The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 388: Temporary defense change (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 388 Temporary change of defense line (for subscription)

"grown ups."

  When Shirley came back, she was immediately brought in front of Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei glanced at Xueli, and found that Xueli's level had improved a lot at this time. It seemed that she was not idle on the way back, and she came back from killing.

"How is it going?"

   "I came back after a long detour, and I was not idle along the way. All the source power worker bees I took out have all dispersed, and the map has been drawn."

   Speaking of this, Shirley suddenly said something.

   "However, my lord, it seems that the elves are under martial law in all directions. When I came back, I found that many elf troops had been mobilized.

   We're running out of time. "

   "I know, when you came back, I wanted to give you a few days to rest, but maybe not now, Wood has a task to do here, you came just in time, you can take Wood's position.

   Just a few days. "

   "Good sir."

   Shirley did not refuse the request.

  At this time, Chen Wei said again: "I will communicate with the Queen Bee and let them give priority to replenishing troops for you, but you have to grasp the battle here."

   "Mr. Wood's front? I understand, can I know what's going on with the enemy?"

   "A city called the Forest of Hundred Ghosts, a level 9 city, and other information is incomplete. The only thing that is certain is that they should take the route of the undead."

  Shirley snorted. For her, no enemy is important. She has no enemies to restrain, nor is she restrained by any enemies.

   She doesn't really care what kind of enemy she faces.

   And this time, the experience and experience she gained along the way greatly increased her confidence.

   She didn't think much about Chen Wei's order.

   As for Chen Wei, Shirley took over, and she was also relieved.

  In a short time, there will be no problems with his defense.

   As for the long-term battle, that is not something Chen Wei has to consider.

  Wood didn't take too long to play this time.

  When Wood returns, Shirley can be freed.

   At that time, Chen Wei can arrange Shirley to another position.

   For example, go to some more mobile positions.

   It can be said that Shirley's return just brought Chen Wei a new force that can be called at any time.

  With Shirley stationed on the line of defense, Wood naturally took away half of the troops on the line of defense with confidence.

  After Wood left the line of defense, he quickly headed in one direction.

  As Wood said, he can still know some information about the Azure Palace.

  So he also knows where the elf heroes from the Azure Shrine appear.

   When he rushed over with his men, the elves of the Azure Shrine were coming out of an elf land.

  Behind them, the wood elves with more than one hundred treasures followed.

  These wood elves are militiamen belonging to the elves.

  They have the talent to become a professional army, but they have not yet received professional training.

  Usually in the city, it is the position of a resident.

   This is like the difference between skeletons and skeleton soldiers in undead.

   These elf heroes are druids, and the troops they usually bring are also druids.

  So when asking for troops from nearby elves, they will naturally follow the direction of the troops they used to lead.

  But in most elf clans, the arms are mainly elf sword dancers and elf archers, plus some unique arms of this clan.

   Few people go specifically to train druids.

  Even if there are specially trained druids, they are treasures of various clans and lands, and it is impossible to give them casually.

  So the people of Azure Shrine have long been used to such things.

  When they usually go to the elves to ask for things, they usually ask for some wood elves directly, and then transform them into druids by their own means.

  Of course they also teleported with a large number of druids directly.

   But that is the case with a dedicated druid like Wood.

  The things in front of me are not worth doing.

  When Wood led his men to attack, he was already guessing some behaviors and thoughts of the other party.

  Seeing that Chen Wei has already taken over the defense, Wood is not in such a hurry.

   After locking the enemy, Wood followed the elf heroes from a distance, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

  Wood, an elf-like, legendary hero with strength, is also surrounded by elf troops.

   Along the way, no one thought there was anything wrong with Wood.

   Although his behavior is a bit sneaky.

   But there are more such beings in the elves.

  Wood is already considered relatively good.

  If it weren't for the current turmoil in the entire elf territory, maybe no one would have noticed Wood at all.

   In this way, Wood followed the elf heroes of the Azure Palace to a valley.

  Watching the elf heroes of the Azure Shrine send batch after batch of wood elves into the valley, a trace of surprise flashed in Wood's eyes.

  He thought of many possibilities along the way.

   But he never expected that they would play such a big game.

  Wood said before that each shrine has its own limit creatures.

  The same is true for Azure Shrine, they have a limit creature.

   is a powerful mixed element of lightning and air composed only of dark clouds, and there are countless fist-sized eyes in his body.

  Because there is only such a limit creature, Azure Shrine treasures this one very much.

  Usually as long as there is no major event, he will not release the limit creature.

  In order to use the power of extreme creatures, they thought of a way.

  Gather a large number of lightning in a certain place, then attract the projection of this limit creature, and temporarily release a clone of the limit creature.

  The valley in front of him is filled with the breath of thunder and lightning, which is clearly preparing to make projections of extreme creatures.

   It's just that Wood doesn't quite understand what happened to the people in Azure Shrine and why they did such a thing.

  But one thing is certain, this is a good opportunity for Wood.

   As long as the clone of this extreme creature can be snatched or projected down.

   Then Wood's combat power will be improved.

   At that time, he will be in Chen Wei's team, that is, a mountain top.

   After all, he has already seen the changes around Chen Wei during this period of time.

  In addition to the ancient volcanic tree, there are obviously three more extreme creatures around Chen Wei, and the humanoid that looks like pollen is definitely one.

  When the soul-receiving skeleton came back this time, its breath had also become the breath of an extreme creature.

  Chen Wei has always brought the skeleton wall with him, and it is obvious that he has reached this level.

   If he didn't have a limit creature under his command, he would be thrown away by Chen Wei little by little.

   This is not what he wants.

  So looking in the direction of the valley, a light lit up in Wood's eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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