The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 437: Live background board (seeking subscription)

  The background board of Chapter 437 coming alive (for subscription)

  After entering Hongguang Town, Chen Wei was not in a hurry to arrange the development tasks of Hongguang Town. He walked around Hongguang Town and carefully checked the current situation of Hongguang Town.

   And went to three markets specifically for a tour.

   This is the first time that Chen Wei has immersively experienced the details of the town since he entered the game.

  Before he was busy, where would he be free to deal with these.

   I don't just sleep wherever I go.

  The focus of work is on various tasks and battles, so there is no such leisure time.

  I don't even have time to sleep every day, for fear that if I am not careful, I will be wiped out by someone.

It's different now, he broke out of the novice world, proved his strength, arrived in the new world, got a one-year buffer period, and still has so many cities in his hand, Chen Wei can finally relax himself and let his Don't be so nervous.

  Hongguang Town is the clan land that Chen Wei snatched from the elves.

   It's just that the location is located in a relatively critical place in the natural disaster territory. In order to ensure the stability of the internal transportation of the natural disaster territory, Chen Wei made this Hongguang town a city directly under his own.

   And set the direction of development.

   Judging from the current situation, Hongguang Town has carried out Chen Wei's order fairly well.

   At least the market in front of me is quite prosperous.

  Because Hongguang Town was originally an elf city, the main market is related to the elf race.

  At the same time, because of the wide communication with other towns, there are many races belonging to Chen Wei's subordinates in Hongguang Town.

  For example, Chen Wei saw walking corpses selling meat, and skeletons selling broken wood.

  The most interesting thing is that Chen Wei also saw a lot of mutated small devils, and there was even a crazy devil boy among them.

   Didn't know that Crazy Demon Boy was synthesized.

   What made Chen Wei speechless the most was that this kind of crazy devil boy was not as crazy as he imagined. He also knew that he was relatively unpopular, so he simply locked his hands and mouth with iron locks.

   And what the crazy devil boy sells is herbal medicine.

  I heard that these herbs are all infused with the blood of the crazy devil boy, and they contain the craziest will.

Chen Wei was taken aback when he saw this situation at first, but after thinking about it later, he felt that it was good. In fact, in his opinion, no matter how the crazy devil boy changes, it is just a synthetic one. Arms.

  He doesn't have to worry about what's going to happen.

   On the contrary, the situation in Hongguang Town in front of him is explaining one thing to Chen Wei.

   All the arms he synthesized were recognized by the world of "Lord of Heroes", and he believed that the arms synthesized by Chen Wei were all reasonable.

   is the existence of possible natural birth.

  So when Chen Wei saw the crazy devil boy appearing in the market, he was not afraid, but rather happy.

   In addition, Chen Wei is also satisfied with the style of Hongguang Town.

  Especially when Chen Wei saw the transport convoy of the Swamp Poison Rat and the body guards under the mechanical crafty body in Hongguang Town, he was even more satisfied.

  If Chen Wei still had a little hesitation in his heart before, and was thinking about the direction his territory would take in the future.

  After seeing the situation in Hongguang Town, the hesitation in Chen Wei's heart disappeared.

  Chen Wei has already thought about what his greatest advantage is.

   It wasn't his luck, nor a few extreme creatures. What Chen Wei really relied on was his talent.

  Synthesis of natural disasters.

  He doesn't need to think about whether his future territory will go in the direction of the elves or the soul of the undead.

  He should go in the direction of natural disasters.

  He wants to give full play to his talent.

   Unlike when he was fighting the elves before, he didn't show his talent at all.

   "Fortunately, I came down for a walk, and almost forgot what my roots are."

  Standing on the pier of Hongguang Town, Chen Weichang sighed, followed by a skeleton mage.

  This skeleton mage is the skeleton mage Chen Weiyi trained at the beginning, and it is also the skeleton mage who can only use random spells on the battlefield no matter how he grows.

  Now he is the person in charge of the Magic Tower in Natural Calamity City, responsible for recording the daily magic experiments.

   At the same time, he is also considered half of Chen Wei's think tank, sometimes giving Chen Wei some ideas.

  His status among skeleton mages is not weaker than that of Gu Xilai.

   Hearing what Chen Wei said, the skeleton mage said: "No, it's not that my lord has forgotten the fundamentals, but that my lord has been affected by the curse of wisdom after embarking on the path of a great mage.

  When adults see through this point, wisdom will become a tool of adults. "

   "You still can talk, by the way, didn't the ancient volcano tree say that you are going to be promoted?

   Is he ready now? "

   "It's ready." The skeleton mage took out a notepad, quickly flipped through it, and said while flipping through it.

   "My lord, you should find two full-time secretaries. I can record the experimental data, but I really remember having a headache with my daily work."

   "I will find a way when new heroes appear in the tavern."

  Chen Wei also knew that he was short of manpower.

  Besides the secretary, the city lords of several cities and the patrolling heroes in the territory all need to find me again.

   In addition, Chen Wei also needs to form a staff group and a think tank.

   Chen Wei can divide up so many things.

  After all, Chen Wei himself knows very well that he is still very weak in terms of grand strategy.

  Sometimes he only thinks about what he wants to get, and he doesn't have the thinking of taking one step and seeing three steps like an old politician or an old military strategist.

  So it is very important that one or two groups provide Chen Wei with more ideas.

  Of course Chen Wei didn't tell these things now.

  He took a few of his men and walked towards another pier in Hongguang Town.

  The pier they were at just now was a fishing pier, and all the boats sailed were fishing boats.

   This time the pier they went to was a commercial pier.

  Although Chen Wei has not yet contacted other forces on this continent, some basic preparations have already begun.

  The merchants here are already thinking about what supplies or commodities are suitable for trading in Chen Wei's territory.

   After all, business must also consider political factors.

   It is impossible for Chen Wei to sell his most important supplies for a small amount of money.

  When he arrived at the pier here, Chen Wei found a chubby businessman counting the supplies around him.

  Chen Wei thought about it, and finally walked over.

   "Are you a merchant in this city?"

   Startled by Chen Wei's words, the businessman turned right instantly, and Chen Wei couldn't help laughing when he saw the businessman's situation.

  This businessman has red skin, and his race is Roshan Madman.

  (end of this chapter)

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