The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 409: Land of the Ancient Gods (subscription required)

  Chapter 409 Land of the Ancient Gods (for subscription)

   As the new defender of the line of defense, Elena immediately dispatched the troops in her hands as soon as she saw the chaos in the elf troops.

  Eileen and Zhuifeng have similar ideas.

  Defense is impossible to defend, offense is the best defense.

   Not to mention that Eileen thought that she was leading the fastest unit in Chen Wei's army.

  When Chasing the Wind went out, Elena actually thought about going out.

   Now that the elves are obviously in chaos, how could Elena let go of such an opportunity.

  Eileen sent out the troops in her hand immediately.

  Among the troops she brought, dragonflies and wyverns accounted for a large part, but more of them were from Plague Town. ,

   Among them, the most common one is the poison rat.

   These were originally the most basic laborers in Plague Town.

   Compared with dragon flies, there are a lot of them, but they don't have much fighting power.

   But in some cases, they are quite easy to use.

  The most important thing is that they are not afraid of poison.

   When they discovered the situation outside, these swamp poison rats rushed out of the line of defense immediately.

  The poisonous rats flocked to the enemy like a tide.

   Such an attack, the elves in the melee didn't take it seriously at all.

  The beast troop among the elves rushed towards the poison rat immediately, and the wolves immediately bit their mouths, swallowing the poison rat as food.

  The same is true for the rest of the beasts. They did not stand in the main line of the elf team because they did not gain the trust of the elves.

   Instead, they were sent to the forefront of the battle as cannon fodder.

  Now seeing that there are troops that are better than them being sent out, they are naturally excited to attack.

   Under a burst of biting, half of the swamp rat group sent by Elena died.

   But at this time, the beasts on the elves' side also realized that something was wrong.

  These beasts all had red eyes, and without looking at the situation around them, they turned their heads and bit the creatures around them.

   This is precisely because of the poisonous poisonous rats in the swamp, these beasts have lost their minds.

  This effect is like an enhanced version of madness, because this effect comes from the poisonous rats they eat, so it can't be woken up by someone else's attack.

  On the contrary, this kind of toxicity will be transmitted through the blood because of their bite.

  If Chen Wei were here, he would find that this way of spreading is actually more like a crazy devil boy.

   It's just that this kind of toxicity is not the same as that of the crazy devil boy, and this time, these beasts took the initiative to eat the poisonous rat.

   This is their own courting of death. Unlike the crazy devil boy, if they want to exert the greatest effect, they need to brew for a period of time in a position where it is not easy to escape, and the effect will not be effective until the number of people affected is large.

  So there is no comparison between the two.

  After the swamp rats attacked, Elena waited for a while, and only when the beasts from the elves started to attack the elves did she send out all the dragonflies in her hand.

  Dragonfly is the fastest moving of all troops.

  Although the centaur does not admit this, the real speed is like this.

  Dragonfly's traveling speed in a short period of time can exceed three times the centaur's charging speed.

  When they attack, you are often weak before you see what is going on.

   After the dragon flies were sent out, all the dragon flies rushed towards the still struggling elves.

   They target elves who can also hold weapons for defense or counterattack.

   As for those elves who started to attack their companions in confusion, Dragon Fly would not care about them.

  With the rush of the dragon fly, the battle formation of the elves was completely scattered.

   The wild beasts took this opportunity to rush into the team of elves, and began to attack the elves who were originally superior.

   And at this time, several dragon flies turned their minds on the golden dragon.

  They rushed to Jinlong quickly, and a weakness came to Jinlong.

  Dragonfly's ability is not magic, but a skill that comes with the attack.

  Although the golden dragon has relatively high magic resistance, it really cannot resist this skill.

  So the golden dragon plunged headfirst to the ground.

  A few wild beasts rushed over nearby. When they saw the golden dragon falling on the ground, they didn't think much about it, and bit it with one bite.

   This angered Jinlong.

  Although the golden dragon was weak, its strength still surpassed that of the wild wolf by a lot.

   With a flick of his head, the golden dragon knocked out a wild wolf, and then the golden dragon sprayed out a breath of dragon's breath in the direction the wolf rushed out.

  The dragon's breath just hit a group of nearby elves.

   Several elves were burned to death on the spot.

   The elves, who were already in chaos, also went crazy.

   "The golden dragon has mutated, is there anyone to control it, where is the dragon trainer?"

   "Dragon Breath, help, Dragon Breath!"

   "What happened, why did the golden dragon attack us?"

  Amidst the chaos, several golden dragons and green dragons also fell down.

  They are here to control the situation.

   After all, they don't have many dragons here, so they can't let the elves beat up their companions.

  But at this time, another group of wild beasts rushed up, biting the falling golden dragon.

  The bitten golden dragon was also angry. It turned its head and killed a wild wolf that was rushing towards it.

  Then the golden dragon realized something was wrong.

   All the eyes on Jinlong's body were opened.

   This is a manifestation of the loss of control of the ancient god's power in Jinlong's body.

  The elf hero controlling the golden dragon immediately said: "Brother, calm down, now is not the time to go crazy."

  But it was already too late, as all the eyes on the golden dragon opened, the golden dragon went completely berserk.

   With a roar, the golden dragon threw the elf hero away, and then flew into the air, and spit out a wave towards the one below.

   When the golden dragon breathed out, his eyes flashed with light of different colors.

  After he finished breathing out, the golden dragon's body suddenly exploded, and many eyes fell from the sky and landed on the battlefield.

  The rest of the golden dragons seemed to be affected in the same way. They all flew into the air, breathed a wave on the ground, and then exploded in the air, letting their eyes fall on the battlefield.

   After a while, there was an uncomfortable atmosphere on the battlefield.

  Standing on this battlefield, whether it was the elves' troops or the centaur who was still alive under Zhuifeng, their bodies began to undergo some changes.

  Even the mirror images controlled by Zhuifeng were affected, and their bodies slowly twisted.

   And in the center of the battlefield, the elf commander who was dragged by the vines seemed to understand something.

  He roared loudly: "This is impossible, how could there be a land of ancient gods."

  (end of this chapter)

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