The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 400: Kill the legend (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 400 Killing Legends (Subscription required)

   The body guard of the berserk body is the most uncharacteristic body unit under the mechanical creepy body.

   They can't fly, they can't sneak, and they don't have super defenses.

  Normal soldiers can compete with them for a one-to-one record.

   This should be placed under the hands of other airframes, and they have been kicked out a long time ago.

  But what the berserk machine wants is such a body guard.

  In the eyes of the berserk machine, the soldiers under him don't need any special abilities.

   It is enough for them to dare to charge forward during the battle.

  And now the body guards of the berserk body showed this characteristic.

  Even if the berserk body retreated, they didn't back down.

  At this time, they held up the weapons in their hands and rushed directly at the legendary elves, not caring how much stronger these legendary elves were than themselves.

  When the legendary elves saw this situation, they had no choice but to use all their combat power.

  The legendary warrior rushed towards the body guards with his two-handed heavy sword raised.

  Before he rushed to the body guards, he killed at least ten body guards with a single sweep.

   But these machine guards that were cut in two will not make it easy for the legendary fighter. Even if they die, they will rush to the legendary fighter and blow it up by themselves.

   It is true that legendary fighters have strong combat effectiveness.

   But no matter how strong he is, he is only one person.

  Faced with wave after wave of life-threatening shocks, his response was a bit hectic.

   Several times he was hit by fragments of the blown-off airframe.

   There are even fragments that left wounds on his body.

   This embarrasses the legendary warrior.

  He initially wanted to keep these enemies out of their defensive circle.

   As a result, it seems that they are clearly self-exploding bombs.

   This is taking their lives with cannon fodder.

  The legendary warrior immediately had an idea.

   "Help me, I will kill them."

  The legendary priest behind quickly added a defensive cover to the legendary warrior.

   At this time, the legendary warrior lifted the long sword in his hand, and really killed the body guard.

  He has already thought about it.

  His impact is still very strong, and with the blessing of a legendary priest, he can definitely support this battle for a while.

  As long as these body guards can be led to other places, those who survived will be liberated.

   At that time, they will be able to fight better, instead of being trapped together and unable to move as they are in front of them.

   As for his safety, that's not a problem either. He has been blessed with several defensive powers just now, and now he is replenished with blood by the priest. He is already fine.

  So the legendary warrior rushed out holding his long sword.

  The legendary warrior rushed forward, and the three legendary heroes saw an opportunity. They didn't want to stay here at first.

   It was because of the sneak attack of Suohun's body that they had to back to back.

  Now some people are rushing to you, and they also want to rush out of this forest first.

   After rushing out of the woods, they will consider other things.

  So as soon as the legendary warrior charged, these few also rushed up.

  Looking at the situation behind, the legendary warrior felt somewhat displeased. He wanted to take the enemy to other places, not to open the way for them.

  Bringing the enemy aside, and directly opening the way to kill them are two completely different concepts.

  The direction here is different.

   Not to mention that the body guards haven't died yet.

  The legendary warrior cursed secretly, but they had already rushed out, and he couldn't drive them back.

   So the legendary warrior roared without looking back.

   "Help me replenish blood, I will kill the road."

   Speaking of which, the speed of swinging the long sword in the hands of the legendary warrior was obviously a little faster.

   But waving and waving, the legendary warrior felt that something was wrong.

  Because no blood-replenishing spell fell on him.

  The legendary warrior also had to look back at this time.

   As a result, he saw that the three legendary heroes and legendary assassins were still together, but the legendary priest and legendary druid had disappeared.

   "Where are they?"

  The legendary warrior was speechless. For him, the two most important legal systems were gone.

   What does this mean, don't you want to give him blood?

  But these four legends don't know where they went.

   They rushed out together, but after only a few steps, the legendary priest disappeared.

  The legendary druids can still see that they were dragged to the ground by wires, but they had already been separated by the body guards at that time, and they couldn't save people even if they wanted to.

   And they also discovered that as long as someone is alone, they will be attacked from behind, and even legendary heroes will be dragged underground.

  These people are also afraid.

  They didn't want to be dragged underground as soon as they turned their heads.

  So when they found that they couldn't save the person, they didn't rush out.

   And the Legendary Warrior didn't see it all.

  He only saw that these guys were still alive, and the most important legendary priest and legendary druid were gone.

   At this time, the soldiers were full of unwillingness.

  What is this called?

   Obviously so many legends rushed in together.

The results of it.

   Before reaching the place, they were almost dead.

   No, it’s not that almost all of them are dead, but that the legendary units are almost dead, and there are still not one of the three legendary heroes missing.

  Thinking of this, the legendary warrior no longer intends to care about those legendary heroes.

  What does these guys have to do with me.

  He still has some physical strength, and it is not a problem to fight out of this forest by himself.

   As for those legendary heroes, they can do whatever they like.

  Thinking of this, the legendary warrior raised his long sword and slashed in another direction.

  The four legends following behind saw it, and couldn't help but screamed.

   "You're in the wrong place."

   But no matter how they called it, it was useless.

   The legendary warrior leaped quite a long distance once he took off.

   Only then did they realize what the legendary warrior was planning.

   But he can leave, the last legendary unit, the Legendary Assassin, cannot leave.

  He is the team leader this time, and he cannot escape this matter.

   And the most terrible thing is that right now, three heroes are in charge of a legendary unit.

  Don't say he ran away, even if he had a little idea, these three heroes would let him do things seriously.

  Under such circumstances, the Legendary Assassin had no choice but to fight in the front by himself, cutting a **** path abruptly.

   It’s just that no matter whether it’s the legendary fighters who escaped or the legendary heroes who got together, they couldn’t get out of the forest in front of them.

  The legendary warrior died the fastest. After rushing a certain distance, he was surrounded by countless machine guards, and was finally crushed to death alive on the ground.

  The three legendary heroes and legendary assassins dragged on for a few more minutes, and were finally killed by the Suohun body that rushed over.

  (end of this chapter)

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