The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 436: The layout of the city (for subscription)

  Chapter 436 The layout of the city (for subscription)

  After the cities, field buildings and heroes were arranged, Chen Wei began to release all his soldiers.

  Chen Wei this time because in addition to the soldiers who have already formed a team and arranged under the hero, he also brought some soldiers with potential.

  These soldiers were not incorporated into the ranks of heroes, they were used as population.

   After all, Chen Wei brought seven cities of different sizes over this time.

  The most important thing in every city is the population. Without the population, no matter how strong the city's potential is, it is useless.

  In order to ensure the population of each city, Chen Wei even emphasized the proportion of wild camps when he came here this time.

   At the same time, these potential soldiers were brought over.

  Most of these soldiers are fertile.

   And it’s the kind that can give birth to many babies in one child.

   As for the skeleton soldiers, Chen Wei did not insist.

  After these potential soldiers were arranged, Chen Wei took another look at the map that sent him to this new world.

   At this time, the map was empty, leaving only an empty blank sheet of paper.

  Just as Chen Wei was about to put away the map paper, the map paper flew out on its own initiative.

  Chen Wei was startled. What is the situation? Could it be that the map does not belong to him, and he just wants to ensure that he can come over safely?

  Chen Wei didn't understand yet, the map that flew into the sky exploded in the sky, and then a large amount of fog fell, covering Chen Wei's territory.

   A message came from Chen Wei's ear.

  'You have entered a new world, and "The Lord's World" is officially open to you. You have one year to prepare. After one year, the fog will open, and all the nearby lords will know of your existence. '

  ‘Note: Now your enemies will not only be the natives of the "Lord World", but also the lords killed from the novice world. They are more vicious than the natives of the Lord World. '

'Note: Within a year, you can develop yourself in the territory, and you can also leave the foggy area to communicate with other lords. As long as you don't disclose the coordinates of your territory, other lords will not be able to attack you actively, and you will also not be able to attack other lords who are attacked. The mist protects the lord. '

  Hearing such information, Chen Wei was also taken aback for a moment.

  At this moment, he understood what the world in front of him was like.

  It seems that although this world is not as weird as the novice world he killed, it is not a safe place either.

  In this world, there are many existences who came out of the novice world.

   No matter where they were killed, they all survived the Shura field like the novice world. This is their ability.

  If Chen Wei wants to gain a firm foothold in this world, he still needs to use his own skills.

  The most important point is that Chen Wei has not yet determined whether he can leave this world, and what are the conditions for leaving this world.

  Where is the upper limit of this world? All of this needs to be carefully considered by Chen Wei.

  Although there are many things involved, Chen Wei feels relieved now.

   At least now he has a year of safety time.

  For Chen Wei, one year is a long time. In the novice world, he grew from a novice who knew nothing to a lord of a territory, and it took him less than a year.

  During this period of time, Chen Wei also encountered such and such things.

   Did not put all the time and energy on the territory.

  The various cities in his territory in the later stage were handed over to several heroes to deal with, and his attention was all on the matter of the portal.

   Just like that, he still brought all these and many things to Deus World.

   If you give him a year and give him a safe territory, if he can't do anything, it would be a shame.

   "One year is enough."

  Chen Wei said a word, and stepped out from the natural disaster city.

  In the next moment, Chen Wei was sent to the center of Hongguang Town.

   At this time, Hongguang Town already had a third of the level of excitement in the natural disaster area.

   As a transportation hub and commercial center in Chen Wei's territory, Hongguang Town is completely different from other cities.

  In addition to the necessary buildings crowded in one area, Hongguang Town has no resource buildings and barracks buildings. Instead, there are three different markets here.

  The first market is a must-have market in a normal city. This market is located near the necessary buildings in the city and mainly deals with various resources needed by the city.

  Chen Wei can use gold coins to buy various resources here, and at the same time, he can receive a lot of taxes here every day.

  The second market is a large market located in the center of the city. This market is also the market with the largest area. The entire market occupies one-third of the land in Hongguang Town.

  In addition to the various shops on the street, there are many warehouses behind the shops, which are used to store materials for bulk transactions.

  Everything is sold here, both retail and wholesale.

   It can be said that as long as there are resources in Chen Wei's territory, they can be bought here.

  Of course, this part is different from the first market, which is a semi-official market.

  The first market is the official market of Hongguang Town, which is prepared for the construction of Chen Wei's territory.

  This second market is different. In addition to providing taxes to Chen Wei, it is actually prepared for Chen Wei's heroes, soldiers and residents.

  Anyone can buy here, and anyone can sell here.

  The third market is a black market, located underground in Hongguang Town.

  It is only open for three hours a day, and it sells some treasures needed by heroes, or equipment needed by soldiers.

  Sometimes there will be hero vouchers for sale.

  The purpose is to enhance the combat effectiveness of Chen Wei's men.

  Of course, other things are also done in the black market, but Chen Wei doesn't care much about it.

  In addition to these three markets, there are four special carriage doors in Hongguang Town, which are exclusive carriage routes for the four cities in the territory.

  There are three carriages a day, as long as they can afford it, whether they are heroes, soldiers, or even civilians in the city, they can all take the carriage and reach the city they want to go safely.

   In addition, there is a teleportation point in Hongguang Town, which is a teleportation channel that can freely travel to and from the Calamity City.

  Chen Wei came down from Natural Calamity City through this teleportation point.

   Then there are three docks and shipyards of different sizes, two piers, one is a commercial exclusive dock, and the other is a fishing boat dock.

   It can be said that Hongguang Town has maximized the functions of commerce and transportation, and at the same time compressed other functions to the extreme.

  This Hongguang Town does not have its own exclusive barracks. From this point, we can see the development route of Hongguang Town.

   After entering Hongguang Town, Chen Wei went directly to the Council Hall.

  His territory construction will start from Hongguang Town.

  (end of this chapter)

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