The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 430: Player Pass (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 430 Player Pass (for subscription)

  Chen Wei's extermination has already sealed the fate of these players.

  Among the dozen or so players who attacked the Scourge Territory, only two saw that the situation was wrong, so they quickly gave up the idea of ​​leading troops to attack, and went to find trouble with the elves.

  The rest of the players were all killed by Chen Wei's heroes.

   Even they didn't even break through the catapult line of defense.

   Regarding the ending of these players, whether it is the new players who are going to deal with the elves, or the old players who have been with Chen Wei, they all have only one idea.

  Why don't you follow the rules?

   It's not that Chen Wei didn't give them a chance.

   It can even be said that the opportunity to leave this world was directly sent to them.

  Is it difficult for a hundred elves?

   If you just entered this world, it would be difficult.

   It has been almost a year now, and it is not difficult at all for any player who does not have three or five hundred soldiers to kill a hundred elves.

  But these people don't even want to do this, they just want to attack Chen Wei's defense.

   Such a person, how could Chen Wei let them go.

  This kind of situation of attacking the battle formation before the battle, whether it is a friend or an enemy, must be directly wiped out.

   It can be said that these players died unjustly.

  Once they die, the other players will calm down.

  The players quickly began to attack the nearby elf troops.

  The elves dare not move the main force of the Scourge Land, so they will find another way.

  Elves' tribes or elves' sentry posts are the targets of their attacks. Although they may run farther, it is much easier to hit the elves.

   Some people even took advantage of their own advantages to attract some elves, and then gathered a large number of players to eat up this army of elves in one go.

   There are also players who sneak into the elf city and kill the elf residents as elves.

  No matter which way they choose, Chen Wei doesn't care.

  As long as they can hand over 100 elf heads, or 300 heads of other elf-affiliated races, then they can enter the Scourge Territory and leave with them when the portal opens.

   This is the last hope for players.

  All players understand that it is impossible for Shui Lanxing to have another Chen Wei, and it is impossible for someone to build a new portal.

   It is not a question of whether they work hard or not, but that time is not enough.

  Current players have no more time.

  After the first player paid enough heads and entered the natural disaster territory, all other players went crazy.

  A large number of players rushed to the natural disaster territory desperately.

   Some even rushed here from tens of thousands of miles away.

  At the same time, players who are on the other side of the elves' territory and who have fallen into the Iron Fist Dynasty are also asking if there is a way to teleport them directly.

   But Chen Wei has no time to respond to these now.

   Now it's the last day, and Chen Wei is checking the last things in his territory.

  He doesn't want to be stuck on the last move.

  So right now, Chen Wei didn't pay any attention to anyone's questions.

  Chen Wei didn't think about what to do with the players who couldn't keep up with the water blue star.

   After all, there are billions of people on Aquamarine, and there are tens of millions of people assigned to this novice world.

   There are nearly a million people who survived.

   It is impossible for Chen Wei to bring everyone together.

  If they have no way to rush over, then Chen Wei can only say that he hopes they can live well in this world in the future.

  The rest of Chen Wei couldn't help much.

   After all, Chen Wei has no way to take over all the players from Aqua Blue Star.

  At the same time, he can only guarantee that the portal will run for five more days after he leaves.

  Five days later, he didn't know what would happen to the portal.

   Similarly, he can't control that much.

   At that time, he should have gone to the new world.

   Everything in this world, although it cannot be said to be taken away, more than half can be taken away.

  With such a force and city, Chen Wei can walk sideways in any world.

   Of course, there are some problems here, what is the upper limit of those worlds.

  The upper limit of the world in front of me is legendary, and those who have reached the legendary limit become limit creatures.

  In a new world, extreme creatures can be quickly released.

  Nine times out of ten, they can break through and become legends.

  With Chen Wei's current military strength and several legends in hand, he can be successful wherever he goes.

  Of course he doesn't have to worry about what will happen to the novice world in front of him after he leaves.

  At least the heroes and troops in his hands will not have too many accidents due to his departure.

  Because most of the troops and cities were taken away.

   As for players, Chen Wei doesn't need to think about it.

  Because Chen Wei understood that after he left the novice world, he would definitely not be assigned to the players of Water Blue Star again.

  The gap between him and the Blue Star player is really too big.

   Moreover, Chen Wei believed that after so many years, not only Shui Lanxing should be dragged into the game.

   There must be other worlds killing out.

  Each world will have different players.

   Players of different levels should not be grouped together.

   Chen Wei is likely to be alone in the world in the future.

   At most, it is to leave the contact information with other players.

  Therefore, Chen Wei didn't need to think about the thoughts of Shui Lanxing players.

  He just needs to think about how many people he wants to take away, and when he takes people away, how to go.

   Most of Chen Wei's heroes are to be taken away.

  But among his major cities, only Plague Town and Deadwood Town are fixed cities and will be taken away.

  The natural disaster city and the beehive tree world belong to the mobile city, which can be taken away directly from the beginning.

  Especially the Calamity City, Chen Wei has already regarded it as his core area, as long as Chen Wei leaves, he will definitely take it with him, and the current Hive Tree World has transported most of the resources to the Calamity City.

   As long as Chen Wei gives an order, his natural disaster city can leave the novice world with Chen Wei immediately with all the supplies.

   Now Chen Wei has started to transfer his supplies.

  Chen Wei's actions also attracted the attention of those players who were originally in the natural disaster domain.

   These players also understood what Chen Wei was doing.

  They immediately realized that they were going to win, so they had to prepare.

  So some players began to quickly shrink their troops.

  What Chen Wei is unwilling to take away, they can take away.

  For example, those small cities that Chen Wei despises.

   They are all the treasures of these players. If they can leave the novice world with a city, it will be of great help to their survival in the next world.

  So they began to evacuate their defense line and returned to the city assigned to them by Chen Wei.

  (end of this chapter)

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