The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 423: Attack of the Railgun (Subscription required)

  Chapter 423 Attack of the Railgun (for subscription)

  After secretly adjusting the coordinates of the railgun, Chen Wei was about to leave, but he suddenly found that he was on the orbit of the railgun again.

  Chen Wei's heart was lifted instantly.

  The movement he made to adjust the railgun just now was a bit big, and many traces were not hidden.

   Now that there is spiritual power coming up, will you notice his small movements.

   Fortunately, many spirits soon entered the railgun, and they didn't reconfirm the target, they just unlocked some things on the railgun.

  Then these mental forces receded, as if giving way to the railgun.

  In fact, Chen Wei didn't know that this was a conflict between the Elf King and the Archmage.

  In the beginning, the railgun was completely controlled by the Elf King. Whether it was charging, adjusting the attack angle, or firing authority, the Elf King could handle it all by himself.

   Later because of the catastrophic problems caused by the first railgun launch.

   Some authority of the railgun is divided. In addition to the authority of launching, the authority of recharging is divided into the hands of each clan. The Elf King needs energy from the ministers to recharge the railgun.

  The authority to adjust the attack angle is in the hands of the Archmage. If the Archmage does not adjust, the Elven King cannot move the railgun's angle half a step down.

  Now the Elf King turned the table and took back the various permissions of the railgun.

   Those elf ministers can only delay time, but the impact is actually not great. The recharge required by the railgun is actually the energy for activating the attack, and all the energy behind it comes from the accumulation of the railgun for so many years.

  The archmage was upset that his authority was taken away by the Elf King.

  None of them told the Elf King how to adjust the angle of the railgun. As for the instrument used to control the railgun at the beginning, it could adjust the railgun.

  But does this elf king know how to use starlight to calculate angles?

   After thinking about it, he knew that he didn't understand. After he suffered a loss, he still needed the help of their archmage.

  But these archmages never thought about it. They are smart, and the Elf King is not stupid.

  The reason why the Elven King chose this time to attack is to let the archmages arrange everything first.

  Afterwards, the Elf King only needs to take a look to see if anyone makes destructive adjustments at the last moment, and that’s it. If someone adjusts, just push back.

  After seeing that there was no major problem with the railgun, the Elven King pretended to summon all the ministers.

   "The railgun is ready, we will wait for the next hour's information to arrive before deciding whether to launch it."

   Hearing what the Elf King said, all the elf ministers were half relieved.

  They also don't want to launch the railgun casually, that's a pretty terrible thing.

   But I don't know if it was intentional, but the next information from the Elf King was delivered ahead of schedule.

  After reading the information, the Elf King's expression quickly became serious, and then he pointed to the sand table and took a few important marks from the sand table.

"See if we procrastinate, it is tantamount to destroying the hope of these cities. The ancient **** monsters have already begun to massacre the cities. I believe that within an hour, we will get updated news. The third or even the fourth one The ancient **** behemoth is about to appear.

   At that time, it will not be a region that is finished, but our entire elves, and the whole world will be finished.

  So I've decided now, activate the railgun, and destroy that area. "

   After speaking, the Elf King didn't say anything about who is in favor and who is against.

   Everyone is smart, the Elf King is directly telling the ministers that righteousness is in his hands.

  Then the Elf King raised something similar to a scepter in front of everyone.

   This scepter looks like two long swords fused together.

  After raising the scepter, a phantom of an instrument appeared in front of the Elf King.

  The instrument looks like a magnified mechanical version of the globe, and it can be seen that there are all kinds of mechanical parts and magic in the instrument.

  But all the ministers present understood that this instrument is actually a miniature version of the railgun.

   After throwing the scepter into the phantom of the instrument, the Elf King ordered decisively.

   "With the target as the center, with a diameter of 1,500 miles, everything will be destroyed."

   "Destruction, Great King, are you right?"

   "That's right, the cleaning level is fine, don't use the destruction level."

  When the ministers heard this, they quickly spoke up.

  This railgun has three levels, the most common is the cleaning level, which is to clean everything on the ground.

  The second level is the destruction level. Except for everything on the surface, everything above and below ground within 300 meters will be penetrated.

  The third level is the World Extinguishing Level, which is the level that directly penetrates the continent and sinks the continent.

  The World Extinguishing Grade is the last resort, and it definitely cannot be used here now.

  So normally speaking, the ones that can be used are the cleaning level and the destruction level.

  These ministers are just opposing for the sake of opposing, in their opinion, the purge level is enough.

  But the Elven King doesn't want to let go of such a right.

   "Don't think about it, what are the two ancient **** giants that appeared this time, one ancient **** giant is fine, the cleaning level can be defeated, but the ancient **** dragon flying in the sky.

  Are you sure that the cleaning level can be defeated.

   What if we were too late and let them spawn underground Old God Behemoths.

  If you don’t want me to use the world-destroying railgun, then don’t talk there. "

  Listening to what the Elf King said, the ministers wanted to say something else.

  But at this time, the Elf King said, "Shut up, and everything will be arranged by me."

   After speaking, the Elf King stopped looking at the elf ministers, and said quite decisively: "Lock on the target, destructive strike, start charging, and activate the ten-second hand."

   After giving the order, the Elf King looked at the other Elf ministers.

   "Get your troops ready, and start entering the arena three hours after the railgun attack, find some items related to the main god, and destroy them immediately after you find them."

  Listening to the elf king's order, the elf minister could only agree. Now that the railgun has been launched, what can they say even if they object.

  Now all they can do is wait for the railgun attack to end so they can send someone over there to clean up the mess.

   Apart from other things, at least they can't let the Elf King take all the benefits.

  Just as they were thinking about this, the ten-second countdown had also ended.

   The instrument is automatically activated without the need for the Elf King to do it himself.

   Then a white light came out from the instrument.

   Seeing this scene, the Elf King said proudly.

   "Check what's going on with the situation in front of you. Have my railguns wiped out all the enemies?"

  (end of this chapter)

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