The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 408: The Chaos of the Elven Army (Subscribe)

  Chapter 408 The Chaos of the Elven Army (Subscribe)

   "These centaurs are dying."

  Looking at the centaur rushing in front of him, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the elf commander.

  As a veteran elf commander, this veteran has not only commanded major wars, but also experienced many small wars.

   At the same time, he himself is also a legend-level existence, even if he has no subordinates, he cannot fight hand-to-hand.

   He saw all these little tricks of the centaur.

  When he knew that he was facing a centaur, he was already guarding against this move.

   Didn't see that the ones following him were either heroes or elves, and there was no place for centaurs at all.

  The centaur took his own life to open the way for the hero, and wanted to attack his main line, which was simply sending him to death.

   But when he smiled, he felt a chill behind him.

  The elf commander turned his head and found a group of centaurs behind him at some point.

   These centaurs are the chasing winds who sneaked into the vicinity.

  However, just as the opponent arranged, all the centaur troops were not arranged in this core position. Now that they can no longer sneak, Chasing Wind simply launched a charge from the rear.

   Now he is less than five hundred meters away from the elf commander.

   At this distance, at the speed of chasing the wind, it only takes less than a minute to rush.

  Elf Commander also turned pale when he saw it.

  He was thinking about his comprehensive layout just now, but now he was slapped in the face.

   Fortunately, this elf commander also has his own elite troops, which are a group of elves who use spears.

  Of course they can be called elite, so they are not ordinary professions like sword dance.

   This group of soldiers is called Thorn Warriors. Although they are holding spears and wearing leather armor, they are actually heavy-armored warriors. Their biggest feature is thick blood, and they have the ability to retaliate against injuries.

  That is to say, their usual way of fighting is to exchange injuries with others and fight desperately.

   It's just that their ability is quite difficult to use when facing the mirror image and clone of a centaur.

  The centaur's mirror image attack power is not weak at all, and their vitality is only a little bit. Whether it is a normal attack on the centaur mirror image or a counter-injury attack, it is the fate of disappearing directly.

  So let them fight with the mirror image of the centaur, that is basically giving away the head.

  So the elf commander transferred them to his core position and asked them to guard the banner.

  In this way, they may face thin-skinned assassins with little blood.

  Assassins have high attack power, if they counter-injure them, the assassin will die.

   It's just that the elf commander himself didn't expect that the centaur would rush out from behind him.

  There are no other troops behind him right now, so he can only let the thorn warriors guarding here take action.

  Only among the centaur team, Zhuifeng and the several heroes with him all had a look of determination in their eyes.

  When both the mirror image and the avatar charged, they began to take out various things from their bodies and split them towards the mirror image around them.

   What they took out were the materials left over by Chen Gu when he was making special bombs.

   There is pollen from centaurs in it, and some of them are stained with materials of ancient gods, or highly poisonous materials.

   They took the things made of these materials and rushed into the team of elves.

  Looking at the things carried by those mirror images, the elf commander was also confused.

  They also encountered tree people and dryads being affected by pollen.

   It's just that Chen Wei didn't make a move here, so an ancient **** dragon didn't appear at this position.

   But it doesn't mean they don't know about the trouble of pollen in Chen Wei's hands.

   Seeing the barrel of pink smoke rising from the mirror centaur's hand, he cried out.

   "Stop them..."

  But it was already too late. As I said just now, Chasing Wind was less than 500 meters away from the Elf Commander, and they could reach it in a minute at their speed.

   When the elf commander shouted this sentence, they had already rushed in front of the elf commander.

  The iron spear in Zhuifeng's hand pierced the elf commander's body, hurting the opponent's bones.

   Then Zhuifeng threw the thing in his hand at the Elf Commander, and rushed out without looking at the Elf Commander.

   It took him quite a long time to rush here, but after achieving his goal, Chasing Feng didn't intend to go all out here.

  The position where he rushed out happened to be the position of the centaur who was fighting outside.

   Chasing the wind rushed to his own centaur men, and led the centaur towards the outer periphery of the elf army.

  At this time, the elf commander has no way to control the situation.

   Chasing the wind's attack is nothing to the elf commander.

   It was a spear pierced in the shoulder, and not even much blood was drawn.

  The real trouble is what Zhuifeng threw out, which is made of ancient **** corpse oil.

  Zhuifeng himself did not dare to mess with it.

   As a result, the elf commander was not only stained with the ancient god's corpse oil, but the ancient god's corpse oil also entered his body along the wound on his shoulder.

  Now the elf commander has eyes.

   This elf commander is also quite capable. Seeing that something was wrong, he cut off his arm that was stained with the corpse oil of the ancient gods with a backhand.

   Then he kicked up and kicked his arm out.

   "Kill 'em."

   After finishing all this, Commander Elf still had the heart to look in the direction of Zhuifeng, "Kill them, don't let them come here again."

  The mentality of the elf commander is actually very easy to understand.

  He brought so many troops, but was beaten like this by Zhuifeng with a half-man.

   This is hitting him in the face.

  But the elf commander was only focused on ordering his men to chase after the wind, but he didn't notice that pink vines were growing rapidly on the spear he pulled out and threw on the ground.

   Before the wind-chasing spear was thrust out, the spear was dealt with.

  Although this spear is not stained with the power of the ancient gods, various poisons and pollen have been added with many special things.

  In the beginning, the commanding heart of the elves pulled out the spear relatively quickly.

  But all his attention was attracted by the influence of the ancient **** corpse oil.

   Didn't deal with Chasing Wind's spear.

  Now I even forget about this spear.

   Now let this spear have room to grow.

  When the elf commander felt something was wrong, it was already too late. The spear took root and sprouted on the ground under the stimulation of various forces, and now it has turned into a vine, entangled all the nearby elf troops.

   There is the injured elf commander.

   As a result, the elf troops in Hurricane City were in chaos, and the pressure on Chen Wei's defense was greatly reduced.

  (end of this chapter)

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