The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 434: New world, new territory (subscription required)

  Chapter 434 New world, new territory (seeking subscription)

   Observing the territory assigned to him in the sky, Chen Gu had a preliminary estimate in his mind.

  The land in front of me is a gourd-shaped piece of land located in the woods, about half the size of the natural disaster territory. The usable plains in the territory account for 60%, and the rest are rivers and unusable mountains.

   Further outside are sparsely populated forests. It is these forests that block the connection between this land and the outside world.

  The only connection to the outside world is a river that passes through the territory.

   This river should be a tributary of the main river of this continent.

  As long as this river is blocked, it is equivalent to blocking access to this territory.

   But Chen Wei did not intend to do so.

  He brought a lot of good things this time.

  At present, his territory needs to be developed, and foreign exchanges must be indispensable.

  Closing the country to the outside world is not what Chen Wei wants. It is Chen Wei's goal to go all out to expand abroad.

   Right now he only brought seven cities.

   It is not the time for external expansion. His most important task now is to arrange the seven cities.

  As Chen Wei's hidden main city, the Natural Disaster City was naturally the first to be released.

  When the Calamity City was released, Chen Wei found himself kicked out from the high-altitude observation state.

  He happened to land in the southeast direction of the territory assigned to him, which is the bottom of the gourd-shaped terrain.

  Standing in this open space, Chen Wei looked up at the sky, and a huge eye quickly appeared in the original sky.

  That is the natural disaster city located above the territory.

  In the next moment, a large number of clouds appeared near the natural disaster city, covering the huge eyes.

  That is exactly the effect of the treacherous clouds that came with the Calamity City.

   But Chen Wei is more concerned about the sun in the sky.

  Since entering the game world, Chen Wei has never seen such a thing as the sun.

  The novice world claims to be the world of elves and humans, but the sun in that world seems to be swallowed up, and the sun does not see it all day long.

  It's different now, the game world in front of me obviously has day and night.

  The city of natural disasters, which was not so obvious in the dark night, is so prominent in the sky at this time.

   "Some miscalculation."

  Chen Wei shook his head involuntarily as he looked at the Calamity City, which was quite conspicuous even if it was shrouded in eccentric clouds.

  He thought that this place, like the novice world, could hide the Scourge City in the dark.

   Now it seems that this natural disaster city will become the target of many forces' attention.

   But Chen Wei just sighed a little.

  The Calamity City is located in the air, and apart from flying troops, there are no enemies that can attack it.

   Chen Wei himself is not particularly worried about these.

   After releasing the Calamity City, Chen Wei raised his hand.

  A white light brought Chen Wei into the Calamity City.

  Because Chen Weiyi had already planned to leave the novice world.

  He had already transported most of the resources originally mined by the Scourge Land into the Scourge City.

  Now the natural disaster city is not only full of supplies in the warehouse, but also full of various resources in the open space.

  After Chen Wei entered the Calamity City, he did not immediately take out all the supplies, but entered the Council Hall and quickly drew a map.

  The map Chen Wei drew was not just a map of the new territory, he just drew what he saw from the sky when he entered this world.

   After drawing the general map, Chen Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

   At first, he was afraid that his memory was not good, and he would forget everything he had seen before.

   Now I have finally drawn everything.

   Then he can deal with other things.

  Next, Chen Wei took out another map, this time he drew a detailed map of his territory.

  Because everything has not been arranged yet, Chen Wei's territory has nothing but plains, mountains and rivers.

  It feels as if someone deliberately emptied the woods, and specially vacated such an open space for Chen Wei.

   Now here is a blank sheet of paper, allowing Chen Wei to paint freely.

   After Chen Wei finished drawing the map, he began to think about it seriously.

   This time, Chen Wei brought seven cities with him.

   There is no need to ask about the natural disaster city, it is directly hung in the air, and through this position in the sky, it is the main city used to control the overall situation.

   Such a main city will naturally be arranged better than other main cities.

  Because normally, the land area of ​​a level 9 main city is quite large.

  If it is fully spread out, the main city will take up one-third of the open space in front of you.

  Now that the natural disaster city is placed in the sky, it is equivalent to vacating a lot of open space.

   In this way, Chen Wei has more space to arrange his own.

  Next is the beehive tree world.

   This city can be regarded as a special one among the cities brought by Chen Wei.

  Hive tree world is the most important and independent city in Chen Wei's hands.

  The city is managed by the queen bee herself. Apart from the heroes of the queen bee and the source power bee, there are no other heroes and units here.

   And everyone agrees with this.

   This is entirely because most people have no way to enter the honeycomb tree world.

  Even if the hive tree world is upgraded to a very high level, normal people have no way to enter this city.

  Chen Wei brought the hive tree world, on the one hand, he naturally valued the units of the source power bee.

  On the other hand, they also value the communication effect of the source power bee.

  Plus the honeycomb tree world itself is not big.

  In the beginning, Chen Wei directly installed the honeycomb tree world into the natural disaster city and brought it with him.

   Now that Chen Wei wants to rearrange the location, he naturally wants to put down the hive tree world.

  The location chosen by Chen Wei is the core location in the southeast of the territory.

  Because Chen Wei's territory is a large gourd-shaped east-west direction, the mouth of the gourd is located in the northwest, and the bottom of the gourd is located in the southeast.

  The river passing through Chen Wei's territory happened to pass by the waist of the gourd, splitting the gourd in two.

  Chen Wei had an idea when he saw the terrain, and divided the territory into two by the river.

  The northwest part is the resource area of ​​the territory, and all the various mineral resources brought by Chen Wei are placed in this location.

  The southeast part is used as the source of soldiers for the territory. All the field camps brought by Chen Wei are placed in this location. At the same time, this will be the main grain production area for Chen Wei, responsible for providing sufficient food resources for Chen Wei's territory.

  So as the most important bee colony for collecting honey and pollinating, Chen Wei naturally put it on the payment list of the main grain producing area.

  Even if the source power bee's main occupation is not this, Chen Wei also arranged it this way.

  As the beehive tree world was arranged, the queen bee was also appointed immediately.

   "Send all the source power bees to divide the nest, I need to grasp every intelligence detail in the territory."

  (end of this chapter)

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