The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 424: Erased coordinates (for subscription)

  Chapter 424 Erased coordinates (for subscription)

  When the railgun was launched, half of the elves' territory saw it.

   After all, there is such a big new moon in the sky that no one will miss it.

   It's just that what happened next was a bit unexpected for the elves.

  Because the moonlight falling from the sky did not fly towards Chen Wei's Scourge Territory, but towards the location where the first portal was established.

  That location is regarded as the Holy Land of the elves, and most elves will know the location.

   Seeing this situation, all the elves were stunned.

   A thought flashed in some elves' minds.

   No way, someone set up a teleportation array there again this time.

  Many elves looked in that direction and immediately thought of a possibility.

  But the high-level executives who knew the situation changed their faces immediately. They all knew where the territory they wanted to break out of the novice world this time was, and they also knew where the enemy was this time.

  The railgun is now under the control of the Elf King.

   This is the conspiracy of the Elf King. He wants to seize control of the railgun, and then destroy the background of the shrine and the main cities.

   Thinking about the actions of the Elf King before, they became more and more convinced that the Elf King would do this.

   For a while, people in the elves were panicked.

  The Elf King also got the news immediately.

  As soon as he heard this situation, the Elf King didn't even intend to check the situation of the Elven Holy Land.

  In the earliest days, there was only one holy place for the elves, and that was the golden tree, the main city of the elves.

   Later, because of such and other things, those positions affected by the portal became the holy places of the elves.

  The most important thing is that those locations are all under the control of the major shrines now.

  Elf King can only insert a small part of them.

  Although the Elf King doesn't know why the target of the railgun has changed, for the Elf King, this may be an opportunity.

"Prepare to send out troops. Except for the three major armies staying behind the Golden Tree, all other troops will be sent out. According to our initial plan, we will deploy troops from the Golden Tree this time. The troops from the Shrine and major cities should also be sent out. .”

  The Elf King looked at the ministers under him, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

   But Chen Wei didn't know all of this.

At this time, he was also frightened by the blow just now. If he hadn't known the Elf King's plan in advance and adjusted the target of the railgun secretly, maybe he and his territory had been destroyed by the blow just now. .

  Chen Wei never expected that his random move would save him in the end.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei can only lament his luck.

  If he had been so unlucky, he might have died this time.

  At the moment when the railgun fell, the source power bee sent by Chen Wei near the Holy Land also sent the final picture.

  The dots of light falling from the sky fell on the ground like meteors.

  Everything within a radius of 1,500 miles around the Holy Land turned into white mist.

  Even the extreme creature that has been staying in the Holy Land is the same, without any chance to react.

   directly turned into gas in the white light, leaving nothing behind.

  The power effect is many times greater than Chen Wei's death from the sky.

  Chen Wei believed that if the railgun's attack fell on him, no matter how many extreme creatures there were in his territory, they would not be able to escape the power of the attack.

  At this time, Chen Wei made a decisive decision.

   "Contact Wood and let him take full charge of the matter over the portal, tell him that he doesn't need to do anything, just delay the time, and don't let the enemy enter our territory at the last moment.

  As for how they fight outside, we don't need to worry about it. "

  After saying this, Chen Wei sighed, "I need to watch the railgun here right now, we can't afford a railgun attack here."

  Chen Wei's judgment is quite accurate.

   After sending out the troops, the Elf King came to the Tower of the Archmage again.

   "Tell me, what's going on here, doesn't it mean that the target has been locked? Why is there a problem with the locked position?"

  For the anger of the Elf King, all the archmages dare not speak.

  They don't know what's going on.

  After all, they also know the priorities, even if they are dissatisfied with the elf king's withdrawal of the authority of the railgun, they will not do anything in this regard.

  The last old archmage stood up and said: "King, do you think there is a possibility that there are other archmages who are out in the kingdom of elves?"

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

  The Elf King waved his hand and said, "As long as you take up the post of Archmage, you can get the residence permission of the Golden Tree for free, and get a floor in the Archmage Tower as your own base.

   No elf mage would refuse such a condition.

   It is impossible to have an Elven Archmage in the field. "

   At this time, another archmage said: "What about human beings, there are also archmages on the human side, and they also have their own archmage towers."

  "Humans? Do you think humans haven't thought about it, but they have never been able to master the railgun. Do you know why?

  That's because they have never mastered the magic of star positioning. Without star positioning, they simply cannot find the railgun. "

  The Elven King directly denied this possibility.

   But he never expected that Chen Wei would be the Archmage.

  The most important thing is that they used the railgun to target Chen Wei's Scourge Territory at the beginning, which gave Chen Wei a chance to push back.

   Without such a coincidence, Chen Wei would not have found the railgun in the sky, let alone adjusted the locking position of the railgun secretly.

   It can be said that such a thing happened to the Elf King, it was completely coincidental and self-inflicted.

After being angry for a long time, the Elf King yelled at the archmage: "Then find a way now, lock that guy's territory, there are still five days left, I will give you three days, if you can't think of a way after three days, then Don’t even think about this Grand Master Tower.”

   There is no way for the archmages to refuse the order of the Elf King.

  They also understand that this is their last chance.

  If they are unwilling to do this, the Elven King has every reason to push them out.

  I believe that those shrines and main cities outside want to use their heads to appease the mood of their subordinates.

  So several archmages acted immediately.

  Some of them adjusted the position and angle of the railgun, while others were checking the marks left on the railgun.

  They checked and checked, and suddenly discovered a terrible situation.

  The coordinates of the Scourge Territory were erased from the railgun.

  (end of this chapter)

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