The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 394: The action of the elves (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 394 Movement of the Elf (for subscription)

   "My lord, the elves of the Golden Tree have retreated, and they won't come back for at least seven days, but when they come back, they will bring more enemies."

  Wood knows the thoughts of those golden tree elves best.

   These people are a huge pit.

   If you touch them, unless you kill them all, they won't pay attention to your thoughts, and they will definitely find trouble at the first time.

   This time, it can be delayed for seven or eight days, all because of the face of the Azure Shrine.

  Of course, if at this time, the Azure Shrine finds that the situation is wrong, it would be embarrassing.

  The golden tree elf who reacted will come to the door immediately.

   At that time, no one can stop them.

   "Seven days? That's enough."

  Chen Wei calculated the speed of his portal construction, and found that seven days was enough for Chen Wei.

   As long as he has five more days, the portal can be roughly completed.

  The next step is charging and positioning.

  Recharging is the most troublesome thing. Even if Chen Wei had prepared early on, time is still needed.

  Chen Wei couldn't directly charge the energy of the portal in a short time.

  He can only recharge in the normal way, and this is exactly the time he needs.

   As for the positioning of the teleportation, this does not affect the overall situation.

  Because Chen Wei knew very well that he had no other place to go.

   Being able to leave this novice world is considered a victory.

   Then he will naturally not spend time to locate some better game worlds.

  He only needs to engrave the random magic pattern on the portal.

   And this kind of thing can be done when the portal is built, and there is no need to wait until the charging is complete.

   This also saved Chen Wei a lot of time.

  According to Chen Wei's estimation, if he is lucky, the portal will be completed in five days, fully charged in ten days, and then he can leave with people.

  But his plan cannot be stopped.

  Chen Wei suspected that when he started charging the portal, the elves would react, and by then, the situation would be different.

  He will face the siege from the entire elves.

   I don't know if the troops he has deployed can withstand such pressure.

  Looking at the almost completed portal, Chen Wei sighed.

  Afterwards, he began to deal with various tasks in his hands with a serious face.

  During this time, more and more players have entered the natural disaster realm through various means.

  Chen Wei didn't tell them about the portal, even if they had guessed, Chen Wei didn't tell his biggest secret.

   After all, among the players, there might be some elves spies.

   Chen Wei has done this kind of thing himself, how could he not be on guard.

  He is now constantly squeezing the energy of all the cities, asking them to send out all the resources and troops that Chen Wei needs.

   Regarding this point, although the players said nothing on the surface, they were somewhat unconvinced in their hearts.

   It's just that all the territory of the Scourge Land belongs to Chen Wei, so even if they are not convinced, they can only hold back.

At the same time, Chen Wei kept spreading rumors in the Natural Disaster Territory that he had found the place to build the portal, and now he has prepared so many supplies and troops, in order to go to the place where the portal was built .

  Until then, every penny of his resources must be spent.

   It was this that suppressed the dissatisfaction of most players in the territory.

  The reason why they are willing to come here is naturally for the benefit of free on the one hand, and on the other hand to be able to follow along to break out of the novice world.

   Now Chen Wei has made it clear what these troops are used for.

  Even if the players have doubts in their hearts, they can only admit it by pinching their noses.

  Under such circumstances, apart from being a little busy, Chen Wei's territory is still harmonious.

   No such problem was caused by Chen Wei's order.

  However, Chen Wei also understands that this situation will be destroyed when the establishment of his portal is completed.

  The completed portal will attract the attack of the entire elf clan. Chen Wei doesn't think that he can make all the players act according to his own baton.

  The only thing he can do is to squeeze out more troops by taking advantage of the fact that he is still in control of the situation.

  Chen Wei was right to worry.

  As time passed day by day, the elves in Nanxing City responded immediately.

  They contacted the Hurricane City and the Forest of Hundred Ghosts in the Ministry of Wind, and asked them to send troops at the same time to attack the natural disaster territory.

  The location of Southern Star City is in the direction of the original Elven Giant Tree City.

  They are actually far away from the Scourge Territory.

  However, several large cities under the Southern Star City are relatively close to the original Elven Giant Tree City.

  When Chen Wei sealed off these roads, Nanxing City paid attention to the situation of natural disasters.

  As Chen Wei's defense against the Natural Disaster Territory became stricter and stricter, Nanxing City attached more and more importance to the Natural Disaster Territory.

  They even sent all kinds of spies and fortune tellers unique to South Star City, trying to find out what happened in the natural disaster territory.

   And this point in time happened to be the time when Chen Wei left the Scourge Territory to find a place where he could build a portal.

  At that time, the Scourge Territory was in the process of accepting players.

  At that time, the natural disaster territory was in chaos, and there was no special person to manage it, so the Southern Star Department arranged for a few nails.

   It's just that things aren't going well for their mothers.

  Not to mention other aspects, but the living habits between them and the players make it difficult for them to control everything.

   Not to mention Chen Wei's strict defense against the natural disaster territory after his return.

   They didn't spread some news until now.

  After receiving the news from these spies, the elves in South Star City immediately judged that Chen Wei didn't want the whole army to attack quickly.

   Instead, they are preparing to build a portal nearby.

  The reaction to the cities of the portal elves is the same, they all want to seize the benefits after the portal is built.

  So when they found out that someone built a portal, their first reaction was to suppress the news and open it themselves.

   It's just that the people in the Southern Star Department have never found out where Chen Wei planned to build the portal.

  They have been waiting for Chen Wei to build the portal.

  But they waited and waited, but no news came out.

   On the contrary, Chen Wei's management of the natural disaster realm became more and more strict.

  Finally, Nan Xingcheng had no choice but to take the initiative.

  Of course, due to insufficient information, Southern Star City did not transfer all the troops here, nor did it pass all the news to the Forest of Hundred Ghosts and Hurricane City.

  They just said some ambiguous information, and at the same time asked the city owners of these two big cities to take action together.

  (end of this chapter)

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