The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 415: Down with extreme creatures (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 415 Down with Limit Creatures (Subscribe)

   Once the mechanical treacherous body joined the battlefield with two kinds of personal guards under it, the situation was completely different.

  The huge mountain giant immediately found that his body seemed to slow down, and many little guys who were quite small for him climbed onto him.

  For this kind of attack, the mountain giant naturally has a way to deal with it.

  Usually, he doesn't react too much to the enemies jumping on him. When there are more people, he will use the lightning spear in his hand to attract a bolt of lightning to fall on him.

   Mountain giants themselves are not afraid of thunder and lightning.

  At the same time, the lightning itself has a strong lethality against enemies like weirdness and electronics, and it happens to be a good weapon to deal with such enemies.

  The mountain giant didn't think too much, and when the mechanical body pounced on him, he directly released this move.

  But he never thought that the mechanical treacherous body itself valued his lightning very much.

  When the lightning hit him, the mechanical body turned around, revealing the mechanical parts of the body, and began to absorb the current.

  Under the absorption of the mechanical treacherous body, these electric currents did not clean up the troops on the mountain giant.

  On the contrary, because of the arrival of the mysterious mechanical body, the morale of the machines and body guards under him improved, and they rushed forward quickly, attacking harder.

   But no matter how hard they try, they can't compare to the mechanical guards.

  These personal guards are all weird and electronic bodies without entities.

  Each monster has different attributes and powers.

   At the same time, they also have different rules. They have always fought under the control of a unified commander before, and they have no way to exert their full strength.

   It's different now.

  The mechanical spooky body released them directly, allowing them to attack at will.

  In this way, they can use their own strange powers and rules.

  There are strong and weak rules in these rules, some are common and some are not.

  But the mechanical monster can guarantee that each monster has its own special rules.

  One or two are okay, but the rules are added, and the mountain giant immediately becomes confused.

  In addition, the mountain giant is famous for his thick skin and blood, and his strength is also a characteristic of him. In this way, his wisdom is not much.

  In the beginning, he could rely on his level to withstand the weird rules, but as more and more rules fell on him, the mountain giant's movements became obviously uncoordinated.

  Sometimes it was obvious that he wanted to move his left hand, but his right hand moved ahead of time.

  Sometimes he wants to turn left, but his movements make it quite ugly, and even on him, sometimes there are some flames or other weird auras.

   At the same time, a lot of rocks that make up the mountain giant fell down.

  These rocks fell to the ground, indicating that the mountain giant did not have enough control over his body.

  His body is crumbling.

  How could the subordinates of the mechanical treacherous body miss this opportunity.

  The airframes and airframe guards decisively seized the good opportunity in front of them, and rushed directly into the attack range of the mountain giant.

  They don't care about tactical battles at all, they just use their own means to knock the stones on the mountain giants.

  In their thinking, the current mountain giant has lost his mind. If he doesn't make a move at this time, it is difficult to wait later.

  At this time, the mechanical ghost body never thought that there are still a few super-brained people in his subordinates.

  One of them is a new organism called the inflammatory organism.

  He is the product of the combination of magic and machinery in the new body.

  The biggest feature is that he can carry super high temperature when he acts.

  The same is true for his body guards, when they act, they always act together with high temperature.

   It belongs to the mech troop with the flame attribute under the mechanical warp.

  When he saw that the mountain giant had become like this, he immediately had an idea.

  No matter how big the mountain giant is, he is still a stone. The trees on his body are armor at best, but at worst, they are just some wood.

  Before he didn't make a move, it was because he couldn't guarantee that he could burn the enemy.

  It's different now, the mountain giant has clearly lost most of his body control.

  If you don’t burn him at this time, when will you burn him.

  So Yan Sheng's body immediately took its own body guards, facing one leg of the mountain giant, it burned.

  The mountain giant also knew where his biggest problem was.

  His size is too tall, and at the same time he is a humanoid creature. When moving, he moves on two legs.

   If there is a problem with one leg, he can't even stand up.

  As long as the mountain giant falls, everything will be much simpler.

  The difference between this mountain giant and other extreme creatures is here.

  The current Yan Sheng body directly concentrated all its firepower on the mountain giant's right leg.

  Under his flame, the mountain giant immediately realized that something was wrong.

  The mountain giant immediately raised the lightning spear and hit the Yansheng organism.

  But at this time, his spirit was affected by the weird guards, and all his movements were distorted.

  He couldn't even tell the upper and lower sides of this spear, where could he hit the Yan Sheng organism.

When he raised the spear, the mechanical spooky body seized the opportunity instead. Many wires and vines popped out from the mechanical spooky body, entangled the arm of the mountain giant holding the spear, and then the mechanical spooky body directly climbed to the mountain along the vines On the giant arm.

  Although the mountain giant's mind is confused now, he can still see what is crawling on his arm.

  He was quite angry at this time.

   Doesn't this mean he is considered an extreme creature?

  He can still fight, is this sent to his door to die?

  As soon as the mountain giant raised his left hand, he wanted to slap the body of the mechanical treacherous body to death like a mosquito.

   But the speed of the mechanical spooky body was faster, and he jumped onto the handle of the lightning spear in one fell swoop.

   Then the wire vines popped out around him, and various wires directly entangled the mountain giant's body.

  Then the mechanical treacherous body pressed its hand on the lightning lance, and the current inside passed through the wire and injected into the mountain giant's head.

  The mountain giant let out a cry, loosened his right hand, and the lightning spear fell directly to the ground.

   What the mechanical spooky body wants is the lightning spear, and as soon as the lightning spear falls to the ground, the mechanical spooky body also jumps down.

  At this time, the Yan Sheng organism had also burned the mountain giant's right leg into fiery red.

  But the mountain giant's attention is all on his head now, and he didn't notice any problems with his legs.

  At this time, Yan Sheng said something to the back.

   "It's up to you next."

   When his voice fell, another machine also rushed over from nearby.

  This is another body that is very similar to the Yan Sheng body, the frozen body, he has the power of ice.

  (end of this chapter)

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