The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 431: The portal opens (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 431 The portal opens (seeking subscription)

  The elves naturally noticed the actions of the players.

   But the situation at this time is no longer under the control of the elves.

  Even if the elves discover the problem here, so what, they have no way to kill Chen Wei now.

   Even they couldn't even pass the natural disaster leader.

   Now more and more players are rushing to the Scourge Territory, and they are getting more and more crazy.

  They all rushed towards the elf troops that could be seen nearby, intending to exchange the head of the elves for a ticket to leave the novice world.

  Elves who are also alone are equivalent to cash.

  Under such crazy circumstances, how could these elves have a chance to enter the Scourge Territory.

  Now the elves will be ambushed when they reach the edge of the Scourge Territory. They clearly see an opportunity to enter the Scourge Territory, but they have no intention of rushing in.

   Instead, they resisted the orders of their superiors. No matter what the situation was, they would retreat as soon as they saw the players of Shuilanxing.

  The elves are very clear that it is the idea of ​​the higher-ups to prevent the Aquamarine players from leaving.

   has no direct relationship with them.

  They don't want to send their lives in for a decision of the superior.

  Now they have only one idea, to survive this natural disaster.

   Only if they survive, will they have a chance.

   It is better to leave it to other thoughtful people to prevent the Blue Star players from leaving.

   Anyway, they won't make a move.

   It is precisely because of this idea that each elf city is either directly closed, or retreats quite simply.

  The players of Water Blue Star also lost the chance to get enough elf heads because of the retreat of the elves.

  In the end they could only turn their minds on non-elven creatures.

   There are a large number of centaurs, goblins, and dwarves outside the Scourge Territory.

  When the elves retreated, these creatures became the targets of the players' attacks.

   Their field camp was hit right away.

  The wild camps of these creatures are actually not very defensive.

  When Chen Wei first came to this world, he dared to take some centaurs to charge the dwarf village. Now which of these players has lived in this novice world for nearly a year.

   No matter how badly they mix, they still have enough troops.

  When they joined forces, they dared to attack the elf army. Now let them attack the wild camp. They shouldn't do it too easily.

   And some people found that holding these heads, the natural disaster leader can be released, so more and more players choose this safe way of play.

   After a while, the wild camp outside the natural disaster territory was cleared out.

  Chen Wei also saw all this, but he didn't have time to take care of it at all.

   It is impossible to even send more troops to the periphery to control the situation.

  At this time, Chen Wei focused all his attention on the work at hand.

  And his most important job is to ensure the final charging of the portal.

  With less than two hours left, Chen Wei didn't want to have any problems at the last minute.

  The current Chen Wei has concentrated his most important troops here to prevent the elves from attacking his portal at the last minute.

  Chen Wei never knew about the plan of the elves. At this time, the elves didn't even deal with the giant beasts of the ancient gods. How could they come to trouble Chen Wei.

   During the two hours, the situation in the Natural Disaster Territory was relatively stable, and Chen Wei didn't encounter the kind of plot in the TV series, nor did he encounter such troubles.

  The portal that had been built for ten days was finally fully charged.

   At this time, in this huge portal, a passage made of starlight appeared like this.

   Then a huge vortex of starlight appeared in the sky.

  Chen Wei understands that this is a passage to leave the novice world.

   But to leave the novice world safely, Chen Wei and the others had to go through the portal.

  In this way, players who leave the novice world can safely reach the next world.

  If you don’t rush to the portal, the players of Water Blue Star can also find a way to grab a little starlight and jump into the starry vortex.

   It’s just that after jumping in, it’s like betting their lives. They have half the chance of never being able to reach the new game world.

   All players who saw the starlight vortex understood this point.

   It’s just that some players really couldn’t get to Chen Wei’s portal, they didn’t have the blueprint for the portal, and they couldn’t build a portal and hold on to it for so long.

  Chen Wei was able to do this this time because of problems within the elves.

  If the Elf King didn't want to regain his rights, the ministers of the Elf clan would not hold back in various ways.

  The ancient **** and behemoth did not help Chen Wei block some attacks at this time, maybe Chen Wei's current natural disaster territory has been bulldozed.

   Other players did not have such luck.

   Missed the opportunity in front of them. If they want to build a portal again, they will wait for the full cleansing of the elves.

  So most of the players who are far away from Chen Wei's territory are ready to take a gamble.

  Before Chen Wei entered the portal, he saw a few meteors flying in the opposite direction in the sky and flew into the vortex of the starry sky.

   This is the Aquamarine player who knows that he can leave, and actively invests in the vortex of the starry sky.

   Chen Liao looked up at the situation in the sky. After those retrograde meteors entered the starry sky vortex, the starry sky vortex was still shining.

   I don’t know where those people went.

  Chen Wei looked up, then walked into the portal.

  The moment he stepped into the portal, he found that there were many passages leading to various places in front of him.

   Behind the passage is the general situation of each world.

  Chen Wei can see the upper limit of each world level and the degree of danger.

  The most important thing is that because Chen Wei is the one who built this portal, he can guarantee to leave safely.

  Chen Wei waved his hand.

   "I want to go to a world where the upper limit exceeds the legendary level."

  Chen Wei's voice fell, and the passage behind the portal was reduced by half.

   Then Chen Wei said: "I don't want to meet the ancient **** again."

  Chen Wei really couldn't bear things like ancient gods, and he couldn't deal with them, so he simply chose a world without ancient gods.

  Under Chen Wei's choice, the passage behind the portal was reduced by half again.

  Looking at the remaining channels, Chen Wei chose a color he liked, reached out and clicked on it.

  In the next moment, the other passages in front of Chen Wei were quickly closed, leaving only the passage chosen by Chen Wei.

  At the same time, behind Chen Wei appeared information related to him, the city, heroes and soldiers he planned to take away.

   This is Chen Wei's record in this world, and it is the wealth he can take away.

  (end of this chapter)

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