The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 414: The mechanical ghost shot (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 414 The mechanical treacherous body shot (for subscription)

   The extreme creature that entered the Scourge Territory from the direction of the mechanical body is a mountain giant.

   This creature itself is not the main force of the elves.

   They are relatively different types of existence, they came from a nearby main city.

  Normal mountain giants are 30 to 50 meters high, and use large trees that they pull up as weapons.

  The mountain giant in front of me is a kind of extreme creature, no matter in size or weaponry, it is different from normal mountain giants.

  He is more than 130 meters tall, and the weapon in his hand is a spear made of lightning.

   On his body, there are trees of all sizes, which are his defensive armor.

  The big trees that can be used as weapons for normal mountain giants are just a bunch of weeds to him.

  As for Chen Gu's defensive line on the outside, he didn't notice it at all.

  At this time, the mountain giant was staring directly at the direction of the portal.

   This mountain giant usually sleeps in the direction of the main city to which he belongs.

  The reason why he took the initiative to rush over this time was entirely because he wanted to grab the portal.

  Different from other limit creatures, limit creatures like mountain giants have a different attitude towards cities from others.

  Other extreme creatures are willing to carry cities because they need some servants to do things.

   Extreme creatures like mountain giants carry cities with them because in their view, city buildings are their armor.

   Something as important as the portal for a novice to leave this world is qualified to be the crown on the head of a mountain giant.

   This is a good thing. If anyone wants to take his treasure away, he will definitely have nothing to do with them.

  When the mountain giant was advancing, he happened to enter the area of ​​the mechanical body.

   This kind of mountain giant doesn't even pay attention to ordinary extreme creatures, and naturally it doesn't pay attention to mechanical monsters.

  But he never thought that the mechanical sly body actually already has the combat power of a quasi-limit creature.

  The most special thing is that the twelve bodies of the mechanical treachery now contain a variety of different strengthening directions.

   There are physical attacks, magical attacks, and weird attacks, and some fly in the sky, run on the ground, and move underground.

   It can be said that they are just such a group of troops, enough to occupy and rule a large territory.

  Now they are all gathered together, coupled with the strange devouring ability of their master mechanical ghost body, the situation is quickly reversed.

  The body guards quickly pounced on the mountain giant, and climbed up along the trees on the mountain giant's body.

  Under the hands of the mechanical body, there is an extra body that moves underground, called the drill body.

  He looks like a big drill bit full of wires.

  His ability is the same as that of the miner's corpse, and he is a good player who moves underground.

  The same is true for his body guards, which have the super ability to move underground.

  When this kind of drill machine is considerate to the mountain giant, it directly regards the entire mountain giant as a big mountain.

  He took his body guards and directly got into the body of the mountain giant.

  At the same time, the wire roots with mechanical spooks were also brought in.

  At first the mountain giant didn't notice this.

  By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

  The other subordinates of the mechanical treacherous body have surrounded them and are trying their best to bring down the mountain giant.

   Such an attack stimulated the mountain giant.

  He held up the spear condensed by lightning in his hand, and kept hitting the ground.

   This is the only way for the mountain giant to attack the ground. The other way is to lift his legs to step on the ground.

  At present, there are so many troops here in the sky or through other means to attack the mountain giant, and the mountain giant does not dare to act casually.

  He knew very well that if he raised his leg, a large number of vines would appear nearby and drag him to the ground.

  As long as he falls down, the situation will be different, and he will face attacks from all directions.

   So in this case, he can only use the spear to hit the ground.

   Fortunately, this method is also very powerful. After the spear is pierced into the ground, an electric circle will be released, and all enemies hit by the electric shock will be directly killed.

  But the mountain giant didn't realize that he was stepping on the mechanical body.

  After resisting three lightning attacks, the mechanical ghost finally mastered the attack method of this lightning spear.

  When the mountain giant's lightning spear plunged into the ground for the fourth time, he suddenly found that his spear seemed to be short.

   This situation startled the mountain giant.

   This is the first time this has happened since he got the Lightning Lance.

Back then, in order to get the Lightning Spear, he killed many Titans, used the spines of the Titans to make the handle of the spear, and absorbed the lightning in the sky again and again on thundery nights. A spear.

  Since he got the spear, the battle between him and the extreme creatures has also changed from the original 50/50 to 64/60.

   It can be said that this lightning spear is his treasure.

   Now it is actually a bit shorter.

   This directly made the mountain giant angry.

   The mechanical spooky body didn't know what he had done. After absorbing the power of lightning, the mechanical spooky body was quite happy.

  Because the lightning has the breath of a titan in it, which belongs to bioelectricity.

   This is a good thing for the mechanical crafty body.

   All he needs to grow is this bioelectricity.

  The mechanical ghost found that if he could **** the lightning spear from the mountain giant, then his combat power could reach the level of an extreme creature.

  The mechanical treacherous body that moved in his heart finally crawled out from his hiding place, and this time he planned to participate in the battle against the mountain giant.

  Of course, it was the unit of the machine guard who rushed forward, and several special machines even directly fought hand-to-hand with the mountain giant.

  At this time, what the mechanical body released was no longer its own projection or something, but the direct subject came out from the ground.

  The body of the mechanical spooky body seems to be made up of countless parts and wires.

  While walking around, some electronic phantoms appeared beside him from time to time.

   This is one of the pro-guards of the mechanical ghost.

  As a mechanical crafty body, Chen Wei doesn't usually come forward in person, how could he not have his own personal guard.

   Instead he has five SS with different functions.

   This time he brought the Electronic Guard and the Weird Guard.

  He didn’t even bring out the mechanical bodyguards, because the mechanical body is not very useful at this time, but the somewhat blurred electronic bodyguards and weird bodyguards are more suitable for the battlefield in front of them.

  (end of this chapter)

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