The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 393: Lie again (please subscribe)

  Chapter 393 Lie again (seeking subscription)

   After taking Amon Reid, Wood quickly went out.

  Chen Wei's task is still in his hands. He always has to meet the elves on the other side of the golden tree.

  Different from Chen Wei, Wood is a serious elf, and the banner he took out is also the one issued by the orthodox Azure Palace.

   Even the Azure Shrine has to admit this.

   So he can use many things that Chen Wei cannot.

   For example, some elf-specific channels or something.

   After spending a day, Wood finally found the elves of the Golden Tree ahead of time.

   Compared with the manpower sent by the major shrines, the Golden Tree and the others did it more exaggeratedly.

   They came here this time with a few heroes, and they didn't even bring a single soldier. Instead, all kinds of high-level soldiers around them came to their door.

   There is no golden dragon, but every hero is accompanied by at least three unicorns.

  If it wasn't for the slow moving speed of the treants, there might be a few treants following them.

   Flying a few flying horses in the sky.

   It is obvious that whether it is a Pegasus or a unicorn, they are all used for transportation.

  At the same time, Wood noticed that there are still many elf heroes nearby who are paying attention to this side.

  As long as the elves of the golden tree request, each unit will be sent to them immediately.

  Think about the situation encountered when the major shrines sent people to find nearby elf clans for staff.

  Wood felt a little upset.

  Why can they get people so easily? Does Jingu not want to lose face?

  The actor Wood imitated in his heart the mentality that a disciple of the Shrine should have, while walking towards the elves.

   "People of Azure Shrine, what are you doing here?"

  The elf of the golden tree recognized Wood immediately when he saw him.

   Their attitude towards Wood has also undergone some changes.

   After all, compared to the background of those nearby elves, Wood's background is obviously stronger.

   "I came here to inform you that the road ahead is covered by our Azure Shrine. You should leave now."

   "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know that some rookie players are building portals? Now is the time for the national elves to mobilize."

   An elf said loudly.

   It's just that there are some things, and it's not that whoever is louder has an advantage.

   But whoever has the bigger fist has the upper hand.

  Now Wood is leaning against the Azure Palace, and he raised the box in his hand.

   "I'll just say this once, the rest of the road is covered by our Azure Shrine, please leave now."


  The elf who was confronting Wood wanted to speak, but was stopped by someone.

   "He has a Pandora's box in his hand."

  Hearing this term, the elves present immediately shut their mouths.

   Everyone has heard the name of Pandora's Box.

   This is the box used to store powerful power.

  Some magic boxes can even store more than a hundred golden dragons.

  The Pandora's Box that Wood took out in front of him can be seen to contain something at a glance.

   And Wood is a legendary hero. He took out this, and there must be no simple existence in it.

   And there are only a few of them in total.

   If they are ambushed, maybe the Golden Tree will get some excuses, and they will definitely get some benefits from the Azure Shrine, but they must be dead.

  The elves of the golden tree will never give up their lives for the golden tree.

   They managed to escape from countless elves, entered the golden tree, and became proud golden elves. How could they give up their lives?

  So they took a few steps back immediately.

  Wood's eyes lit up when he saw the actions of these golden tree elves.

   That's a good idea, maybe this time there won't be a war.

  At this moment, Wood said to the unicorn next to the golden tree elf: "You are all scattered, and when you were asked to send troops to come forward, you didn't give any of them, which is very generous now.

   Generously give us some, I only know what is the use of chasing the elves of the golden tree behind, we can't get on the stage.

   Didn't you see that the golden tree is also useless here? "

  Hearing what Wood said, the faces of the elves of the golden tree also became a little ugly.

  But the last trace of doubt in their hearts disappeared.

  Wood jumped out to make trouble for himself, it is very likely that it is the plan of the Azure Shrine.

   Of course, there are also some of Wood's dissatisfaction with himself and others.

   This kind of dissatisfaction, they have encountered before.

  But what they felt at the time was a group of defeated dogs barking.

   I didn't expect to be slapped in the face now.

  These elves of the golden tree glanced at each other, and the one who had yelled at Wood stood up.

"You are wrong to say that. They are working hard for the things of the elves. All of your shrines are for some important people. Just like this time, you dare to say that blocking our way is not for Monopolize the portal."

   "I really dare to say this, I am not monopolizing the portal for the Azure Shrine."

  Wood said word by word.

  Hearing this, the faces of the elves of the Golden Tree became a little ugly.

  As soon as Wood said this, they all had an idea.

   There is really a portal behind this, and it is being targeted by several shrines.

  Thinking of the need of the shrine for the power of the ancient gods, the elves of the golden tree hesitated.

   "It seems that you several gods have your own ideas, so don't suppress it well, you really don't know what the elf clan's surname is."

   "That's right, I really regard the elves as the shrines."

   "That's right, if you say that, I won't let it go."

  Wood smiled when he saw the clamor of these golden tree elves.

   "Come on, say it again to my box."

  Wood said while holding the box and standing in front of these elves.

  Wood knows how to deal with the conflicts between elves, so no one will find out that Wood is not actually an elf.

  Looking at Wood who raised the box, these elves didn't dare to mess around.

   "Why, don't dare, just get lost."

   "Who said I dare not, I..."

  The elf who was yelling at Wood was dragged down before he could finish speaking.

   "Brother, what's the matter, we don't have to be afraid of him, isn't he just a legendary hero, just such a character, if he is stabbed down, the one who is going to die will die immediately."

   "No, didn't you notice the Pandora's Box in his hand? That's not something we can deal with. Let's go back first and report this matter. Then we won't have anything to do with it."

   "Isn't it just a Pandora's box, it's hard to hold a lot of soldiers, big brother, it's a great achievement to find the portal, you don't want this great achievement to disappear like this."

   "You have to live to get it. Didn't you see that the blue fragments on the magic box are all lit up? It must contain the clones of extreme creatures. You want to die, but I don't want to. Back off!"

  (end of this chapter)

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