed the spear in their hands and stabbed them down like this.

The elves raised the longbows in their hands to resist, but just as they raised the longbows, the spears were already stuck on them, and then one after another, the elves did not respond at all. Chance.

  The elf heroes wanted to save people, but before they could give their orders, the centaur who chased the wind had already rushed in front of them.

   "Wind shield, wind..."

  An elf hero wanted to save him for the last time, but he was pierced by three spears before he could cast his spell.

   Then another elf hero's head was pierced with a spear, and the centaur that stabbed the elf hero to death rushed forward for a certain distance, dragging the elf hero's body on the ground.

   It can be said that when the centaur charged, the elves were already dead.

   It's just that some elves also have their own ideas. Under such circumstances, they still want to escape for their lives.

   This is their specialty. When they transferred in before, no one could catch up with them.

  It is the same now.

  With such confidence, the elves turned their heads and ran towards the way they came.

  When these elves ran away, they were still thinking about it.

  They didn't run away, but wanted to spread the news here.

  If no one spreads the news, what will they do next time they encounter such a centaur.

  So they need such a hero to get the message out.

  So all the living elves ran by themselves, and they ran out in their own way.

  But they found that the speed they were originally proud of was nothing in the eyes of the centaur.

  These centaurs outrun them even faster.

   Most importantly, they run like magic.

  The centaur relied on its own strength to run.

   There are always times when the magic power cannot be taken care of, and if the centaur wants to speed up, it can do it by raising its legs.

  The elves wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape the pursuit of the centaur.

   After a while, the fleeing elves were caught up by the centaur and killed one by one on the road.

  Of course there are some elves who want to escape to the nearby woods.

   But they never expected that all the nearby centaurs were there.

  No matter where they flee, they cannot escape the pursuit of the centaur.

   After all the elves were killed, the centaur dragged all the elf corpses together and counted them carefully.

   After confirming that none of these elves escaped, Zhuifeng contacted the nearby source power hive and asked them to transport the corpses away.

   As for where the corpses of these elves will be sent to and what materials will be turned into, Zhuifeng doesn't need to worry about it at all.

  Because that's not their business.

   Anyway, the flesh and blood that fell into Chen Wei's hands had at most two destinations.

  One is to be sent to be transformed into an undead, and there is a high probability that it will be transformed into a skeleton soldier.

  The other is given to the queen bee to transform her into a power bee.

  No matter what, with so many corpses, Chen Wei could have a group of troops under his command.

   Of course a corpse is a corpse, and other things are other things.

  The weapons in the hands of the elves of the Ministry of Wind are all owned by the centaur.

  The spears, bows and arrows in the hands of these elves are good things for centaurs.

  The weapons prepared by Chen Wei are all aimed at the undead, and the weapons for centaurs can only be built here in Extreme Speed ​​Town.

   In that case, the weapons in the hands of the centaur will have some problems.

  So most of the sent centaurs hold the cheapest spears in their hands.

  Compared with the spear in the elf's hand, that is really a world away.

  The spears in the hands of the elves are all made of magic branches, which exceed the level of normal spears in terms of toughness and hardness.

  The most important thing is that in order to match the attack characteristics of the wind department, these spears are mostly engraved with wind magic, which will make them easier to use.

   So after getting these spears, Zhuifeng directly equipped his Nightmare Centaur to improve the combat effectiveness of Nightmare Centaur.

  (end of this chapter)

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