The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 392: The extreme biological clone that was cheated (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 392 The Cheated Extreme Creature Clone (Subscribe)

  When the heroes of Azure Shrine heard this, they couldn't help looking at Wood.

  It's just that Wood has already come here blatantly.

   How can you not make some preparations.

   Before those elf heroes could react, Wood had already trapped all the enemies by his own means.

  That's right, this time Wood didn't have the idea of ​​directly killing people.

  As he said before, he also needs sacrifices, and he still wants to take all these elf heroes as sacrifices.

  Of course the sacrifice must be sacrificed alive, since it is of no use if it is dead.

  Based on this idea, Wood will naturally not kill these sacrifices. This time, he used some small means to take down these elf heroes.

  While commanding his subordinates to send these elf heroes to a designated location, Wood did not forget to stimulate them.

   "You all came from the Azure Shrine, why don't you all seem to be enlightened? Haven't you noticed some of the methods of the Azure Shrine?

   For something as big as the extreme creature, how could you send thirty or so of you over here? Isn’t that a joke? "

  Listening to Wood's words, the faces of these elf heroes became ugly.

  In their thinking, they must have been deceived by the people of Azure Shrine.

   What the Azure Shrine controls is the climate, and this weather is the most heartless.

   Letting myself do the first job, and then treating myself as a sacrifice, is really the method of those people in Azure Shrine.

  They should have thought a long time ago that they are just ordinary heroes, how could they receive such an important task.

  Thinking of this, these heroes are also full of regrets. In their minds, they should not take this task.

   It's just that now they have no place to regret their regrets. After bringing the disaster to the Azure Shrine, Wood has no dissatisfaction.

  He easily transported the thirty heroes to the corresponding positions of the magic circle, and seriously dealt with the last magic circle.

  The previous magic circle is almost ready under the arrangement of thirty elf heroes.

   Now it's time to infuse mana into the sacrifice.

   All this Wood has long been used to.

   Nothing will go wrong at all.

  As he injected mana into the magic circle.

  A flash of lightning flashed in the sky, and then countless gusts of wind fell from the sky and poured into the magic circle.

  The wood elves who arranged the magic circle before, their eyes all seemed to be stimulated by strong light, and they all bled profusely.

   Then eyes appeared one after another in the sky.

  These eyes form a giant wind element.

  Beside this wind element, there are lightning bolts one after another.

  Each bolt of lightning lights up an eye in the sky, which is like stimulating a light bulb with electricity.

   "Amon Red, I'm Wood Mars, you should have heard my name."

   "I remember you, the little guy who joined the Azure Shrine three hundred years ago."

  A voice came from the wind element, "It seems that you have arrived at your position, how are you, have you found the portal under construction?"

   "It has been discovered, and I also found that the people from the golden tree have come."

   "Really, their response is fast." Amonred's clone said casually, "Don't worry about them, as long as we occupy the portal in advance, they can't say anything about us."

   "It might not work this time. It seems that they came to investigate the portal. I heard that there has been a commotion in the Second Holy Land because of this matter."

"Damn it, how did those guys from the Golden Tree react so quickly this time, no, we discovered this first, I can't just let it out like this, Wood, right, this matter will be handled by you, I want you to open the portal Take it down."

   "Okay, what if I have a conflict with those guys from the golden tree?"

   "What are you afraid of? The golden tree is not omnipotent. Behind you stands the Azure Shrine."

  Amonred said loudly.

   "But Lord Amonred, there are some things that we can't do whatever we want."

   "Don't worry, I came here as a clone this time just to support you. When those people from the Golden Tree appear, you let my clone go out, and the matter will be settled."

   "Okay, I will definitely do a good job in this matter."

  Wood said quite seriously.

  Amonred laughed with satisfaction when he heard it.

  Afterwards, Amonred did not see any movement. The bodies of the elf heroes and wood elves placed on the magic circle quickly withered and scorched black, as if they had been shocked by lightning countless times.

  At the same time, Amon Red's body also became more solid.

  Wood took out a box from the corpse of an elf hero at this time.

  The whole body of the box was light blue, with three pieces of azure inlaid on it.

   "Master Amon Red, I have prepared the magic box, please return to your place."


  Amonred glanced at the things in Wood's hands, but did not object.

  At this time Wood opened the box, and the huge Amon Reid flew into the box in Wood's hand.

   This is exactly the characteristic of the limit creature of Azure Shrine.

   As a variant of the wind element, Amonred can clone at will, fly in the sky, mentally project, and put himself in a box that is not too big.

  As a former member of the Azure Shrine, Wood naturally knows a lot about the situation.

   Right now, Amon Red doesn't know that he has been deceived. In his mind, he knows Wood. Wood is from the Azure Palace, and the way he does things is also the way the Azure Palace handles them.

   Then there is no problem.

  So Amon Red himself entered the box.

  Wood happily sealed up Amonred's avatar.

  Although this is just a clone of an extreme creature, it can at some point give full play to the full blow level of an extreme creature.

  The most important thing is that with Amonred's avatar, even if Wood says that he is not from the Azure Palace, no one will believe it.

  They will only think that Wood's behavior is an arrangement of the Azure Shrine.

   No one would have thought that Wood had actually surrendered to Chen Wei.

   In this way, Wood's next task becomes much easier.

  Put this treasure box away.

  Wood took another look at the magic circle here, turned his head and said to the druids under him.

   "Clean up here a little faster, we have other things to do."

   After speaking, Wood couldn't help laughing again.

   "Unexpectedly, after I was promoted to the legendary level, the fastest improvement was not various spells, but acting skills. It seems that I should not be called Hell Volcano Wood Mars in the future, but the actor Wood."

  (end of this chapter)

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