The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 390: Shirley's Reinforcement (Subscription required)

  Chapter 390 Shirley's Strengthening (for subscription)

  The two elf heroes never thought that they would be ambushed even though they came here secretly.

  In their thinking, they have already cleared the way with skeleton soldiers, and they can leave as they came here.

   Besides, they didn't run away, they just took a few steps back to see the situation of the battle clearly.

  As a result, the arrows that fell from the sky pierced them to the ground.

  At this time, the necromancer apprentices beside the two elf heroes also rushed out, using their bodies to block the arrows coming from behind.

  But their choice was wrong.

   Necromancer apprentices are also mages, and they also have the style of mages. With their little life, facing all-round attacks, they are nothing at all.

   These people use their own bodies to block, it is better to use some spells at this time.

   As a result, these necromancer apprentices accompanied themselves in.

   Shirley doesn't care what those guys think.

  Faced with such a situation, Shirley immediately waved her hand down.

   Another wave of arrow rain attacks from the Bee Needle Ballista fell from the sky, directly nailing the Necromancer apprentice who jumped out.

   Then Shirley waved her hand, and a large number of worker bees rushed out.

  The task of these worker bees is not to kill the enemy, but to grab resources.

   After all, in the eyes of the source power bee, all flesh and blood are resources.

  They don't care whether the flesh and blood come from the living or from the undead.

  When the worker bees rushed out, Shirley also issued a new order, and the bloodthirsty hornet that had already entered the enemy's battle formation flew up again.

   Their attack this time is no longer a blade storm, but a variant of the blade storm that Shirley brought out during this time.

  Back when she was dealing with the Golden Dragon, Xue Li had discovered that Bladestorm is a very basic and easy-to-use skill.

  So along the way, Shirley has been studying how to use the blade storm to form a stronger blow.

  During the battle, Shirley discovered that the two attributes of wind and fire have different influences on Blade Storm.

  Wind can expand the attack range of Bladestorm, and fire can increase the lethality of Swordstorm.

  So Shirley specially organized ideas in this regard.

  Huo Shirley can use bee swarm · fire poison, and wind is a new magic learned in the magic temple on Shirley's way.


   This breeze technique is actually a small magic.

  It is not very useful. In ordinary hands, at most it is confusing, or cooling down in the hot summer.

   But for the swarm, the magic works well.

   With the breeze blowing technique, no matter what kind of bee it is, the movement speed can be increased a lot.

  The most important thing is that after the promotion, the biggest feature of the bee colony has not disappeared.

  As long as the swarm does not attack, it will not attract the attention of others.

   It can be said that this is more suitable for bee swarm battles than the strong wind that blows away the bee swarm all at once.

  So at this time, as long as Shirley controls it more, the bloodthirsty hornet's blade storm will become another look.

  Now Shirley is using these brainless undead to test her own tricks again.

  Under Shirley's control, the Bloodthirsty Hornet was blown to a higher position by the wind.

   Then they turned clockwise in the sky like a tornado.

  As for magic such as fire poison, it has also fallen on the human possession.

   After turning around, the bloodthirsty hornets really fell from the sky, pounced on the undead below.

   This time their blade storm has turned into a huge fire tornado, rolling up all the undead below.

   This is something that a normal blade storm cannot bring.

  Normal blade storm only has the effect of cutting, so there are so many special effects.

   Driven by the blade storm, those undead flew into the sky directly.

   After a while, the skeleton soldiers turned into broken bones, and the walking corpses were burnt to charred black.

  As for those necromancer apprentices who have quit, they have also been cut into pieces.

   Only the undead who were not enveloped by the blade storm survived the war.

  But because they lost the control of the hero and the necromancer apprentice, these undead lost their direction.

   Without getting the order, they started running around.

  Xue Li thought for a while, and then simply put them into her defense line.

  With the help of the attack methods on the defense line, they easily killed all these undead.

  Finally, Shirley sent worker bees to clean up the battlefield to ensure that nothing was left for the enemy.

   Those people in the Forest of Hundred Ghosts, don't give any clues when they come here, they can't even pick up a corpse.

  Of course Shirley didn't think she was so good this time. She handled the scene easily as usual, and then retreated to the defense line.

  But Shirley didn't know, her handling was too characteristic.

  When she came back along the way, because she cleaned up everything, she attracted the attention of the elves of the Golden Tree.

  Although they didn't expect the existence of active power bee colonies nearby.

  But they all already know one thing, the guy who opened the portal to the Holy Land has a man who can clean up the battlefield.

   This kind of cleanliness is not something you just talk about.

  It’s really blood clots, not even a drop of blood left for you, which can make your team disappear as if it just disappeared.

  So the elves of the golden tree passed on this situation, asking the elves to pay more attention to whether such a situation happened near them.

  As soon as such news spreads, some elves will soon report the news.

  The elves of the Golden Tree quickly drew a huge map with the news.

  If Shirley is here, she will notice a situation, that is, there is a route on the map that is for Shirley all the way back.

  Although this route is somewhat intermittent, it is quite detailed.

   There are many things Shirley didn't notice, but these golden tree elves found them out one by one.

  But the elves still didn't notice the existence of the source power bee.

  They just thought that Chen Wei had the ability to swallow all flesh and blood.

  This ability can be achieved by many creatures, such as piranhas.

   There are even some forests that directly have the ability to digest flesh and blood.

   Now those people in the Golden Tree haven't guessed how Shirley did this.

  So those eyeliners arranged by Chen Wei outside the territory still exist.

   It's just that when Chen Wei watched the elves wearing clothes with gold silk trim appear again and again in the screen shot by the source power bee, Chen Wei also felt that something was wrong.

   They are looking for themselves.

  (end of this chapter)

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