The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 410: The regular army is in place (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 410 The regular army is in place (for subscription)

  Chen Wei, who returned to the vicinity of the portal, received a report from Elena before taking a break.

   The battlefield on the front line seems to have undergone some changes.

  Chen Wei who just came back had to go back to the front line again,

   "What happened? How did it happen?"

  Looking at the battlefield in front of him, Chen Wei was also taken aback.

   On this battlefield, the trees were twisted into a ball, a purple aura rose from the ground, and some vines with bright purple light protruded from the ground.

  In this range, all life is constantly distorted.

   Some grew eyes and tentacles on their bodies, while others directly turned into a purple liquid and melted into the ground.

   Here, the stronger the strength, the easier it is to be affected.

  As for the weaker ones, they melted immediately.

   "I just knocked down a golden dragon. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

  Eileen didn't understand what was going on, she only knew that the situation in front of her was wrong.

  Chen Wei looked in one direction at this time, and he found that in the corner of the battlefield, the space seemed to be distorted.

   "What's going on there?"

   "I didn't pay much attention, it seemed that Zhuifeng brought his living heroes there to kill the enemy just now."

  Chen Wei froze for a moment, Zhuifeng's previous performance made him think that Zhuifeng wanted to fight with all his life in this battle.

   Now it seems that Zhuifeng is still alive.

   Before Chen Wei had time to be happy, he found that the space seemed not quite right.

  The space shattered, and one, not a large group of centaurs rushed out of it.

  These centaurs almost don't look like centaurs anymore. In the joints of their bodies, there are all big and small eyes like blisters.

  When these centaurs rushed out of the space, Chen Wei was a little excited.

  He noticed that the one rushing to the front was chasing the wind.

   It seems that Chasing Wind is fine.

   But it was only a moment after Chasing the Wind rushed out, they broke through another layer of space, and just disappeared on the battlefield.

   This made Chen Wei a little puzzled, what's going on.

  He quickly opened his hero panel, and then Chen Wei found that Zhuifeng's name had turned gray.

   This belongs to heroes that are no longer controlled.

  After thinking for a while, Chen Wei also understood that Zhuifeng was influenced by the power of the ancient gods.

   It's just that there is no way to contact Zhuifeng now, and he doesn't even know where Zhuifeng has gone.

  Zhuifeng appeared just now, but never appeared again.

   On the battlefield, the situation became quite weird.

  The influence of the power of the ancient gods is getting bigger and bigger.

   There is even a tendency to spread towards Chen Wei's defense line.

  Looking at the situation, Chen Wei said to Elena: "I'll arrange some players to come over later. If the elves have no other choice, then don't worry about it."

  Eileen was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what Chen Wei was thinking.

   There is still one or two months before a year, and the players at this time are still rookies.

  The power of the ancient gods is still suppressed by them.

   Let some players come over, and the power of the ancient gods will not expand here.

  On the contrary, the elves will be affected by the ancient gods, and they have no way to pass here.

  After Elena agreed to this matter, Chen Wei immediately went back to the portal.

   Now the charging of the portal is in progress.

  Chen Wei couldn't leave too far.

   If something happens to the portal if you leave too far away, you will have to start all over again.

  So after dealing with some important matters, Chen Wei quickly returned to the portal.

  At the same time, Chen Wei was also carefully watching the changes in the situation on each side of the three lines of defense.

  He has received a message from Wood.

   "My lord, I'm about to withdraw. Before I withdraw, I have to do a big thing."

"what's the situation?"

  Chen Wei felt something was wrong when he heard it.

   "The main force of the Golden Tree is here. Except for the extreme creatures, this force has brought everything it can bring."

   "The main force of the golden tree is here? So fast?"

   "Golden trees are rich, and their main force can use teleportation ability, and they are the most powerful elf troops, and they all have mana.

  My lord, you may not know that there is a unicorn cavalry regiment on the other side of the golden tree, and it is also a heavy cavalry. The armor on their bodies is made of gold. "

  Wood told Chen Wei about the situation of the main force of the Golden Tree.

  But what he said was what he had seen.

   The main force coming through the teleportation array this time is not the Unicorn Cavalry Regiment he mentioned.

   It is a green dragon army composed of five green dragons.

  The reason why these five green dragons can form a legion is entirely because these five green dragons are different from normal green dragons.

   These five green dragons are all rare double-headed dragons.

   There are fifteen heroes arranged just for the green dragon.

  In addition to being the dragon trainer who is responsible for commanding the green dragon to fight, there are also heroes who are responsible for leading some servants of the green dragon.

   These people usually do not participate in the battle, they are only responsible for the green dragon.

  The outer elf troops are also based on the fighting style of the green dragon.

  Because green dragons are not as fast as golden dragons, they mainly breathe strong acid.

  So among the elf troops, there are not many troops that move faster.

  The elf troops who came this time are mainly green dragon sword guards.

  They are a variant of the Sword Dancer, with capes made from the scales of green dragons.

  The swords in their hands are made of the teeth of green dragons, and more than half of their fighting power relies on green dragons.

   It can be said that the Green Dragon Sword Guard was built around the Green Dragon.

  The five green dragons are the equipment library of these elf troops.

   Once the green dragon is dispatched, they will naturally follow along.

   There are also mages who specialize in acid and poison magic.

   These are also specially trained.

  As soon as the green dragon moves, they will follow.

  At the same time, these elves also maintain a certain degree of vigilance against other elves.

  When Wood appeared near them, they did not believe in Wood's acting skills like the previous elf commanders did.

   Instead, he stared at Wood.

  As soon as he saw their eyes, Wood knew that he couldn't be fooled here.

  So he didn't want to lie to follow up, but said to those people.

   "Are you going to the portal?"

   "Have you hit the portal yet?"

   "No, not only did they not get hit, the Forest of Hundred Ghosts was captured, and I just escaped."

  Hearing this, the elf commander over there became anxious.

   "What's going on, let me tell you."

"Oh, it's not that the portal is being built over there. They are letting the ancient gods out, and they are collecting sacrifices. Now they used to send them to death. I understand that the ancient gods are thinking about our family's extreme creatures. I We have to leave quickly now, and we can't let our family Amon Reid have an accident."

  (end of this chapter)

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