The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 433: Enter a new world (novice world ends)

  Chapter 433 Entering the New World (Novice World Ends)

  As Chen Wei filled up the map, the cities and minerals that were picked up in the natural disaster territory also slowly turned into phantoms.

   The players are not fools. They knew that Chen Wei had opened the portal, and it was time for Chen Wei to leave.

  When Chen Wei leaves, this portal will belong to everyone. The time is limited, so whoever gets to the portal first will go first.

  So the players put down their missions and quickly rushed towards the portal with their heroes and troops.

  While they were on their way, they observed what Chen Wei gave up and they could take away.

   After all, they all found out that Chen Wei didn't bring everything with him.

  In the natural disaster area, there are still many things left behind.

   There are the original elf land, most of the patrolling troops arranged on the road, and even wild camps and wild minerals.

  For Chen Wei, these can be discarded, because he can't take so many.

   But for the players, these are all the resources they need after arriving in the next world.

   This kind of thing is your own.

  So they didn't forget to mark their own marks for mines or field camps when they were on their way.

  I hope that when we leave next time, the mine will have their share.

  The elf troops surrounding the periphery also discovered this situation.

  But these elves didn't have the idea of ​​rushing into the Scourge Territory.

  They calculated the time and knew that the portal had already opened.

   At this time, they must hide far away.

   If the rookie players hadn't left after the portal was activated, they would instead have become materials to fill the space.

  Then they will be at a loss.

  So at this time, you can escape as far as you can.

  Elves have encountered several portal opening events before.

  They know how far the portal will take away the territory.

  As long as they escape this range, the suction of the portal will have nothing to do with them.

  The army of elves left relatively smoothly.

  They came very quickly, and they retreated quite quickly.

  But there is no way to leave the nearby elf city so quickly.

  If a city wants to relocate, there are many things to do.

  Before these elf cities had no idea of ​​relocation.

   Even if they have such an idea now, it is too late in time.

  These elf cities can only send out their own seeds.

  Some send to places they think are safe, while others send to the backers behind them.

  The rest are trying to figure out a way, so that they can get through this hurdle safely.

  Of course what they think is safe is actually digging a big hole in the ground and burying themselves in it.

  As long as they can pass this level, they can survive, and their city will be the closest city to the new holy land, and they will have different benefits at that time.

   But no matter how chaotic they are, it is not important to Chen Wei.

  After taking all the things he wanted to bring, Chen Wei rolled up the map and stepped directly into the portal.

  The moment he stepped into the portal, Chen Wei felt as if he was also drawn into the map.

   Then Chen Wei discovered that he was on the map and could still see the situation outside.

  He noticed that in the starry sky, there are countless large and small planets.

  Each planet has its own characteristics.

  Chen Wei's map is flying towards a planet.

   That planet was chosen by Chen Wei.

   It is also Chen Wei's next world to challenge.

   While flying to that planet, Chen Wei looked back at his novice world.

   It was just a comparison, and Chen Wei felt that this new world was obviously much bigger.

  Comparing the two planets is like comparing the moon and the earth.

   It can be said that this planet is many times larger than the novice world.

  At the same time, Chen Wei also noticed that this planet has water, but no oceans have been formed, and the entire planet is a relatively complete continent.

   It's just that there are thick glaciers at the north and south poles of the planet, forests on the east and west sides, and rift valleys that cut the continent into many pieces.

  Each continent fragment is as big as the novice world.

   It can be seen that this is where the players fight.

  Perhaps this time, the only way to leave this world is to become the owner of a continent fragment.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei said lightly.

   "It seems that I will stay in this world for a long time in the future, I hope to choose a place with better Feng Shui.

   After we get there, we need to change the direction of development.

   This world has legendary troops, but basic troops are also needed.

   You can't just rely on a few extreme creatures to fight.

  I can't repeat the mistake made by the elves this time.

   The number of extreme creatures is small, and they are easy to be restrained.

   On the contrary, they failed to grasp my information, and let me take advantage of it for nothing.

   After arriving there, you must find a better location, control all the nearby woods and everything, and keep your basic base first. "

   While Chen Wei was planning everything there, his map was also approaching this new planet.

   Just as the map was about to fall, a white light came from the planet, and then Chen Wei entered the back of the planet.

   Here is a huge forest, which is almost the size of a half-elf country.

  Looking down from the sky, Chen Wei noticed that there are actually many large and small cities in this forest.

   Obviously, there are already pioneers in this forest.

  At this time, Chen Wei also understood that this will be his battlefield for the next period of time.

  In the sky, he took this opportunity to observe the situation below hard.

  Maybe what I saw today will become the direction of Chen Wei's next actions.

  The map flew over these cities quickly, and finally stopped over a deserted forest.

  Chen Wei recalled the scene he saw just now.

  It is about five thousand miles away from the nearest city.

  Even if Chasing Wind followed, at the speed of a centaur, it would take five to eight days to get there.

   That is to say, when Chen Wei started the game, no one would disturb him for at least one to two months to sort out the cities he brought.

   If he is lucky, he will even have a full year off.

   After a year, Chen Wei's troops will be fully replenished, and even if he joins the battle in this world, he won't be beaten.

  Of course, for Chen Wei, this is not the time to think about these things. What he needs to do now is to put the city he brought in a suitable position.

   This is also a benefit he got when he moved out of the city from the novice world.

   There is only one chance like this, Chen Wei needs to think about it seriously, and then take everything he brought out of the map.

   More than 400 chapters, the novice world is finally over, next is a new world, work hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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