The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 401: Elf Vanguard Forces (for subscription)

  Chapter 401 Elf Forward Force (for subscription)

   This group of infiltrating legends did not cause Chen Wei any trouble.

  Even Chen Wei didn't know about it, but it was mentioned in the data reported every day, how many enemies were killed, and many enemies were killed today.

   As for how many of these people are there and what their level is, Chen Wei doesn't care at all.

  Currently, Chen Wei is focusing on the army of elves.

   On the second day, the army of elves finally appeared.

  The source power bee that Chen Wei placed outside also sent back a message.

  Although the data is not very clear, Chen Wei has already seen the general quantity.

  The elves really used the power of the whole country this time.

   There are quite a lot of troops who rushed over in advance.

   As far as Chen Wei observed through the source power bee, there are nearly 50,000 centaurs.

   Cannon fodder troops such as goblins, forest goblins, goats, and harpies are also calculated in tens of thousands, and the number is between 30,000 and 50,000.

   Forget about these, among the troops dispatched this time, Chen Wei actually saw three very special dwarf troops.

   It is important to know that dwarves do not necessarily have to pay blood tax in the system of elves.

  They are better at mining and weapon crafting.

  Usually they will pay taxes with their labor.

  But judging from the current situation, they have come up with their own money this time.

  One of the dwarf troops is a purely defensive force, with thick armor, which makes them feel immobile.

  The other two dwarf troops are siege weapon troops.

  The cannon carts launched by those dwarves have a caliber that is terrifying to death.

   You must know that they are not using catapults, but cannon vehicles such as artillery.

  Every blow can kill people.

  The other is the dwarven assassin group.

  Speaking of which, the dwarf assassin was something that Chen Wei did not expect.

  However, from the fact that the weapons they hold are not daggers but mines, we know how they sneak.

  The number of dwarf assassins is the largest. The entire army has 5,000 people, managed by 50 dwarf heroes.

   It can be seen that they have already been regarded as the official organization of the dwarves.

   However, the dwarf musketeer that Chen Wei imagined did not appear, and it is not known whether there is no such unit.

  In addition to these humanoid troops, a large number of beast troops also came over this time.

   There are a thousand white tigers, led by ten elf heroes.

  Grey wolves, white wolves, wild wolves, forest wolves and other wolves add up to 100,000.

   There were not enough elf heroes to lead them, and in the end they had to pick out some wolf kings or other creatures to act as commanding heroes.

  In addition, there are three kinds of flying beast troops in the sky: Griffin, Faerie Dragon and Chimera.

  Fairy dragons and Chimera are unique to the elves, and the number will be more. The number of faerie dragons has reached more than 7,000.

  The level of Chimera will be high, and the number will be around 2,000.

  Griffins are a unique type of soldiers on the human side, and the number will be less, about a thousand.

   It can be said that the soldiers and beasts in the sky and the earth are all suffocated.

   Compared with these cannon fodder, the number of the main force is not small at all.

  Elves' regular troops, sword dancers, archers, and huntresses each have 12,000 people.

  The high-level regular troops, Silver Pegasus Cavalry, Hippogryph Cavalry, Druids, and Priests each have 6,000 people.

   In addition, there are 50,000 wood elves. They are considered to be a supplement to the regular troops. If any troops are lacking, they can quickly fill them in.

  In addition, there are some special forces in each city, such as long walkers, necromancers, elf mages, jungle shooters and so on.

  However, the number is uncertain, there are as many as seven or eight hundred people, and as few as sixty or seventy people.

  In total, the number is about 14,000 people.

  Finally, there are legendary units, tree people, tree spirits, and ancient war trees. There are more than 700 trees related to them, which can be regarded as a large army.

   There are more than 600 beasts related to moonlight, such as unicorns and moon deer, which are led by six heroes, and they are used together.

   Then there are giant praying mantises, poisonous beeweeds, corpse monsters and other chaotic legendary units. There are more than 400 of them. Their status in the legendary units is not high, they can be regarded as cannon fodder legends.

   Last but not least, the dragon.

  There are two kinds of dragons coming here.

   One is naturally the most common golden dragon of the elves.

  Most of these golden dragons have eyes, and the more eyes they have, the stronger they are.

   There is also a green dragon that Chen Wei has not seen much.

  They are obviously developing in the direction of bone dragons, and they are all skinny and skinny.

   But it is obvious that their combat effectiveness will not be much weaker than the Golden Dragon.

  A total of seventeen green dragons came, and a total of eleven golden dragons came.

  The green dragon and golden dragon here are led by 28 heroes respectively. It can be said that a hero only has one giant dragon.

  This is the total number of troops that can be rushed over in one day.

  Chen Wei believed that more troops would arrive soon.

   As far as this is concerned, the situation of extreme creatures is still not counted.

  Looking at such an enemy, Chen Wei couldn't help feeling a little chilly in his heart.

  The number of enemies this time is too much, and the characteristics of the elves, when it comes to a big battle, each hero can only lead a hundred people at most.

   This is because they are afraid that the elves will surrender on the battlefield and destroy the entire battlefield.

  So it is almost impossible to play some tricks.

  Chen Wei can only fight the enemy head-on.

   Fortunately, these enemies are under the command of three forward officers.

  They didn't launch an attack as soon as they got here, and gave Chen Wei a little time.

  At the same time, they have no way to destroy the forest. If they want to attack, they can only come from the road.

   This made Chen Wei prepared. As long as he can withstand the enemy's first wave of siege, Chen Wei still has a chance of winning.

   It's just that the situation on Chasing Wind's side is not stable now.

  Before, Chen Wei calculated that he would let Zhuifeng withstand the enemies of Hurricane City.

   Chasing Wind did a good job on this.

  But let Zhuifeng fight so many regular troops, even if they kill all the centaurs, they can't do it.

  Chen Wei had to mobilize other troops to support Extreme Speed ​​Town.

  Strengthen the defense over there.

   And at this moment, Wood gave Chen Wei a surprise.

  He unexpectedly joined the elf team near the Forest of Hundred Ghosts by himself.

  Wood did not bring any of his men with him when he passed by this time.

  However, his identity allowed him to directly join a hundred elf druid troops.

   And this is not the point, because Wood belongs to the legendary hero and comes from the assistant of the shrine.

  So when several forward officials have a meeting, they will always bring Wood one. Although they dare not delegate power to Wood, they will not let Wood know nothing.

   This allowed Chen Wei to know some of the arrangements of the elves, and he had a certain guarantee in terms of coping.

  At the same time, he also knew that the limit creatures hadn't arrived yet, and Chen Wei had the upper hand in terms of the limit force.

  (end of this chapter)

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