The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 389: War on another front (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 389 War on Another Front (Subscription required)

  Wood's departure does not mean that the elves' preparations have also stopped.

  The day after Shirley took Wood's place, Chen Wei received the news that the elves of the Hundred Ghosts Forest had sent an army over.

  It is different from the wind elves facing Speed ​​Town.

  The number of spies sent by Baigui Linsen is quite large.

   Their plan is to send these things out directly. If the enemy is weak, they will do it on the spot.

  When he saw the spies sent by the Hundred Ghosts Forest, Chen Wei felt that the Hundred Ghosts Forest was right.

  They are not the inheritance of elves at all, but the inheritance of necromancers.

  Obviously there were only three elf heroes, and according to wartime standards, they brought three hundred men.

  But they can make the effect of tens of thousands of people playing.

  It turns out that these three elf heroes are all necromancer apprentices, and each necromancer apprentice can summon five to ten undead.

   Of course, if this is the case, their number of troops will not be too many.

  But the three elf heroes are quite smart, they didn't let the necromancer apprentices summon the undead one by one.

   Instead, they joined forces to take action, so three hundred apprentice necromancers could bring about a natural disaster of the undead.

   Directly expand the cannon fodder undead used to explore the way to more than 10,000 people.

   With more than 10,000 undead, the situation is different.

  Necromancer travels, it is definitely like a snowball, rolling towards it non-stop.

   When they got near the Scourge Territory, the number of troops in their hands was close to 30,000.

  Looking at such information, Chen Wei was also a little speechless.

  Chen Wei named his territory a natural disaster in order to make people remember his abilities.

  But judging from the current situation, who is like a natural disaster.

   Such an enemy, Shirley has no fear.

  Shirley, who had just replenished her troops, immediately rushed out with her men when the enemy appeared.

  The serious troops in Shirley's hands add up to no more than a thousand people, but there are quite a lot of unscrupulous ones. There are a large number of worker bees and soldier bees.

  All of them were added just now, and they all took advantage of the crystal fragments of the veins.

  Although the attributes have not changed, the size is much larger than the previous worker bees and soldier bees.

   When sneaking near the enemy's team, Shirley began to order.

   "Bloodthirsty Hornet, charge the enemy hero directly later, use Bladestorm, and I will bless you with magic."

   "Bee Swarm·Fire Poison!"

  Under the blessing of Shirley's magic, all the bloodthirsty hornets turned red.

   At this time, those guys in the Forest of Hundred Ghosts have not realized that they have been targeted by the bee swarm.

   They still move forward.

  Speaking of which, these three elf heroes still have some skills.

  Although they controlled the most common undead, they still laid out a sense of hierarchy for the advancing battle formation.

   Walking in the front is the skeleton soldier.

  Because they were all temporarily summoned, the weapons in the hands of these skeleton soldiers are all bone swords, and there is no armor on them.

   Obviously when these elves came out, they didn't bring enough supplies or anything.

   A little further back, there are a group of walking corpses.

  Different from serious walking corpses, these walking corpses have no weapons in their hands. It can be seen that they usually fight with their own arms and teeth.

   Behind them are some undead who are a little stronger than walking corpses. They look similar to walking corpses, but they are obviously more flexible when moving. Most importantly, they hold weapons in their hands.

  Although these weapons are all spears made of branches, judging from their levels, these undead levels have obviously reached the extraordinary level 4 or above.

  Combined with the number of these undead, Xueli has every reason to believe that they are the main force recruited by the heroes of the Forest of Hundred Ghosts.

   Further inside are three hundred necromancer apprentices, and they control the situation of the entire battlefield.

  Where the undead troops need to be replenished, they will mobilize their troops there.

   Inside are three elf heroes riding weird creatures.

  The creatures they were riding seemed to be pieced together from many corpses, and normal-looking people couldn't look down on them at all.

   But they still ride well, as if this is their baby.

  When they moved forward, they didn't care about the life and death of their undead troops.

  Maybe in their eyes, the undead are cannon fodder, even the strongest undead.

   Only their own safety, as well as the safety of the Necromancer Apprentice, is the most important thing to them.

  As long as they ensure that they can survive safely, they can ignore how the undead in front die.

  As for what the undead found along the way, they didn't really pay attention to it.

   It is for this reason that when the source power bee sneaked into the ranks of the undead, they didn't pay too much attention.

  It wasn't until these source power bee troops descended from the sky and rushed into the ranks of necromancer apprentices in one fell swoop, that the three elf heroes realized that they had been attacked.


  An elf hero shouted orders.

  Then the undead who were exploring the way ahead all retreated.

   But they were obviously one step late, and Shirley had arranged the plan from the beginning.

   The bloodthirsty hornets that rushed into the elf hero were all the ones that were blessed with the swarm spell.

  As soon as they rushed into the deepest part of the Hundred Ghost Forest team, they didn't think much about it, and directly released a blade storm.

  The blade storm also had the effect of fire poison, and a large number of necromancer apprentices were hacked to death in an instant.

  At the same time, an elf hero also fell into the attack range of the blade storm, and was directly cut into pieces.

  Under such circumstances, the remaining two elf heroes also became nervous.

   While ordering their men to attack, they backed away, trying to avoid Shirley's range.

  But they never expected that their behavior of dodging backwards happened to fall into Shirley's trap.

  In addition to bloodthirsty hornets and alchemy bees, Shirley added troops this time, as well as units with bee needle ballistas.

  They are too big to enter the battlefield directly like bloodthirsty hornets.

   They can only be placed outside the battlefield. Shirley arranged them behind the enemy's battle formation in order to interrupt the retreat of the elf heroes.

  During the battle with the elves, Shirley has long seen the nature of elf heroes. When most elf heroes encounter problems, their first thought is to run away.

  Especially heroes like necromancers, if they have the courage to fight head-on, then they are not necromancers.

  So Shirley guessed that when encountering an attack, the elf heroes will definitely retreat, and as long as they move, they will show their flaws.

   And Shirley jumped at the chance.

   When the elf troops in the Forest of Hundred Ghosts moved, they precisely locked on the two heroes of the enemy and launched the final attack.

  (end of this chapter)

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